Social Justice experts

Our research fights for justice and inclusion

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Social justice experts

To be a researcher is to make a difference. To be a researcher is to change the world. Learn more about our experts.

Professor Clare Anderson

Clare Anderson is an expert on the history of prisons and penal colonies from the 15th century to the present day, with research including the management of infectious diseases and pandemics in jails.

Professor Anderson's expertise
Clare Anderson

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Professor Mike Barer

As Professor of Clinical Microbiology, Professor Barer's areas of expertise are Respiratory, Clinical Microbiology, Tuberculosis and COVID19.

Professor Barer's expertise
mike barer profile

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Professor Mandy Burton

Professor Mandy Burton researches in the fields of criminal law, criminal justice and family law. Her expertise is in legal responses to domestic abuse in the criminal and family justice systems.

Professor Burton's expertise
Mandy Burton headshot

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Dr Paul Ian Campbell

Paul Ian Campbell, Lecturer in Sociology, explores the themes of race and ethnicity, and local and professional football from a sociological and historical perspective.

Dr Campbell's expertise
Dr Paul Ian Campbell profile

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Professor Neil Chakraborti

Neil Chakraborti, Professor in Criminology and Director of the Centre for Hate Studies, is a leading expert in hate crime and violence against minorities.

Professor Chakraborti's expertise
Professor Neil Chakraborti

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Professor Panicos Demetriades

As Professor of Financial Economics at the University of Leicester, Professor Demetriades has expert knowledge in Economic Impact, Banking Crisis and Response of central Banks.

Professor Demetriades' expertise
panicos demetriades profile

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Professor Elizabeth Draper

Elizabeth Draper, Professor of Perinatal and Paediatric Epidemiology, is investigating the impact of COVID-19 on neonatal and paediatric intensive care.

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Professor Elizabeth Draper

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Professor Martin Halliwell

Martin Halliwell is Professor of American Studies and Head of the School of Arts. His expertise is in the cultural history of health and healthcare in the US.

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martin halliwell profile

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Professor Mark A. Jobling

Mark Jobling researches how DNA diversity arises in human and animal populations, and what this tells us about the past. Work on DNA diversity and the Y-chromosome aids forensic practitioners and policy-makers in the UK and overseas.

Professor Jobling's expertise
Professor Mark Jobling headshot

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Professor Samantha Johnson

Professor Samantha Johnson contributes to development of clinical guidelines and standards of care for babies admitted to neonatal care after birth. Her experience in design and conduct of longitudinal cohort studies and clinical trials of perinatal and neonatal interventions.

Professor Johnson's expertise
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Dr Zovanga L. Kone

Dr Zovanga Kone researches issues relating to migration and labour market outcomes. He focuses on the impact of migration on the labour market of host and origin countries, and the efficacy of visa policies. 

Dr Kone's expertise
Zovanga Kone headshot

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Professor Richard Sandell

Professor Richard Sandell collaborates with museums, galleries and heritage organisations. He explores the role museum's play in supporting human rights, social justice, and equality in order to impact real people and communities. 

Professor Sandell's expertise
Richard Sandell headshot

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Professor Teela Sanders

Teela Sanders, Professor in Criminology, is exploring the impact of COVID-19 and its management on female sex workers in Kenya.

Professor Sanders' expertise
Professor Teela Sanders

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Professor Lisa Smith

Lisa Smith researches new ways to secure DNA evidence to support rape prosecutions in low resource environments. Focuses on judicial decision making to ensure forensic science is not misused in the criminal justice system.  

Professor Smith's expertise
Professor Lisa Smith headshot

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Professor Stephen Wood

As a Work Psychologist and Employment Relations Specialist, Professor Wood specialises in mental health and stress, absenteeism/presenteeism and work-family conflict and homeworking.

Professor Wood's expertise
stephen wood profile

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