About the University of Leicester

Facts and figures

The University of Leicester is a leading UK university committed to international excellence through the creation of world changing research and high quality, inspirational teaching. Leicester is consistently one of the most socially inclusive of the UK’s leading universities with a long-standing commitment to providing fairer and equal access to higher education.

In numbers

We are home to a thriving global community of more than 20,000 students and 4,000 staff.

An inclusive University

  • 20% of students are from the most deprived areas in the UK
  • Leicester recruits a higher percentage of students from low participation neighbourhoods than all but one any of the Russell Group universities.

Local students

  • 32% of students are from the East Midlands
  • 22% of students are from Leicester and Leicestershire.

Global alumni

  • We have 208,741 alumni; 55,785 of which are overseas
  • Our international alumni are from 198 countries across the globe and we have dedicated alumni chapters in Hong Kong, Ghana, New Delhi and Nigeria
  • We have raised £19.84 million in donations in the last five years from 2,672 individual donors.

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