Postgraduate research
Population Health Sciences
Dr Rebecca Baggaley
- Infectious Disease Epidemiology
- Infection Transmission Mathematical Modelling
- Economic Evaluations, in particular Decision Analytic and Markov Modelling
- Measuring Wider Impacts of COVID-19 Interventions
- Infectious Disease Screening Strategies forVulnerable and Seldom Heard Populations
Dr Sarah Booth
- Survival analysis and competing risks
- Methodology for developing, validating and updating prognostic models
- Analysis of population-based cancer registry data
- Bayesian methods for Multi-parameter Evidence Synthesis including:
- Multivariate meta-analysis
- Evidence Synthesis for Surrogate Endpoints Evaluation
- Evidence Synthesis for evaluation of Predictive Biomarkers
- Evidence Synthesisfor combining data from Studies of different Designs (including use of data from Randomised Controlled Trials, Real World Evidence and Single Arm Studies)
- Development and application of the above methods in the context of Health Technology Assessement including their integration with Decision Models
- Interface and Integration of Medical Statistics and Health Economics
- Methods for Statistical Modelling of Cost Data
- Integration of Evidence Synthesis within a Decision-Modelling Context
- Handling of Missing Data in Economic Evaluations Conducted Alongside Clinical Trials
- Application of Bayesian Statistical Methods to the above
- Multi-parameter Evidence Synthesis includng Network Meta-Analysis and Component Network Meta-Analysis
- Evidence Synthesis of Time-To-Event Outcomes
- Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis and Network Meta-Analysis
- Bayesian Evidence Synthesis
- Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials (particularly cluster and stepped wedge trials and those testing complex interventions)
- Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
- Prognostic Model Development and Validation
- Statistical Methods for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis
- Meta-Analysis and Network Meta-Analysis of Complex Multi-Component Interventions
- Evidence Synthesis of Public Health Interventions
Professor Paul Lambert
- Relative Survival Methods, in particular Modelling of Excess Mortality
- Casual Inference Methods
- Epidemiological Design
- Environmental epidemiology
- Machine learning
- Global health
- Spatial statistics
- Methods for Analysing Population-Based Registry Data
- Relative Survival Methods and Competing Risks Methodology
- Modelling and Projecting Cancer Incidence
- Prognostic Model Development and Validation
- Approaches for Extrapolating Survival Curves
- Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Methods
- Multi-Parameter Evidence Synthesis Including Network Meta-Analysis
- Statistical Methods in Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment
- Graphical Methods For Displaying Statistical Information
Diabetes Research Centre
- Lifestyle and obesity management for diabetes prevention and management
- Management of diabetes and cardiovascular risk in South Asian populations
- Clinical trial design
- Lifestyle and physical activity interventions in the treatment of chronic disease
- Clinical trial design
- Complex interventions, including self-management and diabetes prevention
- Novel glucose lowering therapies
- Sedentary behaviour and health
- Novel therapies for obesity
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus in younger patients
- Diabetes screening
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Levels and patterns of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in different populations
- Effects of physical activity and sedentary behaviour on metabolic health and chronic disease
- Interventions to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour
- Objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour
- Randomised controlled trials
- Use of real world data for health research
- Evidence synthesis and decision models for health research
- Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
- Prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Dr Pankaj Gupta
- Non -Adherence to medications: Its diagnosis and management using novel chemical adherence testing by LC-MS/MS
- Study of Renin angiotensin aldosterone axis and its counter regulation
- Resistant Hypertension: Causes and Management
- Biofeedback to manage patients with multiple medication intolerances
Dr Michelle Hadjiconstantinou
- Behaviour change
- Qualitative research methods (exploratory, evaluation)
- Theory-based intervention development (including behavioural lifestyle self-management interventions, diabetes prevention)
- Digital-based interventions
- Long-term conditions and Multi-morbidity (i.e. type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes)
- Patient-reported outcome measures
- Epidemiological studies of diabetes and cardiovascular disease and early detection and screening for these diseases, in particular among South Asian people
- Interventional studies of prevention and management of people with of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
- Models of delivering care for people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease
- Hypoglycaemia
- Therapeutic inertia
- Multimorbidity
- Covid-19 related research
- Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
- Management of older people with diabetes and cardiometabolic multimorbidity
- Epidemiological studies of diabetes and cardiovascular disease
- Interventional studies of prevention of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
- Models of delivering care for people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease
- Therapeutic inertia
- Accelerometer measurement of free-living physical behaviours (physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep)
- Analytical methods for the quantification of physical behaviours
- Effects of physical behaviours on health
- Continous Glucose Monitoring and hyperinsulinaemic – euglycaemic clamp systems
- Novel biomarkers in the prediction and management of Type 2 diabetes
- Insulin sensitivity measures and their therapeutic application in human diabetes research
- Epidemiology of screen-detected type 2 diabetes and early phase glucose dysregulation
- Novel vasculopathic mechanisms in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes mellitus
- Applied health research
- Lifestyle (including dietary, exercise, and physical activity) interventions in the treatment of chronic disease, in particular chronic kidney disease and those living with multimorbidity
- Sarcopenia and frailty in those living with chronic diseases
- Evaluation of clinimetric properties of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs)
