Dr Aurelio Bruno
Lecturer in Psychology and Vision Sciences

School/Department: Psychology and Vision Sciences, School of
Address: Room GDC 1.08, George Davies Centre, Lancaster Rd, Leicester LE1 7HB
I completed my Ph.D. in Psychology and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Florence, Italy, working on the plasticity of vision during saccadic eye-movements with Prof. Maria Concetta Morrone and Prof. David Burr. I then worked as a research fellow in the Vision Research Laboratory at University College London, where I conducted experiments on spatio-temporal distortions of visual perception in clinical and neurotypical participants with Prof. Alan Johnston, supported by Human Frontiers, The Leverhulme Trust and The Wellcome Trust. In 2019, I was awarded a Wellcome Trust Research Career Re-Entry Fellowship to work on a four-year project titled "Temporal Aspects of Gaze Perception in Autism" at the University of York. In 2023, I joined the University of Leicester as Lecturer in Psychology and Vision Sciences.
My research is mainly focused on visual perception, visual cognition, time perception, individual differences and metacognition.
I am specifically interested in how duration information is encoded in our brain to have a better understanding of temporal deficits in clinical populations.
The methodologies I use for my experiments are a mixture of psychophysical, electrophysiological, neuroimaging and eye-tracking techniques, as well as computational modelling.
A complete and updated list of my research output can be found on ResearchGate or Google Scholar.
Segala FG, Bruno A, Aung MT, Wade AR & Baker, DH (2023). Different rules for binocular combination of luminance flicker in cortical and subcortical pathways. eLife, 12:RP87048,
Bruno A, Sudkamp J & Souto, D (2023). A metacognitive approach to the study of motion-induced duration biases reveals inter-individual differences in forming confidence judgements. Journal of Vision, 23(3):15, 1-20,
Baker, DH, Vilidiate G, McClarnon E, Valkova E, Bruno A, Millman R (2020). Binaural summation of amplitude modulation involves weak interaural suppression. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-14,
Corcoran AW, Groot C, Bruno A, Johnston A, Cropper SJ (2018). Individual differences in first- and second-order temporal judgment. PLoS ONE, 13(2): e0191422,
Bruno A & Cicchini, GM (2016). Multiple Channels of Visual Time Perception. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 8:131–139,
Bruno, A, Ayhan, I & Johnston, A (2015). Changes in apparent duration follow shifts in perceptual timing. Journal of Vision, 15(6):2, 1-18,
Bruno, A, Ng, E & Johnston, A (2013). Motion direction specificity for adaptation-induced duration compression depends on temporal frequency. Journal of Vision, 13(12):19, 1-11,
Ayhan, I, Revina Y, Bruno A & Johnston A (2012). Duration judgments over multiple elements. Frontiers in Psychology, 3 (459): 1-8,
Bruno, A, Ayhan, I & Johnston, A (2012). Effects of temporal features and order on the apparent duration of a visual stimulus, Frontiers in Psychology, 3 (90): 1-7,
Bruno, A, Ayhan, I & Johnston, A (2011). Duration expansion at low luminance levels, Journal of Vision, 11(14):13, 1-13,
Ayhan, İ, Bruno, A, Nishida, S & Johnston, A (2011). Effect of the luminance signal on adaptation-based time compression, Journal of Vision, 11(7):22, 1-17,
Johnston A, Bruno A & Ayhan I (2011). Retinotopic selectivity of adaptation-based compression of event duration: Reply to Burr, Cicchini, Arrighi, and Morrone, Journal of Vision, 11(2):21a, 1-3,
Bruno A & Johnston A. Contrast gain shapes visual time (2010), Frontiers in Psychology, 1(170): 1-8,
Bruno A, Ayhan I & Johnston A (2010). Retinotopic adaptation-based visual duration compression. Journal of Vision, 10(10): 1-18,
Ayhan, İ, Bruno, A, Nishida, S & Johnston, A (2009). The spatial tuning of adaptation-based time compression, Journal of Vision, 9(11):2, 1-12,
Johnston A, Bruno A, Watanabe J, Quansah B, Patel N, Dakin S & Nishida S (2008). Visually-based temporal distortion in dyslexia. Vision Research, 48(17):1852-8,
Bruno A & Morrone MC (2007). Influence of saccadic adaptation on spatial localization: comparison of verbal and pointing reports. Journal of Vision, 7(5):16. 1-13,
