Postgraduate research


Company, Commercial and Financial Law

Dr Ben Adodo

  • Sale of goods transactions and law of agency
  • The mechanics of International sales contract
  • Marine insurance law
  • Carriage of goods by sea (charterparties and bills of lading)
  • Banking law
  • International banking law, including interbank electronic funds transfer
  • Conflict of Laws (private international law), International commercial litigations and enforcement of foreign judgments 

Dr Rufat Babayev

  • Contract law (human rights aspects)

Tony Cole

  • Company, commercial and financial law

Dr Tom Egbe

  • Maritime Law
  • International Carriage of Goods by Sea
  • International Sale of Goods 

Professor Peter Jaffey

  • Corporate law
  • Corporate governance
  • Trusts and equity

Edward Jones

  • Professional regulation

Dr Navajyoti Samanta

  • Comparative corporate governance
  • Financial market growth and development
  • Leximetrics
  • Company law

Dr Constantina Sampani

  • International Trade and Transport of Goods (by sea)
  • Interest in: Corporate Governance

Dr Paolo Vargiu

  • International commercial law
  • International economic law
  • International investment law

Dr Jing Wang

  • Competition law and policy in traditional and digital markets
  • International and comparative law

Dr Horace Yeung

  • Company law
  • Commercial law
  • Financial law
  • Comparative corporate governance

Constitutional Law

Dr Ed Bates

  • Constitutional law (human rights protection in UK law)

Professor Peter Cumper

  • Constitutional law (UK Parliament and UK constitutional reform)

Professor Loveday Hodson

  • Administrative and public law
  • Constitutional law

Dr Marc Loureiro

  • Colonial law 
  • Colonial legal history 
  • Citizenship and nationality law 
  • Comparative citizenship law 
  • Decolonial Legal Studies
  • Comparative constitutional law
  • Constitutional theory 
  • Constitutional rights theory 

Criminal Law, Criminal Justice and Criminology

Professor Paul Almond

  • Criminal law
  • Criminal justice
  • Criminology

Dr Daniel Bansal

  • Criminal law; including theory, doctrine, and comparative criminal law

Dr Melissa Bone

  • Criminology (especially in the area of drug policy)
  • Criminal justice

Professor Mandy Burton

  • Criminal justice
  • Criminal law 

Dr Tracey Elliott

  • Criminal law

Sarah Jane Fox

  • Policing/Criminology/Crime and Criminal/related police Laws and Policies including organised crime, cyber crime; cross border elements and data sharing
  • Security and Terrorism: particularly related to transport (e.g. aviation and 9/11) and space, cyber, and open spaces

Professor Sally Kyd

  • Criminal justice
  • Criminal law

Professor Carole McCartney

  • Criminal justice
  • Criminal evidence
  • Miscarriages of justice
  • Forensic science

Dr Charlotte Walsh

  • Criminology

Dispute Resolution

Masood Ahmed

  • Alternative dispute resolution (in particular mediation)
  • Arbitration law (international and commercial arbitration, including theoretical aspects)

Dr Adaeze Aniodoh

  • Alternative Methods of Dispute resolution

Tony Cole

  • Dispute resolution (including conflicts of laws)
  • Socio-legal studies, including criminal law and justice - relating to arbitration

Professor Pablo Cortes

  • Consumer redress
  • Online Dispute Resolution
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (Mediation, Arbitration, Ombudsman Schemes)
  • Comparative civil litigation (class actions, small claims, etc)

Dr Carla Crifo

  • Civil litigation
  • International law (private), including conflict of laws

Dr Simran Kalra

  • Alternative dispute resolution

Dr Constantina Sampani

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (arbitration, mediation)
  • Online dispute resolution
  • The impact of anthropological and socio-legal aspects on judicial mechanisms for dispute resolution
  • Commercial and Maritime Alternative Dispute Resolution

Dr Paolo Vargiu

  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • Arbitration law

Employment Law

Pascale Lorber

  • Employment law
  • Collective representation of workers and voices at work
  • Equality law in the workplace
  • International, European and comparative employment law

Dr Lisa Rodgers

  • Employment law
  • Employment status and precarious work
  • Theoretical approaches to employment and labour law
  • Equality, discrimination and inclusion in the workplace
  • Health and safety in the workplace.

