
Professor Kevin Paterson

Professor of Experimental Psychology

School/Department: Psychology and Vision Sciences, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 229 7179



I am a Professor of Experimental Psychology and Head of the School of Psychology and Vision Sciences.

I am a first-generation graduate.

I was awarded an MA (hons), First Class, in Psychology from the University of Glasgow in 1990 and a PhD in Psychology also from the University of Glasgow in 1996. I have held posts at the University of Leicester since 2003 and was promoted to professor in 2016. I also hold a visiting professorship at Tianjin Normal University in China.

My research interests are focused on cognitive mechanisms in reading. This includes investigations of effects of cognitive ageing, as well as studies of reading across different writing systems, including Arabic, Chinese, English, and Mongolian. Much of this research has been conducted using measures of eye movements. More recently, I have collaborated on projects that use co-registration techniques for simultaneously measuring eye movements and electroencephalographic measures of brain activity to gain insights into the neural basis of effects of cognitive ageing on reading.

I am a member of the Vision Sciences Research Group.

My research has been funded by The British Academy, the Experimental Psychology Society, The Leverhulme Trust, the Ulverscroft Foundation, and UKRI BBSRC and ESRC.

I am a member of the Experimental Psychology Society and a Fellow of the Psychonomic Society.

I was awarded PhD funding from the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland in 1991 and a mid-career Fellowship from The British Academy to investigate ageing effects on eye movements in reading in 2012.

I was presented with the Haihe Friendship Award for my contribution to research on reading in Chinese in 2020.


Research Interests

My research uses high precision measures of eye movements to understand the cognitive processes that enable people read and understand text. I have studied this topic across the lifespan, examining children's reading development, skilled adult reading, and the impact of cognitive ageing on reading.

My most recent research has used simultaneous recording of eye movements and EGG to understand the neural basis of cognitive ageing effects in reading.

I have also worked collaboratively on eye movement research on cognitive processes in reading across different writing systems including Arabic, Chinese, English and Mongolian.

My research has benefited from funding from UK research councils (BBSRC, ESRC), The British Academy, The Alzheimer’s Society, The Leverhulme Trust, and The Ulverscroft Foundation. 

Current projects

  • An ESRC-funded project led by Sarah White is concerned with revealing the implications of reading strategy for reading behaviour and comprehension: ESRC Reading Goals Project
  • An ESRC-funded project with Ascen Pagan and in collaboration with Simon Liversedge (University of Central Lancashire) and Federica Degno (University of Southampton) is pioneering new methods for investigating the neural correlates of effects of cognitive ageing in natural reading: ESRC Ageing and Reading Project

  • An ESRC Catalyst grant with Sarah Gunn (PI) and John Maltby focused on methods of assessing healthy cognitive ageing.
  • A project funded by the Leverhulme Trust, with Ruth Filik (University of Nottingham) is examining ageing effects on reading comprehension.



AlJassmi, M., Warrington, K.L., McGowan, V.M., Xie, F., & Paterson, K.B. (2025). Parafoveal preview benefit effects in vertical alphabetic reading. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience.

Chang, M., Zhang, K., Hao, L., Paterson, K. B., Warrington, K. L., & Wang, J. (2025). Flexible parafoveal processing of character order is preserved in older readers. Psychology and Aging. Advance online publication.

Pagan, A., Degno, F., Milledge, S., Kirkden, R.D., White, S.J., Liversedge, S.P., & Paterson, K.B. (2025). Aging and word predictability during reading: Evidence from eye movements and fixation-related potentials. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 87, 50-75. Part of Special Issue on the "Neural Underpinnings of Attention in the Real World: Co-Registration of Eye Movements and EEG"

Lin, Y., Paterson, K.B., & Chen, L. (2025). Dissimilarity between discourse characters influences the processing of contrastive focus: An ERP study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 101234.


Mousoulidou, M., & Paterson, K.B.  (2024). Children’s interpretations of numerically quantified expression ambiguities: Evidence from quantified noun phrases and bare cardinals. Children11, 756.

Kim, S., Paterson, K.B., Nam, K., & Lee, C. (2024). Lateralized displays reveal the perceptual locus of the syllable transposition effect in Korean. Neuropsychologia, 199, 108907.

