Social justice

Our world is a work in progress

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Social Justice

We fight for justice. Our academics research societal issues to bring equality, community cohesion, justice and inclusion across the globe.

A deeper dive into our social justice research

Our researchers are committed to the continued representation of vulnerable groups. This vital work includes investigating hate crime, exploring the risks of gentrification and supporting the victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence. We seek to protect the youngest in society, with world-leading work investigating the outcomes of pre-term babies. These issues are never far from the news headlines, and our academics are leading the way in tackling these challenging issues head on with research that centres on the needs of vulnerable individuals and communities. 

Our research into social issues and injustice is world-renowned. The Leicester Hate Crime Project is the world’s biggest ever study of hate crime victimisation, uncovering new insights into the nature and extent of hate crime and the impact these offences have on victims, families and wider communities. The team at the Centre for Hate Studies are leading a range of new projects, including a study of hate crime in higher education and an analysis of domestic extremism and what draws people to the far right. The team has joined forces with regional partners, such as Police and Crime Commissioner’s offices, local authorities and third sector organisations to identify ways of responding more effectively to hate crime.

As well as leading the way on research that is beneficial both locally and nationally, we tackle global challenges by driving development-related, challenge-led research. Our research addresses inequality globally, improving the quality of life of people living in chronic disadvantage across the world. 

From fighting tuberculosis in South Africa by manufacturing affordable testing methods, to using developing kits to collect forensic DNA that can bring justice for sexual abuse victims, to fighting antibiotic resistance; our research experts are strongly committed to supporting healthy and sustainable development. 

We’re proud our successes around Global Challenge Research Funding (GCRF), with the University of Leicester becoming just one of three research-intensive universities in the UK regarded as being ‘outstanding’ for our GCRF strategy. We’ve honed our research to addresses the challenges faced by people living in chronic economic disadvantage across the world.

As part of our GCRF work we are part of the Nairobi Alliance — an international partnership with the universities of Nairobi, Malawi, Rwanda, and Witwatersrand — that was launched in 2020 as part of our GCRF work and has enabled collaborative research between academics across these institutions. 

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