Dr Oxana Golynker

  • Employment law
  • Reconciliation of work and family life
  • Equality, discrimination and inclusion in the workplace
  • Industrial action
  • Human rights in employment context

Environmental Law

Dr Olalekan Bello

  • Energy, Oil and Gas Investment Law
  • Environmental Climate Change and Sustainability law
  • Environmental Rights and Justice in Energy Frontiers
  • Transboundary Movement of Waste

Dr Beth Kamunge-Kpodo

  • International environmental law
  • Public participation in environmental decision making (particularly with regards to black women's participation)
  • Human right to food
  • Human right to a clean and healthy environment

European Law and Policy

Dr Rufat Babayev

  • EU Law (internal market law and conflict of laws)
  • Human rights

Dr Eugenia Caracciolo di Torella

  • Equality (in particular Gender) and the Law - Work/Life Balance, Family and Child Law, Caring and the Law 

Professor Adam Cygan

  • EU Brexit law

Dr Alan Desmond

  • Protection of migrants in European human rights law
  • EU immigration and asylum law
  • Free movement of persons

Dr Sarah Jane Fox

  • Mobility and transport (aviation/UAV’), Communications, and Energy
  • Space (defence and European Space Agency)
  • Migration, Home affairs, and Rights

Dr Oxana Golynker

  • Employment law
  • EU law 

Edward Jones

  • Employment law (especially regulation of dismissals)

Pascale Lorber

  • Employment law (national, European, international and comparative)

Dr Lisa Rodgers

  • Employment law
  • EU law (labour law, social rights)
  • Human rights (labour law, social rights)

Professor Bernard Ryan

  • Immigration law, nationality law and asylum law

Dr Ewa Zelazna

  • EU law, EU constitutional law,
  • EU external relations law

Professor Katja Ziegler

  • EU law (human rights, interaction of legal orders, multilevel constitutionalism

Human Rights

Dr Rufat Babayev

  • Economic rights

Dr Onder Bakircioglu

  • International human rights law

Dr Ed Bates

  • Constitutional law (human rights protection in UK law)
  • Human Rights and Civil Liberties (Law of the ECHR; legal regime of ECHR; human rights protection in UK law)

Dr Olalekan Bello

  • International human rights law and theory, especially environmental rights and justice

Ruth Brittle

  • International human rights law

Dr Maribel Canto-Lopez

  • Human Rights and Civil Liberties
  • Law of the ECHR
  • Extraterritoriality of Human Rights Treaties

Tony Cole

  • Human rights - relating to labor rights

Dr Stephen Crawford

  • Histories and theories of human rights in medieval and early modern thought

Professor Peter Cumper

  • European human rights law (ECHR Articles 9, 10, 11)
  • Law and religion (human rights related areas)
  • Freedom of expression (ECHR Article 10)

Dr Alan Desmond

  • Protection of migrants’ rights in national, regional and international systems of human rights protection

Professor Francois du Bois

  • Human Rights and Civil Liberties (impact on private law, esp. law of obligations)
  • Privacy (esp. issues of civil liability and interaction of private law and human rights)

Dr Loveday Hodson

  • Administrative and public law
  • Constitutional law,
  • Gender, sexuality and law/Feminist theory
  • Human rights and civil liberties

Edward Jones

  • Freedom of expression and private life in the workplace

Arwen Joyce

  • Human rights as they relate to the labour rights of migrant workers 

Dr Beth Kamunge-Kpodo

  • Public participation in environmental decision making (particularly with regards to black women's participation)
  • Human right to food
  • Human right to a clean and healthy environment

Satwant Kaur

  • International human rights law
  • Human rights and civil liberties

Dr Nataly Papadopoulou

  • End of life law and policy from a human rights, doctrinal, and comparative perspective
  • Assisted suicide and euthanasia
  • Human rights in healthcare (especially the European Convention of Human Rights)

