Postgraduate research
Psychology and Vision Sciences
Health and Wellbeing (with Aging)
- Physical Activity and Mental Health
- Health promotion in clinical populations
- Physical health implications of mental illness
- improving understanding and support for people with mental health problems related to long-term physical illness
- stroke and other neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s Disease
- development, evaluation, and implementation of complex interventions
- Social determinants of physical and mental health (impact of, perceptions of, meta-research on)
- Social cognition and judgments of inequality
- Psychological mediators of socioeconomic health inequalities
- Community engagement, empowerment and psychological wellbeing
- Judgement and decision making
- Counterfactual thinking
- Risk taking
- Impacts of neurological conditions on wellbeing of individuals and families (Huntington’s disease in particular, but interested in neurological conditions and acquired brain injury generally)
- Understanding wellbeing and intervention in end-of-life care
- Developing psychological interventions to improve mental health in people with long-term conditions, their family members, and their caregivers
- Understanding cognitive and wellbeing changes in typical ageing
- Developmental psychopathology, i.e., aetiology of psychopathological problems from a life course perspective.
- Victimology, e.g., causes and consequences of intimate partner violence, childhood maltreatment, adverse childhood experiences.
- Psychopathy, e.g., correlates of psychopathic personality traits, exploration of 'successful' psychopathy
- Physical and psychological health of people in prison
- Resettlement following prison
- Neurodiversity in the criminal justice system
- Offender rehabilitation and treatment readiness
- Outcomes from prison and forensic mental health services
- Health-related judgement and decision making
- Personality and Individual Differences: various aspects of personality traits, including their measurement, structure, and implications in different domains.
- Well-being and Mental Health: psychological well-being of individuals and its relationship with mental health, with a particular emphasis on factors influencing well-being.
- Health Psychology: the intersection of personality, well-being, and health outcomes, including studies on self-compassion, sleep quality, and their impact on psychological well-being in specific health conditions.
- Psychometrics: Development and validation of measurement instruments, such as scales for assessing resilience, cognitive screening tools, and well-being assessments.
- Cognitive Psychology: cognitive screening tools, including their validation, reliability, and effectiveness in assessing cognitive functioning in various populations.
- Social Psychology: social factors influencing psychological well-being, including the impact of social norms, social ranking, and social interactions on individual happiness and mental health.
Professor Elizabeta Mukaetova-Ladinska
- Development and validation of of culture fair cognitive and behavioural assessment tools
- Psychological and environmental risk factors for age-related mental health disorders, including dementia
- Improving accessibility to mental health provision in older people from ethnic minority backgrounds
- Peripheral blood biomarkers for dementia
- Antisocial behaviour aggression and offending
- Health and wellbeing in prisons
- Forensic psychology in general
- Social inequality and mental health
- Socio-emotional and behavioural development/mental health across the lifespan
- Child and adolescent conduct problems/antisocial behaviour
- Family functioning/parenting
- Life-limiting/threatening conditions
- Cancer research (multi-ethnic perspectives)
- Qualitative methodologies
- PPI (Patient and Public Involvement) in health research
- Health inequalities
- Staff distress and resilience in the workplace (with current interests in cumulative impacts of unacknowledged trauma experience of complaints and development of interventions to support significant work transitions)
- Cognitive and emotional responses (such as shame and stigma) experienced by people and their families living with long term health issues and their impact on adjustment consultation and condition management
- Assessing sleep using subjective and objective measures and its implications for cognition and mental health in the general child population and in clinical paediatric populations
- Neurodevelopmental and academic outcomes following extremely preterm birth
- Mathematical cognition in typical and atypical populations.
- Health and wellbeing in the workplace
- Coaching Psychology and Coaching effectiveness
- Compassion at work and in education
Pedagogical Research
A number of academics within Psychology and Vision Sciences have expertise in the conduct and supervision of pedagogical research.
Please contact either Tessa Webb or Robin Green in the first instance to discuss the possibilities available.