Li, L., Bao, L., Li, Z., Li, S., Liu, J., Wang, P., Warrington, K.L., Gunn, S., & Paterson, K.B. (2024). Efficient word segmentation is preserved in older adult readers: Evidence from eye movements during Chinese reading. Psychology and Aging. Part of Special Issue on "Adult Age Differences in Language, Communication, and Learning from Text"

Cutter, M.D., Paterson, K.B., & Filik, R. (2024). Eye movements during reading and noisy-channel inference-making. Journal of Memory and Language, 137, 104513. Part of Special Issue on "Eye Movements and Reading at 50: Models and Findings"



White, S.J., Wu, S.-H., Qahtani, F.S., Warrington, K.L, Balcombe, F.O., & Paterson, K.B. (2022). Effects of reading strategies on reading behaviour and comprehension: implications for teaching study skills. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (25). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi25.970.

Cutter, M.G., Filik, R., & Paterson, K.B. (2022). Do readers maintain word-level uncertainty during reading? A pre-registered replication study. Journal of Memory and Language125, 104336. Part of Special Issue on "Replicating Influential Findings in Memory and Language"

Tyler, S. Maltby, J., Paterson, K.B. & Hutchinson, C.V. (2022). Reduced vision-related quality of life in dementia. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease87(1), 239-246. doi: 10.3233/JAD-215435.

Cutter, M.G., Paterson, K.B., & Filik, R. (2022). No evidence of word-level uncertainty in younger and older adults in self-paced reading. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(6), 1085-1093.

Zhang, J., Warrington, K. L., Li, L., Pagán, A., Paterson, K. B., White, S. J., & McGowan, V. A. (2022). Are older adults more risky readers? Evidence from meta-analysis. Psychology and Aging, 37(2), 239-259.

Li, H., Paterson, K.B., Warrington, K.L., & Wang, X. (2022). Insights into the processing of collocations during L2 English reading: Evidence from eye movements. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 45590.

Maeni, Y. A., Paterson, K. B., Maltby, J., McGowan, V. A., & Hutchinson, C. V. (2022). Comparison of logarithmic reading charts for visual assessment in normally sighted participants. Optometry and Vision Science, 99(3), 292–297.

AlJassmi, M.A., Warrington, K.L., McGowan, V.A., White, S.J., & Paterson, K.B. (2022), Effects of word predictability on eye movements during Arabic reading. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 84, 10-24.

Liu, Z., Li, Y., Cutter, M., Paterson, K.B., & Wang, J. (2022). A transposed-word effect across space and time: Evidence from Chinese. Cognition, 104922.

Cutter, M.G., Paterson, K.B., & Filik, R. (2022). Online representations of non-canonical sentences are more than good-enough. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75, 30-42.


He, L., Ma, W., Shen, F., Wang, Y., Wu, J., Warrington, K. L., Liversedge, S. P., & Paterson, K. B. (2021). Adult age differences in parafoveal preview effects during reading: Evidence from Chinese. Psychology and Aging, 36(7), 822–833.

Li, H., Warrington, K.L., Pagan, A., Paterson, K.B., & Wang, X. (2021). Independent effects of collocation strength and contextual predictability on eye movements during reading. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, 36, 1001-1009.

AlJassmi, M., Hermena, E., & Paterson, K.B. (2021). Eye movements in Arabic reading. In Experimental Arabic Linguistics, D. Ntelitheos and T. Leung (Eds). John Benjamins.

Souto, D., Marsh, O. Judge, S., & Paterson, K.B. (2021). Cognitive plasticity induced by gaze-control technology: Gaze-typing improves performance on the anti-saccade task. Computers in Human Behaviour, 122, 106831

Liu, N., Wang, X., Yan, G., Paterson, K.B., & Pagan, A. (2021). Eye movements of developing Chinese readers: Effects of word frequency and predictability. Scientific Studies of Reading, 25, 234-250.

Chen, L., Jaing, J., Li, X., Ding, J., Paterson, K.B., Rao, L.L. (2021). Beyond smiles: Static expressions in maxillary protrusion and associated positivity. Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology,

Chen, S., Tang, Y., Lv, X., Paterson, K.B., & Chen, L. (2021). Similarity between referents constrains the processing of contrastive focus during reading. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74, 45-53.

