Professor Mark Rutherford
Professor of Biostatistics
School/Department: Population Health Sciences, Department of
Telephone: +44 (0)116 229 7292
I’m a Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Leicester and also hold a visiting scientist position at the Section of Cancer Surveillance International Agency for Research on Cancer. My main areas of interest are in methods for the analysis of population-based registry data.
I have been involved in a number of methodological and applied papers for comparisons of cancer survival metrics; with a focus on developing measures that are intuitive but that retain appropriate fairness when comparing across population groups (e.g. across socioeconomic groups or across countries). A researcher in our group (Sarwar Mozumder) has developed a web-based tool for understanding Cancer Survival measures:
I am also involved in applying and adapting the methods used in cancer epidemiology to other disease areas. I have recently been involved in developing an approach for providing up-to-date estimates of risk from prognostic models. I also collaborate on projects in an RCT and meta-analysis setting; where interest may be in competing risks, multistate modelling or extrapolation of survival functions.
Some selected recent papers are given below:
Syriopoulou E. Rutherford M.J. Lambert P.C. "Understanding disparities in cancer prognosis: An extension of mediation analysis to the relative survival framework" (2021) Biometrical Journal 63 (2) pp. 341-353. 10.1002/bimj.201900355
Lambert P.C. Andersson T.M.-L. Rutherford M.J. et al. "Reference-adjusted and standardized all-cause and crude probabilities as an alternative to net survival in population-based cancer studies" (2020) International Journal of Epidemiology 49 (5) pp. 1614-1623.Â
Booth S. Riley R.D. Ensor J. Lambert P.C. Rutherford M.J. "Temporal recalibration for improving prognostic model development and risk predictions in settings where survival is improving over time" (2020) International Journal of Epidemiology 49 (4) pp. 1316-1325.
Syriopoulou E. Rutherford M.J. Lambert P.C. "Marginal measures and causal effects using the relative survival framework" (2020) International Journal of Epidemiology 49 (2) pp. 619-628.
Arnold M. Rutherford M.J. et al. "Progress in cancer survival mortality and incidence in seven high-income countries 1995-2014 (ICBP SURVMARK-2): a population-based study" (2019) The Lancet Oncology 20 (11) pp. 1493-1505. 10.1016/S1470-2045(19)30456-5