- Physiotherapy, rehabilitation, physical activity and complex interventions in the treatment of chronic disease
- Multiple long-term conditions
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Frailty and falls
- Carer health and wellbeing
- Scoping reviews
- Randomised controlled trials
- Mixed methods research
- Qualitative research methods (exploratory, evaluation)
- Effects of sedentary behaviour and different types of physical activity on metabolic health
- Treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes and chronic disease by decreasing sedentary behaviour, and increasing light movement, walking or more intensive movement-based therapies
- Interaction between mediation and lifestyle therapies (diet and exercise) for weight loss and diabetes management
- Physical activity and obesity epidemiology using regional, national and international datasets
- Translating physical activity and diabetes prevention programmes into routine practice
Dr Francesco Zaccardi
- Use of large electronic health record datasets for epidemiological investigations
- Statistical models for etiological, demographic, and prognostic research
- Use of alternative risk metrics for clinical interpretation of RCTs
- Comparative-effectiveness pharmacoepidemiological studies
- Evidence-based medicine and clinical guidelines
Genetic Epidemiology
- Investigating genetic determinants of fibrotic diseases, particularly pulmonary fibrosis
- Genome-wide association studies of pulmonary fibrosis risk and disease progression
- Subtyping pulmonary fibrosis
- Genetics of fibrotic multimorbidity
- Statistical Methods in Genetic Association Studies
- Prediction of Disease Risk from Genetic Data
- Mendelian Randomisation for Causal Inference in Epidemiology
- Integrative Analysis of Genetic, Epigenetic and –Omic Data
- Evolutionary Analysis of Malignant Tumour
- Genetic Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease, Breast Cancer, and Psychiatric Disorders
- Epidemiology of multimorbidity, particularly cardiorespiratory multimorbidity
- Genetic epidemiology of lung function and respiratory disease
- Mendelian randomisation for causal inference in epidemiology
- Development of longitudinal population cohort studies
- Predictors of occupational wellbeing in healthcare workers
- Investigation of the genetic determinants of common complex diseases and traits, including:
- precision medicine
- genome-wide studies of common and rare sequence variation
- influence of copy number variation
- lung function and respiratory disease
- smoking cessation
- cardiovascular disease and traits, particularly blood pressure
- genomics in drug discovery, drug repositioning and stratified medicine
- development and utilisation of new methods for the above studies
Social Science Applied to Health Improvement Research (SAPPHIRE)
- Healthcare improvement research, particularly drawing on social science theory and qualitative methods
- Population-based screening
- Women’s and children’s health
- Overdiagnosis, overtreatment, and overuse
- Measurement (psychopathology, stressful life events, social networks, autism in adulthood)
- Social support networks
- Prevention of depression
- Evaluation of services for the severely mentally ill
- Epidemiological surveys of mental disorders including autism spectrum disorders
- Healthcare workforce and human resources for health
- Healthcare organisational culture and practice
- Migrant and minority health experiences
- Qualitative research; ethnography
- Healthcare workforce and wellbeing; emotion, work and regulation
- Quality, safety and risk, knowledge translation and evidence based practice
- Emergency and urgent care
- Qualitative research and ethnography
- contribution of patients and families to safety, particularly regarding escalation of care for life threatening illness
- Service boundaries and their implications for patient journeys, safety and quality
- e-health technologies and telemedicine, and changing patient-provider relationships
- role of measurement in improvement and implementation science
- ethnographies of health care work
Dr Mohammad Farhad Peerally
- Use of mix methods to curate learning from patient safety incidents
- Organisational responses following adverse events in healthcare
- Applying high reliability theory to healthcare practice
- Quality and safety in Gastroenterology services and Gastrointestinal endoscopy
Professor Carolyn Tarrant
- Influences on staff and patient behaviours related to prevention of healthcare associated infections and optimisation of antibiotic use
- Patient experience of quality and safety in healthcare
- Theory-based intervention development & evaluation
- Qualitative Research; ethnography
Dr Chris Wiiliams
- Older person’s care across primary, secondary, community and social care
- Health systems, workforce development, quality and safety in primary care
- Complex intervention studies and use of mixed methods
- Primary care approaches to global health
Dr Kate Wiilams
- Incontinence
- Women's health
- Qualitative research methods
- Mixed methods research
The Infant Mortality and Morbidity Studies (TIMMS)
- Effects of gestational age at birth on neonatal and later outcomes
- Late preterm and early term birth
- Assessment and management of neonatal pain
- Enteral feeding in preterm infants
- Neonatal randomised controlled trials
- Data harmonisation and standardisation for preterm birth cohorts – both national and international
- Outcomes from neonatal and paediatric intensive care
- Surveillance and confidential enquiries into perinatal mortality and morbidity
- Developmental psychology and psychopathology
- Assessing neurodevelopmental outcomes in childhood
- Long term neurodevelopmental outcomes after high risk birth
- Educational outcomes after high risk birth
- The use of quantitative data for quality improvement in healthcare
- Statistical process control (SPC) methodology applied to healthcare
- Statistical methods for the routine reporting of healthcare quality indicators
- The selection of quality indicators for quality assurance and quality improvement in healthcare
- Epidemiology, experiences and outcomes following neonatal and/or paediatric intensive care
- Outcomes and experiences following transport by paediatric critical care teams
- Supporting parents and families who have or had a critically ill child
- Statistical methodology around the measurement and monitoring of adverse pregnancy outcomes
- Qualitative research to understand parents’ and clinicians’ experiences of pregnancy loss, neonatal mortality and preterm birth
- Use of large-scale routine health data to monitor and reduce inequalities in health