Zhao, S., Li, L., Chang, M., Wang, J., Paterson,K.B. (2021). A further look at ageing and word predictability effects in Chinese Reading: Evidence from one-character words. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74, 68-76.


Wang, J., Xie, F., He, L., Meadmore, K.L., Paterson, K.B., & Benson, V. (2020). Eye movements reveal a similar Positivity Effect in Chinese and UK older adults. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 1921-1929.

Paterson, K.B., McGowan, V.A., Warrington, K.L., , Li, L., Li S., Xie, F., Chang, M., Zhao, S., Pagán, A., White, S.J., & Wang, J. (2020). Effects of normative aging on eye movements during reading. Vision, 4, 7;

Liu, Z., Li, Y., Paterson, K.B., & Wang, J. (2020). A transposed-word effect in Chinese reading. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 3788-3794.

Xie, F., McGowan, V.A., Chang, M., Li, L., White, S.J., Paterson, K.B., Wang, J., & Warrington, K.L. (2020). Revealing similarities in the perceptual span of young and older Chinese readers. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 1189-1205.

Chang, M., Hao, L., Zhao, S., Li., L., Paterson, K.B., & Wang, J. (2020). Flexible parafoveal encoding of character order supports word predictability effects in Chinese reading. Evidence from eye movements. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82,2793-2801.

Chang, M., Zhang, K., Hao, L., Zhao, S., McGowan, V.A., Warrington, K.L., Paterson, K.B., Wang, J., & Gunn, S.C. (2020). Word predictability depends on parafoveal preview validity in Chinese reading. Visual Cognition, 28, 33-40.

Su, J., Yin, G., Bai, X., Yan, G., Kurtev, S., Warrington, K.L., McGowan, V.A., Liversedge, S.P., & Paterson, K.B. (2020). Flexibility in the perceptual span during reading: Evidence from Mongolian. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 1566-1572.

Chen, L., Paterson, K.B., Li, X., Li, L., & Yang, Y. (2020). Pragmatic influences on sentence integration: Evidence from eye movements. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 2742-2751.


Li, L., Li, S., Xie, F., Chang, M., McGowan, V.A., Wang, J., & Paterson, K.B. (2019). Establishing a role for the visual complexity of linguistic stimuli in age-related reading difficulty: Evidence from eye movements during Chinese reading. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81, 2626–2634.

Warrington, K.L., Xie, F., Wang, J., & Paterson, K.B. (2019). Aging effects on the visual span for alphabetic stimuli. Experimental Aging Research, 45, 387-399.

Zhao, S., Li, L., Chang, M., Xu, T., Zhang, K., Wang, J., & Paterson, K.B. (2019). Older adults make greater use of word predictability in Chinese reading. Psychology and Aging, 34, 780-790.

Warrington, K.L., McGowan, V.A., White, S.J., & Paterson, K.B. (2019). Effects of adult aging on letter position coding in reading: Evidence from eye movements. Psychology and Aging, 34, 598-612.

Prakash, E., McLean, R.J., White, S.J., Paterson, K.B., Gottlob, I., & Proudlock, F.A. (2019). Word reading in infantile nystagmus. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 60, 2226-2236.

Xie, F., Li, L., Zhou, S., Wang, J., Paterson, K.B., White, S., & Warrington, K. (2019). Aging and pattern complexity effects on the visual span: Evidence from Chinese character recognition. Vision, 3, 11.

Li, S., Oliver-Mighten, L., Li, L., White, S.J., Paterson, K.B., Wang, J., Warrington, K.L., & McGowan, V.A. (2019). Adult age differences in effects of text spacing on eye movements during reading. Frontiers in Psychology, fpsyg.2018.02700.


Warrington, K.L., McGowan, V.A., Paterson, K.B., & White, S.J. (2018). Effects of aging, word frequency and text stimulus quality on reading across the adult lifespan: Evidence from eye movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44, 1714-1729.

Wilson, R., Paterson, K.B., McGowan, V.A., & Hutchinson, C. (2018). Visual aspects of reading performance in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). Frontiers in Psychology, e1468.

Yan, G., Meng, Z., Liu, N., He, L., & Paterson, K.B. (2018). Effects of irrelevant background speech on eye movements during reading. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 1270-1275.