Vision Sciences
- Cognitive aspects of reading development
- Differences between oral and silent reading
- Individual differences in typical and atypical reading development
- Technological approaches for Neurological rehabilitation
- Visuo-vestibular contributions to cognition in health and disease
- Mitigation strategies for motion sickness
- Visual, auditory, and cross modal perception
- Attentional Control
- Short-term memory
- Attentional control across the lifespan in neurotypical and clinical populations
- Computational modelling of memory coding mechanisms with neural networks.
- Study of visual perception and memory coding in humans with single-cell recordings.
- Understanding how duration information is processed and represented in our brain.
- Using purely visual manipulations to induce changes in our perception of the passage of time.
- Investigating temporal deficits in neurological and psychiatric conditions.
- Probing people’s confidence in their choices to separate sensory-based and decision-b
- ased components of perceptual judgments.
- Analyzing systematic inter-individual variability in visual performance to confirm or discover the existence of perceptual channels in our brain.
- Memory
- Working memory
- Visual organisation
- Executive functioning
- Search and foraging
- Variations in these functions caused by ageing and individual differences in health and lifestyle
- Virtual reality
- Brain stimulation
- Neuropsychological testing
- Variations in these functions caused by ageing and individual differences in health and lifestyle
- Virtual reality, brain stimulation, neuropsychological testing
- the relationship between cognition and brain functioning, and real-world outcomes across the lifespan
- the influence of cognition and brain functioning on risk-taking behaviours and mental health in adolescence and young adults
- the influence of lifestyle factors such as diet, physical activity, and sleep on cognitive ageing.
- Individual differences in cognitive intervention
- The effects of multidomain virtual reality (VR) cognitive training programme on cognitive control in healthy older adults
- Multisensory integration and cognitive control in aging
- Social cognition and aging
Richard Leadbeater
- Utilising psychophysical and computational methods to understand the mechanisms of visual perception and plasticity in the visual system.
- Exploring the impacts of eye disease on visual function: Developing novel visual assessments for the enhanced monitoring of eye diseased.
- Cognitive mechanisms underlying reading
- How reading differs between different populations
- Effects of eye disease/disorder on reading
- Eye movement behaviour during cognitive tasks (e.g. reading, visual search)
- Individual differences in visual search strategies
- External and internal determinants of search strategy
- Individual differences in decision making and the role of expertise.
- Individual differences in child's reading development.
- Cross-linguistics differences in language processing across the lifespan.
- Word learning via reading experience.
- Understanding the neural basis of the cognitive processes (e.g. language, memory, vision, attention...) in typical and atypical populations (e.g., people with dyslexia, autism, etc).
- The role of cognitive, pedagogical, social, environmental an spatial factors in learning in the classroom.
- Cognitive processes in reading across the lifespan, different writing systems (e.g., Arabic, Chinese, English), and in first (L1) and second-language (L2) readers.
- The use of simultaneous recording of eye movements and EEG to investigate cognitive processes in reading.
- Investigating reading and reading development in people with visual impairment.
- Auditory distraction and its effects on reading and learning in different age groups and populations, (e.g., school-aged children, college and university students, older people).
- Optical coherence tomography imaging in paediatric eye diseases
- Developmental eye diseases
- Clinical trials in visual diseases
- Reading studies
- Amblyopia
- Nystagmus and albinism
- Iris and glare studies
- Attention
- Visual Stability
- Sensorimotor learning
- Real-world eye-tracking
- Eye-gaze assistive communication. All in specific populations (ageing) and in certain conditions (Dementia, Parkinson, Schizophrenia)
- Multisensory perception
- Ageing & Cognition
- Imaging of the Visual Pathway
- Developing Diagnostic Systems Using Artificial Intelligence
- Developing Novel Treatments for Eye Diseases
- The cognitive mechanisms underpinning reading
- How reading differs between different populations (e.g. older adults, people with low literacy, reading in an additional language)
- Reading in different languages and writing systems
- Participatory approaches to language research
- Eye Movement Behaviour During Reading
- Visual Word Recognition
- Reading Strategy
- Cross-Linguistic Differences in Reading Eye Movement Behaviour
- Childhood Eye Cancer (Retinoblastoma) Early diagnosis, guided treatment and prognosis prediction using new imaging techniques.
- Normal and abnormal ocular development.
- Visual Functional Tests (ERG and VEP) in Human and Animal
- Medical imaging AI
- Transnational Medical Education