Dr Victoria Adedeji
Early Career Fellow

School/Department: Psychology and Vision Sciences, School of
I completed my PhD at Bournemouth University under the supervision of Dr Timothy Slattery, Dr Julie Kirkby and Dr Martin Vasilev. I earned an MSc (Distinction) and BSc (First class) in Psychology at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. I have previously worked as a School Psychologist in Nigeria and passionate about translating psychological research into educational practice. I worked as a fixed-term lecturer at the University of Winchester before moving to Leicester.
I am interested in
- understanding how children develop in their reading skills,
- how they transition from being beginning oral readers to becoming skilled silent readers.
- synchronizing eye movements and voice recordings to comprehend children's processing of text.
Vasilev, M. R., Adedeji, V. I., Laursen, C., Budka, M., & Slattery, T. J. (2021). Do readers use character information when programming return-sweep saccades?. Vision Research, 183, 30-40.
Adedeji, V. I., Vasilev, M. R., Kirkby, J. A., & Slattery, T. J. (2021). Return-sweep saccades in oral reading. Psychological Research. Advance online publication.
Adedeji, V. I., Vasilev, M. R., Kirkby, J. A., & Slattery, T. J. (2022). Syllable processing during reading development. Poster presented at Experimental Psychology Society (EPS, January 2022), Virtual Conference
Adedeji, V. I., Vasilev, M. R., Kirkby, J. A., & Slattery, T. J. (2021). Return-sweep saccades in oral reading. Talk presented at PsyPag, Virtual conference
Adedeji, V. I., Vasilev, M. R., Kirkby, J. A., & Slattery, T. J. (2021). Return-sweep saccades in oral reading. Talk presented at Summer Neurolinguistic School, Virtual conference
Adedeji, V. I., Parker, A.J., Kirkby, J. A., & Slattery, T. J. (2019). Return-sweep saccades in oral and silent reading. Poster presented at European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM) Alicante, Spain