Li, S., Li, L., Wang, J., McGowan, V.A., & Paterson, K.B. (2018). Effects of word length on eye guidance differ for young and older Chinese readers. Psychology and Aging, 33, 685-692.

Wang, J.,Li, L., Li, S., Xie, F., Liversedge, S.P., & Paterson, K.B. (2018). Effects of aging and text stimulus quality on the word frequency effect during Chinese reading. Psychology and Aging, 33, 693-712.

Wang, J., Li, L, Li, S., Xie, F., Chang, M., Paterson, K.B., White, S.J., & McGowan, V.A. (2018). Adult age differences in eye movements during reading: The evidence from Chinese. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 73, 584–593.

Zhao, L., Paterson, K.B., & Bai, X. (2018). Visual grouping in accordance with utterance planning facilitates speech production. Frontiers in Psychology, fpsyg.2018.00307

Warrington, K., White, S.J., & Paterson, K.B. (2018). Ageing and the misperception of words: Evidence from eye movements during reading. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 75-80.


Schaeffer, M.J., Paterson, K.B., McGowan, V.A., White, S.J., & Malmkjær, K. (2017). Reading for translation. In A. Jakobsen and B. Mesa-Lao (Eds.), Translation in Transition. John Benjamins [pp.18-54]

Jordan, T.J., McGowan, V.A., Kurtev, S., & Paterson, K.B. (2017). Investigating the effectiveness of spatial frequencies to the left and right of central vision during reading: Evidence from reading times and eye movements. Frontiers in Psychology, fpsyg.2017.00807

Li, L., Li, S., Wang, J., McGowan, V.A., Liu, P., Jordan, T.J., & Paterson, K.B. (2017).Aging and the Optimal Viewing Position Effect in visual word recognition: Evidence from English. Psychology and Aging, 32, 367-376.

White, S.J., Lantz, L.,M.T., & Paterson, K.B. (2017). Spontaneous re-reading within sentences: Eye movement control and visual sampling, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43, 395-413.


Jordan, T.R., Dixon, J., McGowan, V.A., Kurtev, S., & Paterson, K.B. (2016). Fast and slow readers and the effectiveness of the spatial frequency content of text: Evidence from reading times and eye movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 1066–1071

Zang, C., Zhang, M., Bai, X., Yan, G., Paterson, K.B., & Liversedge, S.P. (2016). Effects of word frequency and visual complexity on eye movements of young and older Chinese readers. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 1409-1425.

Jordan, T.R., Dixon, J., McGowan, V.A., Kurtev, S., & Paterson, K.B. (2016). Effects of spatial frequencies on word identification by fast and slow readers: Evidence from eye movements. Frontiers in Psychology, fpsyg.2016.01433

Maltby, J., Paterson, K.B., Day, L., Kinnear, H., Jones, C., & Buchanan, H. (2016). Social ranking effects on tooth-brushing behaviour. British Journal of Health Psychology, 21, 374-388.

Hall, S.S., Maltby, J., Filik, R., & Paterson, K.B. (2016). Key skills for science learning: The importance of text cohesion and reading ability. Educational Psychology, 36,191-215.

Jordan, T.R., Kurtev, S., McGowan, V.A., & Paterson, K.B. (2016). A further look at postview effects in reading: An eye-movements study of influences from the left of fixation.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 42, 296-307.

Pagan, C.A.P., Paterson, K.B., Blythe, H.I., & Liversedge, S.P. (2016). An inhibitory influence of transposed letter neighbors on eye movements during reading. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 278-284.


Jordan, T.R., Sheen, M., Abedipour, L., & Paterson, K.B. (2015). Seeing inscriptions on the Shroud of Turin and the role of psychological influences in the perception of writing. PLoS ONE, e0136860.

Wilson, R.L., Paterson, K.B., & Hutchinson, C. (2015). Increased vulnerability to pattern-related visual stress in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). Perception, 44, 1422-1426.

Liu, P., Liu, D., Han, B., & Paterson, K.B. (2015). Aging and the Optimal Viewing Position Effect in Chinese. Frontiers in Psychology, fpsyg.2015.01656.

Paterson, K.B., Almabruk, A.A.A., McGowan, V.A., White, S.J., & Jordan, T.R. (2015).  Effects of word length on eye movement control: The evidence from Arabic.  Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 1443-1450.