Dr Stephen Riley

  • Human rights theory (especially human dignity as the foundation of human rights)

Dr Mark Searl

  • Human rights protection in Canada (anti-discrimination law, Canadian Charter of Rights of Freedoms)
  • International human rights law

Inga Thiemann

  • The intersection of human trafficking and labour exploitation with human rights law

Priscilla Vitoh

  • Human rights
  • Gender

Dr Charlotte Wick

  • International Human Rights Law
  • Freedom of Expression

Professor Liz Wicks

  • Human rights law (especially the Right to Life and Bodily Autonomy)
  • Human rights in healthcare
  • Aspects of the ECHR

Joe Wills

  • Human rights law (especially socioeconomic rights)
  • Animal rights

Professor Katja Ziegler

  • EU rights
  • ECHR
  • Comparative human rights

Immigration Law

Ruth Brittle

  • Refugee/asylum law, in particular children's rights and children's approaches to evaluating the law

Alan Desmond

  • International migration law
  • International refugee law, Migrants' rights, Protection of migrants in international human rights law
  • Nationality Law

Arwen Joyce

  • Labour rights of migrant workers (with a particular geographical interest in Asia)
  • Regulation of low-wage visa schemes
  • Socio-legal and comparative approaches to the study of labour migration and outcomes for migrant workers
  • Labour and family migration in the UK

Dr Marc Loureiro

  • Comparative citizenship law
  • Decolonial legal studies
  • Comparative constitutional law

Bernard Ryan

  • The history of immigration and nationality law (including both decolonisation and race discrimination)
  • Nationality law, covering British law, international law and comparative studies
  • UK, EU and international law relatinmg to border control
  • The EU settlement scheme

Inga Thiemann

  • Human trafficking and labour exploitation, as well as their intersections with gender and law, human rights law and public international law

Intellectual Property Law

Diana Dukhia

Alison Slade

  • Patent Law
  • IP Licensing
  • International IP Law
  • IP and Global Health

Ann Luk

  • Copyright law
  • Music and copyright

International Law

Dr Adaeze Aniodoh

  • International investment law

Dr Rufat Babayev

  • Economic rights

Dr Onder Bakircioglu

  • Public international law
  • Collective security system
  • Just war doctrine in Islam and Christianity

Dr Olalekan Bello

  • Environmental law

Dr Kimberley Brayson

  • Theory and history of human rights; human rights of the ECHR
  • Decolonial and feminist approaches to rights
  • Human rights and fascism
  • Human rights and Islamic dress
  • Alternatives to rights.

Dr Rossana Deplano

  • International Law (public)

Dr Alan Desmond

  • Migrants’ rights protection
  • Nationality law

Dr Joycelin Eze-Okubuiro

  • Public International Law
  • Critical Legal theories/TWAIL
  • International Legal History
  • Law of International Organisations
  • Relationship and Conflicts between states and non-state actors in law-making
  • Legal pedagogy/Decolonisation
  • International Development (Sustainable Development Goals, Development collaborations between states and Aid/Tied Aid.

Dr Sarah Jane Fox

  • Space Law and policies
  • Aviation law and policy
  • Shipping laws (mining and interdictions)
  • International policing and security

Dr Loveday Hodson

  • Gender, sexuality and law/Feminist theory
  • International law (public)

Arwen Joyce

  • International migration and refugee law 

Dr Simran Kalra

  • Comparative law
  • Legal pluralism
  • Transnational law

Dr Beth Kamunge-Kpodo

  • International environmental law

Satwant Kaur

  • History of international law/international criminal justice
  • International criminal tribunals and the international criminal coirt
  • ICC institutional and constitutional issues

Dr Sarina Landefeld

  • International human rights law/law of armed conflicts
  • Protection of civilians
  • Public international law
  • International law and history
  • International law and international relations

Dr Troy Lavers

  • International public law
  • International criminal law
  • Economic sanctions and certain aspects of constitutional law and human rights
  • Feminist perspective of international law

