Postgraduate research
Physics and Astronomy
- Planet formation
- Protoplanetary discs
- Star formation
- Super-massive black hole growth
- White dwarfs
- Sirius-type binaries
- Interstellar medium
- Stellar atmosphere modelling
- Formation and evolution of galaxies
- Complete luminosity of galaxies
- Use and details of gravitational lensing, again focussed mainly on its effects on infrared sources
- Investigating the nature of the ultra luminous galaxies
Dr Matt Burleigh
- Search for transiting exoplanets
- White dwarfs
- Sirius-type binaries
- White dwarfs
- Brown Dwarfs
- Irradiated atmospheres
- Searching for Transiting brown dwarfs
- X-ray astronomy
- Active Galactic Nuclei
- Detector physics
- Space instrumenation
- Picosecond phton timing
- Astroparticle physics
Dr Paul McMillan
- Galaxy formation, structure, and dynamics
- The Milky Way and Galactic archaeology
- Models and simulations of galaxies
Professor Sergei Nayakshin
- Planetary/Stellar formation modelling
- Active Galactic Nuclei
- X-ray observations
- Investigating compact objects in the universe
- Black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)
- Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRB) at all wavelengths across a wide range in redshift
- Sources of gravitational waves
- Quantum dots
- Scanning tunnelling microscopy
- Electronic structure of semiconductor nanostructures
- Graphene photodetectors
- Gamma-ray bursts and tidal disruption events
- Radio and X-ray transients
- Active Galactic Nuclei
- Gravitational wave sources
- Gamma-ray bursts
- Galaxy evolution and reionization
- Active galactic nuclei (AGN)
- Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and black hole X-ray binaries in our Galaxy
- Probes of strong gravity, time series astronomy, Bayesian data analysis in astronomy, and dust-scattering from GRBs
- Astrostatistics, especially time series analysis
- Galaxy formation
- Properties of dark matter using observations of the satellite galaxies which orbit the Milky Way
- Dynamical models of the Milky Way
Earth Observation Science
Dr Michael Barkley
- Satellite trace gas retrieval algorithms
- Global mapping of atmospheric composition and sources using satellites
- Differential Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS)
- Integration of field and aircraft measurements with complex models and satellite data
- Global and regional modelling of atmospheric chemistry
- Biogenic VOCs emissions and their impact on climate
- Quantitative spectroscopic laboratory measurements for atmospheric remote sensing of trace gases
- Atmospheric radiative transfer modelling
- Monitoring trace gases in the atmosphere using satellite instruments
- Comparisons of satellite-derived atmospheric trace-gas distributions with models
- Atmospheric chemistry
- Climate and Earth System Model evaluation
- Remote sensing and land surface modelling of the carbon cycle, methane and wildfires
- Improving our understanding of the global methane budget
- Developing Digital Twins of the Earth System using remote sensing, climate modelling and artificial intelligence
- Physics of aerosols, clouds, precipitation, and their interactions
- Radiative transfer for lidar and visible/infrared imagery
- Optimal estimation retrieval methods and assessment of uncertainties
- Utilising Earth Observation for climate and environmental science
- Linking surface change with atmospheric composition
- Improving the uptake of global-scale satellite land surface temperature
- Anthropogenic emissions of atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases
- Detecting heat stress signatures in solar induced fluorescence in intensive agricultural regions
- Using Earth Observation to test efficacy of environmental policies
- Atmospheric aerosol measurement and low cost optical sensors
- Environmental data for healthcare
- Indoor air quality measurement and management
- Environmentally sustainable transport
Planetary Science
- Development of instrumentation and detector systems for planetary science and terrestrial applications
- Exploitation of high-energy cosmic ray and solar radiation with planetary surfaces
- Space nuclear power systems
- Radioisotope thermoelectric generators, heater units and novel radioisotope containment systems
- Physical properties of small bodies and impacts.
- Exploration of asteroids and planetary surfaces
- Study of collisions on Moon and Phobos
Professor Nigel Bannister
- Space instrumentation development
- Mission analysis
- Observational astronomy
- Technology developments for terrestrial applications
- Early Solar System processes
- Origen of asteroids and comets
- Evolution of Mars
- Surface of planetary bodies, particularly the evolution of the Mars surface and climate
- Giant rotating magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn
- Dynamic auroral emissions in the upper atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn
- Solar wind charge exchange X-ray emission at Earth & other Solar System bodies
- Distribution of exospheric neutral hydrogen
- Solar wind magnetospheric ionosperic coupling
- SMILE with associated ground & space-based solar-terrestrial physics
- Characterising giant planet systems via spacecraft and telescope observations
- Atmospheric dynamics and chemistry from Cassini, Juno, JUICE and JWST
- Infrared observations of icy ocean worlds around giant planets
- Planetary origins from bulk atmospheric composition
Professor Ian Hutchinson
- Space instrumentation for planetary exploration and astrophysics
- Raman spectroscopy
- X-ray spectroscopy
- Planetary surface science (Mars, Europa)
- Astrobiology
- In situ spacecraft measurements of magnetic field and plasma data
- Ground-based radar measurements of the ionospheric plasma velocity using the SuperDARN radar network
- Images of the auroral ovals taken from polar orbiting spacecraft
Professor Mark Lester
- Ground-based radar measurements of Earth’s ionosphere
- Mars’ ionosphere and solar wind interactions
- Magnetospheric and ionospheric physics within the solar system
- Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
- Coordinated ground- and space-based studies of the aurora
- Solar wind transients and imaging the inner heliosphere
- UV observations of the auroras (‘northern lights’) of Jupiter and Saturn
- Modelling of the magnetospheres of gas giants
- Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, exoplanets and brown dwarfs
- Ionospheres of unmagnetized planets (Mars, Venus) and solar wind interactions
- Planetary Space Weather
- Solar wind in situ spacecraft measurements of magnetic field and plasma data
- Propagation of solar wind transients in the heliosphere
Dr Darren Wright
- Dynamics of the terrestrial magnetosphere, ionosphere and ring current during geomagnetic storms
- Ionospheric plasma flows and the high energisation of ring current plasma
- Heavy ion outflow from the upper atmosphere resulting from various geomagnetic conditions
- ULF waves
- Solar wind-magnetosphere coupling
- Magnetospheric substorms
Space Projects and Instrumentation
- Space instrumentation and BepiColombo to Mercury
- Astrobiology
- Novel uses of instrumentation and technology to address science problems.
- Space instrumentation development
- Advanced instrumentation for diagnosis in medicine
- Space nuclear power systems
- Radioisotope/nuclear fuels research for space
- Radioisotope containment research
- Radioisotope thermoelectric generators, heater units and containment systems