McGowan, V.A., White, S.J., & Paterson, K.B. (2015).  The effects of interword spacing on the eye movements of young and older readers.  Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 27, 609-621.

Hall, S.S., Kowalski, R., Paterson, K.B., Basran, J.K., Filik, R., & Maltby, J. (2015). Local text cohesion, reading ability and individual science aspirations: key factors influencing comprehension in science classes. British Educational Research Journal, 41, 122–142.

White, S.J., Warrington, K.L., McGowan, V.A., & Paterson, K.B. (2015). Eye Movements during reading and topic scanning: Effects of word frequency. Journal of Experimental Psychology, Human Perception and Performance, 41, 233-248.

Jordan, T.R., Sheen, M., AlJassmi, M., & Paterson, K.B. (2015). A new demonstration of the illusory letters phenomenon: Graphemic restoration in Arabic word perception. Perception, 44, 215-218.

Paterson, K.B., Read J., McGowan, V.A., & Jordan, T.R. (2015). Children and adults both see “pirates” in “parties”: Letter-position effects for developing readers and skilled adult readers. Developmental Science, 18, 335–343.


Wang, J., Tian, J., Han, W., Liversedge, S. P., & Paterson, K. B. (2014). Inhibitory stroke neighbour priming in character recognition and reading in Chinese. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67, 2149-2179.

Jordan, T.R., Sheen, M., & Paterson, K.B. (2014). Visual speech perception in foveal and extrafoveal vision: Further implications for divisions in hemispheric projections. PLoS ONE, 9(7): e98273.

Buchanan, H., Markson, L., Bertrand, E., Greaves, S., Parmar, R., & Paterson, K.B. (2014). Effects of social gaze on visual-spatial imagination. Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00671

Jordan, T.R., McGowan, V.A., & Paterson, K.B. (2014). Reading with filtered fixations: Age differences in the effectiveness of low-level properties of text within central vision. Psychology and Aging, 29, 229-235.

McGowan, V.A., White, S.W., Jordan, T.R., & Paterson, K.B. (2014). Aging and the use of inter-word spaces during reading: Evidence from eye movements. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21, 740-747.

Schaeffer, M.J. , Paterson, K.B., McGowan, V.A., White, M.J., & Malmkjær, K. (2014). The Berkeley Aligner and the literal translation hypothesis. "Translation in Transition: Between Cognition, Computing and Technology" Conference, Copenhagen Business School, January 30-31.

Jordan, T.R., Almabruk, A.A.A., Gadalla, E.M., McGowan, V.A., White, S.J., Abedipour, L., & Paterson K.B. (2014). Reading direction and the central perceptual span: Evidence from Arabic and English. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21, 505-511.

Paterson, K.B. (2014). Visual Neuroscience: A binocular advantage for word processing during reading. Current Biology, 24, R204-R206. Dispatches commentary on article by Jainta, Blythe, & Liversedge (2014) in Current Biology on Binocular advantages in reading.

Paterson, K.B., McGowan, V.A., White, S.J., Malik, S., Abedipour, L., & Jordan, T.R. (2014). Reading Direction and the Central Perceptual Span in Urdu and English. PLoS ONE, 9(2): e88358.

McEwan, K., Gilbert, P., Dandeneau, S., Lipka, S., Maratos, F., Paterson, K.B., & Baldwin, M. (2014). Facial expressions depicting compassionate and critical emotions: The development & validation of a new emotional face stimulus set. PLoS ONE, 9(2): e88783.

Hall, S.S., Basran, J., Paterson, K.B., Kowalski, R., Filik, R., & Maltby, J. (2014). Individual differences in the effectiveness of text cohesion for science text comprehension. Learning and Individual Differences, 29, 74-80.

1994 - 2013

Paterson, K.B., & Jordan, T.R. (2013). What science can tell us about reading calligraphy. The Scribe: Journal of the Society of Scribes & Illuminators, 95, 11-13.

Paterson, K.B., McGowan, V.A., & Jordan, T.R. (2013). Aging and the control of binocular eye movements during reading. Psychology and Aging, 28, 789-795.