Binda P, Bruno A, Burr DC & Morrone MC (2007). Fusion of visual and auditory stimuli during saccades: a Bayesian explanation for perisaccadic distortions. Journal of Neuroscience, 27(32): 8525-32,
Bruno A, Brambati SM, Perani D & Morrone MC (2006). Development of saccadic suppression in children. Journal of Neurophysiology, 96(3):1011-7,
Melcher D, Crespi S, Bruno A & Morrone MC (2004). The role of attention in central and peripheral motion integration. Vision Research, 44(12): 1367-1374,
I teach on the following Psychology undegraduate modules:
- PS1107 Psychological Research Skills 2
- PS2103 Practical Research Skills in Psychology
- PS2110 Topics in Clinical Neuroscience
- PS3110 Visual Cognition: From the laboratory to the real world
- PS3107 Cognitive Horizons: Exploring brain and cognition
- PS3127 Data Science Methods Psychology
I also supervise third-year dissertation projects, as well as MRes and MBiolSci projects.
Press and media
The Wellcome Trust Research Career Re-entry Fellowship (£319,479), project titled Temporal Aspects of Gaze Perception in Autism, The Wellcome Trust Individual Fellowship, University of York/ University of Leicester 2019-present.
Departmental Strategic PhD Studentship Funding, project titled Pupillometric and electrophysiological measures of binocular integration in amblyopia and autism with Dr Daniel Baker, Department of Psychology, University of York, 2020-2023.
International Conferences
Segala, F, Bruno, A, Wade AR & Baker, DH (2022). Binocular response to light: contrast matching of luminance flicker. Oral presentation. European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Bruno, A, Sudkamp J & Souto, D (2021). Confidence judgments reveal that the effect of stimulus speed on perceived duration is not entirely perceptual. Oral presentation. European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Online meeting.
Segala, F, Bruno, A, Wade AR & Baker, DH (2021). Binocular response to light: a novel pupillometric and electrophysiological approach. Poster presentation. European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Online meeting.
Bruno, A & Baker, DH (2021). Confidence judgements for detecting and discriminating changes in emotional facial expressions. Poster presentation, Virtual Vision Sciences Society (V-VSS) Meeting, Online meeting.
Bruno, A & Baker, DH (2020). Metacognition of emotional facial expression judgements. Oral presentation, AVA Online Christmas Meeting. Online meeting.
Bruno, A, Segala, FG, Smith, I & Baker, DH (2020). Adaptation to visual motion can differentiate between perceptual timing and interval timing. Poster presentation, Virtual Vision Sciences Society (V-VSS) Meeting.
Cropper, SJ, Xu, LW, Bruno, A, & Johnston, A (2019). Time (The ‘Audiovisual Rulez’ Remix). Journal of Vision, 19(10), 163b-163b. Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Cropper, SJ, Kendrick, A, Goodbourn, PT, Bruno, A, & Johnston, A (2018). The perception and meta-perception of time within and between modalities. Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Cropper S, Groot C, Corcoran A, Bruno A & Johnston A (2017). Individual differences in the perception of (a bigger) time. Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Cropper, SJ, Johnston A & Bruno A (2014). The estimate of short stimulus durations and an objective measure of observer performance-evaluation. Experimental Psychology Conference. Adelaide, SA, Australia: The University of Adelaide.
Bruno A, Souto D, Rao A, Johnston A (2013). Probing observer metacognition through the analysis of gaze duration estimates. Poster presentation, Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Bruno, A, Ayhan, I, Johnston, A (2012). Increasing velocity reduces the perceived duration of a visual interval. Oral presentation, AVA meeting, London, UK.
Johnston A, Bruno A & Ayhan I (2012). Apparent duration is compressed for accelerating visual motion. Poster presentation, European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Alghero, Italy.
Cropper S, Johnston A & Bruno A (2012). The estimation of short durations and an objective measure of observer performance evaluation. Poster presentation, European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Alghero, Italy.