Dr Stefan Mandelbaum

  • General international law
  • International arbitration

Dr Eki Omorogbe

  • ICC institutional and constitutional issues
  • Public International Law - international and regional peace and security ( United Nations, African Union, peacekeeping, peace-enforcement, the use of force, intervention in civil conflicts, military humanitarian intervention, the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ doctrine)
  • International Criminal Court and African situations

Dr Maria Louca

  • Public International Law
  • International Procedural Law

Dr Arinze Okiche

  • International Trade Law
  • Competition Law
  • International Economic Law
  • African Economic Integration

Dr Nauman Reayat

Any of the following in developing democracies, Global South, authoritarian and hybrid regimes:

  • Constitutional law and politics
  • Judicial independence
  • Judicialisation of politics
  • Juristocracy
  • Human rights protection/enforcement
  • Rule of law and/or constitutionalism

Professor Bernard Ryan

  • Immigration law, nationality law and asylum law

Dr Mark Searl

  • International human rights law
  • International legal theory

Dr Paolo Vargiu

  • Public International Law

Priscilla Vitoh

  • International economic law
  • International development law

Dr Charlotte Wick

  • Genocide
  • International Criminal Law
  • International Criminal Courts

Dr Ewa Zelazna

  • International economic law, international trade, international investment

Professor Katja Ziegler

  • International law (public)
  • Use of force and accountability for the use of force in international and constitutional law

Law and Theory

Dr Olalekan Bello

  • Environmental storytelling and narrative enquiry
  • Legal theory and jurisprudence (modern and postmodern)
  • International human rights law and theory, especially human rights and justice

Stefano Bertea

  • Legal theory and jurisprudence
  • Philosophy of law
  • Political philosophy

Dr Kimberley Brayson

  • Feminist legal theories, legal theory, philosophy of law, jurisprudence, critical jurisprudence, critical theory
  • Comparative law, law and literature
  • Decolonisation and decolonial theory, race and gender, socio-economic class
  • Human rights
  • Islamic dress
  • Alternative pedagogies, epistemological pluralism, embodied epistemologies

Francois du Bois

  • Legal Theory and Jurisprudence (philosophy of private law, esp. law of obligations)
  • Philosophy of Law (philosophy of private law, esp. law of obligations)

Dr Stephen Crawford

  • Constitutional theory
  • Medieval and early modern histories of constitutional thought

Dr Clark Hobson

  • Jurisprudence/philosophy 

Loveday Hodson

  • Gender, sexuality and law/Feminist theory

Arwen Joyce

  • Labour law theory
  • Migration law theory

Dr Beth Kamunge-Kpodo

  • Epistemic oppression and the law
  • Black feminist theories of justice

Dr Marc Loureiro

  • Constitutional theory
  • Constitutional rights theory

Dr Stefan Mandelbaum

  • Legal theory
  • Political philosophy
  • German idealism
  • Critical theory

Dr Stephen Riley

  • Jurisprudence / philosophy of law
  • Human dignity and law
  • Future generations and law

Dr Mark Searl

  • Jurisprudence
  • Natural law theory

Joe Wills

  • Law and political theory
  • Animal rights
  • Critical theory


Dr Louise Austin

  • Informed consent
  • Medical negligence

Eugenia Caracciollo di Torella

  • Caring and the Law

Dr Tracey Elliott

  • Bioethics
  • Medical law and ethics

Dr Clark Hobson

  • Informed consent
  • Assisted suicide and euthanasia

Professor José Miola

  • Access to innovative treatments
  • Consent
  • Liability issues
  • Medical decision-making, including by AI entities

Dr Nataly Papadopoulou

  • End of life law and policy from a human rights, doctrinal, and comparative perspective
  • Assisted suicide and euthanasia
  • Human rights in healthcare (especially the European Convention of Human Rights)

Professor Liz Wicks

  • Medical Law and Ethics (especially beginning and end of life issues, and faith and belief in healthcare)

Private Law

Dr Rufat Babayev

  • Contract law (human rights aspects)