Sauermann, A., Filik, R., & Paterson, K.B. (2013). Processing contextual and lexical cues to focus: Evidence from eye movements in reading. Language and Cognitive Processes, 28, 875-903.

Paterson, K. B., McGowan, V. A., & Jordan, T. R. (2013). Filtered text reveals adult age differences in reading: Evidence from eye movements. Psychology and Aging, 28, 352-264.

Jordan, T. R., McGowan, V. A., & Paterson, K. B. (2013). What’s left? An eye-movement study of the influence of interword spaces to the left of fixation during reading. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20, 551-557.

Paterson, K. B., McGowan, V. A., & Jordan, T. R. (2013). Effects of adult aging on reading filtered text: Evidence from eye movements. PeerJ 1:e63

McGowan, V. A., Paterson, K. B., & Jordan, T. R. (2013). The rarity of assessing the visual abilities of older participants in written language research. Experimental Aging Research, 39, 70-79.

Jordan, T. R., McGowan, V. A., & Paterson, K. B. (2012). Reading with a filtered fovea: Revealing the functional visual content of foveal text. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19, 1078-1084.

Paterson, K.B., McGowan, V.A., & Jordan, T.R. (2012). Eye movements reveal effects of visual content on eye guidance and lexical access during reading. PLoS ONE, 7(8): e41766.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041766

Jordan TR, Fuggetta G, Paterson KB, Kurtev S, Xu M (2011) An ERP Assessment of Hemispheric Projections in Foveal and Extrafoveal Word Recognition. PLoS ONE, 6(9): e23957. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023957

Filik, R., Paterson, K. B., & Sauermann, A. (2011). The influence of focus on eye movements during reading. In The Oxford Handbook on Eye Movements. Oxford University Press. Version of article on OUP website.

Almabruk, A. A. A., Paterson, K. B., McGowan, V. A., Jordan, T. R. (2011). Evaluating effects of divided hemispheric processing on word recognition in foveal and extrafoveal displays: The evidence from Arabic. PLoS ONE, 6(4): e18131. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018131

Jordan, T. R., McGowan, V. A., & Paterson, K. B. (2011). Out of sight, out of mind: The rarity of assessing and reporting participants' visual abilities when studying perception of linguistic stimuli. Perception, 40, 873-876.

Jordan, T. R., Almabruk, A. A. A., McGowan, V. A., & Paterson, K. B. (2011). Evaluating hemispheric divisions in processing fixated words: The evidence from Arabic. Cortex, 47, 992-997.

Paterson, K. B., Alcock, A., & Liversedge, S. P. (2011). Morphological priming during reading: Evidence from eye movements. Language and Cognitive Processes, 4 & 6, 600-623.

Jordan, T. R., & Paterson, K. B. (2010). Where is the evidence for split-fovea processing in word recognition? Neuropsychologia, 48, 2782-2783.

Paterson, K. B., & Jordan, T. R. (2010). Effects of increased letter spacing on word identification and eye guidance during reading. Memory & Cognition, 38, 502-512.

Jordan, T. R., Paterson, K. B., & Almabruk, A. A. A. (2010). Revealing the superior perceptibility of words in Arabic. Perception, 39, 426-428.

Jordan, T. R., Paterson, K. B., Kurtev, S., & Xu, M. (2010). Re-evaluating split-fovea processing in word recognition: Effects of fixation location within words. Cortex, 46, 298-309.

Jordan, T. R., Paterson, K. B., Kurtev, S., & Xu, M. (2010). Re-evaluating split-fovea processing in word recognition: Effects of word length during monocular viewing. Cortex, 46, 100-105.

Paterson, K. B., Jordan, T. R., & Kurtev, S. (2009). Binocular fixation disparity in single word displays. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35, 1961-1968.

Paterson, K. B., Filik, R., & Moxey, L. M. (2009). Quantifiers and discourse processing. Language and Linguistics Compass, 3, 1390-1402.

Filik, R., Paterson, K. B., & Liversedge, S. P. (2009). The influence of only and even on on-line semantic interpretation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16 678-683.

Jordan, T. R., & Paterson, K. B. (2009). Re-evaluating split-fovea processing in word recognition: A critical assessment of recent research. Neuropsychologia, 47, 2341–2353.

Markson, L., & Paterson, K. B. (2009). Effects of gaze aversion on visual-spatial imagination. British Journal of Psychology, 100, 553–563.