Bruno A, Ng E & Johnston A (2012). Motion-direction specificity for adaptation-induced duration compression depends on temporal frequency. Poster presentation, European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Alghero, Italy.
Bruno, A, Ayhan, I, Johnston, A. Slowing down appears to last longer than speeding up (2012). Poster presentation, Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Ayhan, I, Bruno, A, Nishida, S. & Johnston, A (2011). The effect of simultaneous context on perceived duration. Poster presentation, Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Bruno, A, Ayhan, I, Johnston, A (2011). Apparent duration expansion at low luminance levels. Poster presentation, Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Ayhan, I, Bruno, A, Nishida, S. & Johnston, A (2010). The effect of luminance signal on adaptation-based duration compression. Poster presentation, Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Bruno, A, Ayhan, I, Johnston, A (2010). Influences of stimulus predictability on its perceived duration. Poster presentation, Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Ayhan I., Bruno A. & Johnston, A (2010). The role of presentation order effects in adaptation-based duration compression. Oral presentation at René Descartes University, Paris, France.
Bruno A. & Johnston, A (2009). Influence of contrast gain changes on the apparent duration of a visual stimulus. Oral presentation at AVA meeting, Bristol, UK.
Ayhan, I., Bruno A. & Johnston, A (2009). The role of presentation order effects in adaptation-based duration compression. Poster presentation at AVA meeting, Bristol, UK.
Bruno, A. & Johnston, A (2009). Contrast gain not contrast change induces apparent temporal compression, Poster presentation, Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Ayhan, I., Bruno, A., Nishida, S. & Johnston, A (2009). Spatial tuning of adaptation-induced temporal compression, Poster presentation, Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Johnston A., Bruno, A., & Ayhan, İ (2008). Visual time compression linked to low-level magnocelullar adaptation, Oral presentation. APCV, Brisbane, Australia.
Bruno A, Ayhan İ, Johnston A (2008). Retinotopic adaptation can influence the apparent duration of a visual stimulus. Poster presentation. Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Ayhan, İ, Bruno A, Johnston A (2008). Adaptation induced temporal compression is highly space specific. Poster presentation. Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Bruno A, Ayhan İ, Johnston A (2008). Perceived duration of a visual stimulus is compressed after a purely retinotopic adaptation. Poster presentation. BBSRC Integrative Analysis of Brain and Behaviour Grant Holders’ Workshop, Bristol, UK.
Bruno A & Johnston A (2007). Contrast gain changes affect the perceived duration of visual stimuli. Poster presentation. Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Johnston A, Watanabe J, Bruno A, Arnold DH, Nishida S (2006). Distorting the apparent duration of visual events. 29th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), St Petersburg, Russia.
Morrone MC, Binda P, Bruno A & Burr DC (2006). Bayesian fusion of visual and auditory stimuli during saccades: an inverted ventriloquist effect. Poster presentation. 7th International Multisensory Research Forum, Dublin, Ireland.
Bruno A & Johnston A (2006). Grating adaptation influences the perceived length of an object. Poster presentation. Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Meeting, Florida, USA.
Bruno A & Johnston A (2005). Spatially localized distortions of perceived length after grating adaptation. Poster presentation. Applied Vision Association (AVA) Meeting, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
Bruno A, Brambati SM, Perani D & Morrone MC (2004). Development of saccadic suppression in children. Oral presentation. 27th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Budapest. Hungary.
Crespi S, Bruno A, Melcher D (2003). Temporal integration for motion in central and peripheral view. Poster presentation. 26th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Paris, France.
Bruno A, Crespi S & Morrone MC (2003). Saccadic adaptation influences pointing localization of transient stimuli. Poster presentation. 26th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Paris, France.
Bruno A & Morrone MC (2003). Saccadic adaptation influences pointing localization of transient stimuli. Poster presentation. Three-Dimensional Sensory and Motor Space, EuroConference on Computational Mechanisms for the Generation and Perception of Action in 3D Space, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy.
Bruno A, Crespi S, Melcher D & Morrone MC (2002). Temporal integration for motion in central and peripheral vision. Oral Presentation. The Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, Trieste, Italy.