Barbara Bogusz

  • Land Law

Francois du Bois

  • Comparative Law (general theoretical aspects and private law, esp. law of obligations
  • Commercial Law (commercial aspects of contract and tort law)
  • Contract Law (including comparative and philosophical/theoretical analysis)
  • Tort Law (including comparative and philosophical/theoretical analysis)
  • Personal Injury Law (including comparative and philosophical/theoretical analysis)
  • Defamation Law (including comparative and philosophical/theoretical analysis)
  • Human Rights and Civil Liberties (impact on private law, esp. law of obligations)
  • Privacy (esp. issues of civil liability and interaction of private law and human rights)

John Hartshorne

  • Issues relating to the Law of Tort, especially the protection of privacy

Nicola Jackson

  • Trusts Law, particularly trustees powers and duties, validity and formation of trusts, and offshore trusts
  • Aspects of Land Law, such as title registration, overreaching, equitable doctrines such as proprietary estoppel
  • Contract law

Peter Jaffey

  • Restitution and unjust enrichment
  • The common law and common law reasoning
  • Remedies
  • Theory of contract
  • Private property
  • Private law

Socio-legal Studies

Paul Almond

  • Criminal justice
  • Criminology
  • Regulation and governance studies

Dr Olalekan Bello

  • Law and literature (African pre- and post-colonial literature)
  • Postcolonial and decolonisation theory
  • Legal cultures, traditions and history (from the global perspective)

Melissa Bone

  • Criminology (especially in the area of drug policy) and criminal justice

Dr Kimberley Brayson

  • Feminist legal theories, legal theory, philosophy of law, jurisprudence, critical jurisprudence, critical theory
  • Comparative law, law and literature
  • Decolonisation and decolonial theory, race and gender, socio-economic class
  • Human rights
  • Islamic dress
  • Alternative pedagogies, epistemological pluralism, embodied epistemologies

Dr Ruth Brittle

  • Children's rights and children's rights approaches to evaluating the law

Mandy Burton

  • Criminal justice

Eugenia Caracciolo di Torella

  • Equality (in particular Gender) and the Law
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Family and Child Law
  • Caring and the Law

Tony Cole

  • Socio-legal studies, including criminal law and justice - relating to arbitration

Pablo Cortés

  • Consumer redress
  • Online Dispute Resolution
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (Mediation, Arbitration, Ombudsman Schemes)
  • Comparative civil litigation (class actions, small claims, etc)

Dr Joycelin Eze Okubuiro

  • Critical legal theories/TWAIL/decolonisation/legal pedagogy
  • Legal history
  • Relationship and conflicts between states and non-state actors in law-making
  • Development/aid

Sarah Jane Fox

  • Policing/Criminology/Crime and Criminal/related police Laws and Policies including organised crime, cyber crime; cross border elements and data sharing
  • Security and Terrorism: particularly related to transport (e.g. aviation and 9/11) and space, cyber, and open spaces

Loveday Hodson

  • Administrative and public law
  • Constitutional law
  • Gender, sexuality and law/Feminist theory
  • Human rights and civil liberties
  • International law (public)

Arwen Joyce

  • Socio-legal and comparative approaches to the study of low-wage temporary migrant worker programmes and outcomes for migrant workers

Dr Sinmran Kalra

  • Family law
  • Feminist legal studies
  • Law and religion
  • Socio-legal studies

Dr Beth Kamunge-Kpodo

  • Food and environmental justice
  • Creative and arts-based methodologies
  • Participatory action research in socio-legal research
  • Black women in the legal profession (the lived experiences of...)

Sally Kyd

  • Criminal justice
  • Criminal law

Dr Marc Loureiro

  • Citizenship and nationality law

Ann Luk

  • Interdisciplinary research between psychology and law
  • Intellectual property and copyright law
  • Empirical research into jurisprudence, legal theory and morality

Dr Constantina Sampani

  • The impact of anthropological and socio-legal aspects on judicial mechanisms for dispute resolution

Inga Thiemann

  • The intersection of gender and law with human trafficking and labour exploitation

Charlotte Walsh

  • Criminology

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