Human Health

Our world is a work in progress

Explore our research

Human Health

We change lives. From diabetes and cancer to ethnic health, lifestyle interventions and COVID-19, our researchers improve the treatment and quality of life of our patients, both locally and globally.

A deeper dive into our human health research

Health touches everyone’s lives. Whether a family member who’s had COVID-19 or a friend living with cancer, we all know someone who’s faced a life-changing medical challenge. With £40 million of competitively won funding secured annually for health-related research, we are leading the way in the study of cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, diabetes and cancer, and most recently COVID-19. In the world’s top 20 for our clinical medicine group and fifth in the UK (Shanghai Global Rankings 2020), our clinical research improves the treatment and quality of life of our patients, both locally and globally.

Our researchers are there for every breath and every heartbeat. We have an international reputation for our work on respiratory diseases including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and infectious respiratory diseases, boasting the UK’s largest respiratory health department. We have an equally prominent reputation for cardiovascular research that spans the full spectrum from bench to bedside. Our cardiovascular research is currently exploring the links between blood pressure and strokes, a leading cause of death that affects 100,000 people every year in the UK alone and costs the UK economy £8 billion per year.

This world-changing research is conducted at the University, Glenfield Hospital, Leicester General Hospital and Leicester Royal Infirmary. These collaborations are so powerful in bringing together a broad range of expertise to provide new insight into many aspects human health, whilst the NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre translates scientific breakthroughs into diagnostic tests, preventions and life-saving treatments for our patients.

Another area of exceptional research is in tackling diabetes. The Leicester Diabetes Centre is globally recognised as an ‘International Centre of Excellence’ by the International Diabetes Federation. Meanwhile at our Leicester Cancer Research Centre we facilitate world-leading research in cancer prevention, early detection, and cutting-edge treatments. This is underpinned by a strong focus on translational research studies, and patient-centred approaches for patients with cancer or at risk of cancer. 

The coronavirus pandemic has put our health into focus globally, and we are proud to be in the top ten UK universities for our COVID-19 research, with more than £10million of funding awarded to the university. Our work is receiving global recognition, including trailblazing research into the links between ethnic minority groups and their vulnerability to severe cases of COVID-19, and those living with the effects of COVID-19 in our post-hospitalisation studies.

Our research in health is moulded by the people of Leicester. The real-world communities around us that form a stable, multi-ethic and multicultural society that spans generations, are reflected in our health research. We know that when we understand our city and all its intricacies, we can get to the truth of exactly how certain diseases effect specific groups.

We research to fight deadly diseases, changing and improving thousands of lives through our cutting-edge health research.

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