Moxey, L. M., Filik, R., & Paterson, K. B. (2009). On-line effects of what is expected on the resolution of plural pronouns. Language and Cognitive Processes, 24, 843-875.

Jordan, T. R., Paterson, K. B., Kurtev, S., & Xu, M. (2009). Do fixation cues ensure fixation accuracy in split-fovea studies of word recognition? Neuropsychologia, 47, 2004-2007.

Jordan, T. R., Paterson, K. B., & Stachurski, M. (2009). Re-evaluating split-fovea processing in word recognition: Effects of word length. Cortex, 45, 495-505.

Jordan, T. R., Paterson, K. B., & Kurtev, S. (2009). Re-evaluating split-fovea processing in word recognition: Hemispheric dominance, retinal location, and the word-nonword effect. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 9, 113-121.

Paterson, K. B., Liversedge, S. P., & Davis, C. J. (2009). Inhibitory neighbor priming effects in eye movements during reading. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16, 43-50.

Jordan, T. R., Paterson, K. B., & Stachurski, M. (2008). Re-evaluating split-fovea processing in word recognition: Effects of retinal eccentricity on hemispheric dominance. Neuropsychology, 22, 738-745.

Paterson, K. B., Filik, R., & Liversedge, S. P. (2008). Competition during the processing of quantifier scope ambiguities: Evidence from eye movements during reading. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61, 459-473.

Paterson, K. B., Liversedge, S. P., Filik, R., Juhasz, B. J., White, S. P., & Rayner, K. (2007). Focus identification during sentence comprehension: Evidence from eye movements. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60, 1423-1445.

Paterson, K. B., Liversedge, S. P., White, D., Filik, R., & Jaz, K. (2006). Children's interpretation of ambiguous focus in sentences with "only". Language Acquisition,13, 253-284.

Filik, R., Paterson, K. B., & Liversedge, S. P. (2005). Parsing with focus particles in context: Eye movements during the processing of relative clause ambiguities. Journal of Memory and Language, 53, 473-495.

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Sanford, A. J., Moxey, L. M., & Paterson, K. B. (1996). Attentional focusing with quantifiers in production and comprehension. Memory & Cognition, 24, 144 -155.

Sanford, A. J., Moxey, L. M., & Paterson, K. B. (1994). Psychological studies of quantifiers. Journal of Semantics, 10, 153 -170.

Barton, S. B., Sanford A. J., Moxey, L. M., & Paterson, K. B. (1994). Cohesion-processes, coherence and anomaly detection. In C. Habel and G. Rickheit (Eds.), Focus and Coherence in Discourse. Berlin: de Gruyter.


I am a highly experienced PhD supervisor with interests in projects using eye-tracking EEG and online experiments to understand visual cognition and reading across different populations and in different writing systems.

Current topics that I am keen to supervise include:

  • Effects of cognitive ageing on word recognition and syntactic processing during reading 
  • Processes of word recognition, syntactic processing, and comprehension across different writing systems
  • Effects of environmental distraction on reading and learning by children and adults


I contribute to teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels focusing on topics related to visual cognition, the psychology of reading, reading development, cognitive ageing, and quantitative research methods and statistics.

I also supervise undergraduate and postgraduate research projects across a broad range of experimental topics related to perception and cognition.

Press and media

I would be happy to discuss topics relating to my core areas of expertise in cognitive ageing, eye movement control, and reading.


Member of the Experimental Psychology Society

Fellow of the Psychonomics Society

Conference Secretary for the Experimental Psychology Society (2015-2018)

Associate Editor for the Journal of Research in Reading (2015 - 2022)

Associate Editor for The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

Editorial Board Member for Psychology and Aging

Editorial Board Member for Journal of Eye Movement Research

Member of ESRC Peer Review College (2009-2015)

Fellow of ESRC Peer Review College (2015-2019)

Member of ESRC Grant Assessment Panel A


Recipient of the Haihe Friendship Award from Tianjin Municipal People's Government (2020)

1000 Talents Visiting Professorship at Tianjin Normal University China (2017-2020)

Visiting Professor in the Academy of Psychology and Behavior at Tianjin Normal University China. (2014-2017)

British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship (2012-2013)

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