
Professor Mike Barer

Professor of Clinical Microbiology and Honorary Consultant Microbiologist

Mike Barer

School/Department: Respiratory Sciences, Department of



Mike's research is focussed on understanding the different relationships between microbes and humans including those that support health and those that lead to disease. In recent years he has concentrated on airborne infections, particularly Tuberculosis and COVD-19 detected by Facemask Sampling.

He has pioneered use of 3D printed polyvinyl acetate strips in facemasks to trap exhaled bacteria and viruses. His team have recently shown that the abundance of microbes trapped in the mask gives a clearer indication of how infectious individuals are than any established test.

Mike's work is part of the University of Leicester’s portfolio of Global Challenges Research Fund projects, carrying out cutting-edge research in partnership with local universities, policymakers and communities that addresses the challenges faced by countries experiencing chronic disadvantage.

Mike's basic scientific studies are concerned with how the function or physiology of bacteria is reflected in the patterns of infection we see. This work includes detailed studies on TB and on the Microbiome of human lungs in health and disease.   


Mike's research is focussed on understanding the different relationships between microbes and humans including those that support health and those that lead to disease. In recent years he has concentrated on airborne infections, particularly Tuberculosis and COVD-19 detected by Facemask Sampling.

He has pioneered use of 3D printed polyvinyl acetate strips in facemasks to trap exhaled bacteria and viruses. His team have recently shown that the abundance of microbes trapped in the mask gives a clearer indication of how infectious individuals are than any established test.

Mike's work is part of the University of Leicester’s portfolio of Global Challenges Research Fund projects, carrying out cutting-edge research in partnership with local universities, policymakers and communities that addresses the challenges faced by countries experiencing chronic disadvantage.

Mike's basic scientific studies are concerned with how the function or physiology of bacteria is reflected in the patterns of infection we see. This work includes detailed studies on TB and on the Microbiome of human lungs in health and disease.   


Bafadhel M, Clark TW, Reid C, Medina, MJ, Batham S, Barer MR, Nicholson KG, Brightling CE. Procalcitonin and C-reactive protein in hospitalized adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia or exacerbation of asthma or COPD. Chest 2011;139(6):1410-8

Cheah ES, Malkin J, Free RC, Lee SM, Perera N, Woltmann G, Patel H, Kimmitt PT, Smith RJ, Rajakumar K, Barer MR. A two-tube combined TaqMan/SYBR Green assay to identify microbacteria and detect single global lineage-defining polymorphisms in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J Mol Diagn 2010;12(2):250-6

Mukamolova GV, Turapov O, Malkin J, Woltmann G, Barer M. Resuscitation-promoting factors reveal an occult population of tubercle Baccilli in sputum. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2010;181(2):174-80

Pardini M, Niemann S, Varaine F, Iona E, Meacci F, Orru G, Yesilkaya H, Jarosz T, Andrew P, Barer M, Checchi F, Rinder H, Orefici G, Rusch-Gerdes S, Fattorini L, Oggioni MR, Bonnet M. Characteristics of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Abkhazia (Georgia), a high-prevalence area in Eastern Europe. Tuberculosis (Edinb) 2009;89:317-24.

Mukamolova GV, Turapov O, Malkin J, Woltmann G, Barer MR, Resuscitation promoting factors reveal an occult population of tubercle bacilli in sputum. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009 epub online.

Malkin J, Shrimpton A, Wiselka M, Barer MR, Duddridge M, Perera N. Olecranon bursitis secondary to Mycobacterium kansasii infection in a patient receiving infliximab for Behcet's disease. J Med Microbiol 2009;59(3):371-3

Garton NJ, Waddell SJ, Sherratt AL, Lee SM, Smith RJ, Senner C, Hinds J, Rajakumar K, Adegbola RA, Besra GS, Butcher PB,Barer MR. Cytological and transcript analyses reveal fat and lazy persister-like bacilli in tuberculous sputum. PLoS Med 2008;5(4):e75.

Stanley EC, Mole RJ, Smith RJ, Glenn SM, Barer MR, McGowan M, Rees CE, Development of a new, combined rapid method using phage and PCR for detection and identification of viable Mycobacterium paratuberculosis bacteria within 48 hours. Appl Environ Microbiol 2007;73(6):1851-7.

Ou HY, Ju CT, Thong KL, Ahmad N, Deng Z, Barer MR, Rajakumar K. Translational genomics to develop a salmonella enterica serovar paratyphi A multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay. J Mol Diagn 2007;9(5):624-30.

Ou HY, He X, Harrison EM, Kulasekara BR, Thani AB, Kadioglu A, Lory S, Hinton JC, Barer MR, Deng Z, Rajakumar K. MobilomeFINDER: web-based tools for in silico and experimental discovery of bacterial genomic islands. Nucleic Acids Res 2007;35(Web Server issue): W97-W104.

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