Professor Louise Goff
Professor of Nutrition Science
School/Department: Leicester Diabetes Research Centre
- Publications
Yates T, Biddle GJH, Henson J, Edwardson CL, Arsenyadis F, Goff LM, Papamargaritis D, Webb DR, Khunti K. Davies MJ. Impact of weight loss and weight gain trajectories on body composition in a population at high risk of type 2 diabetes: A prospective cohort analysis. Diab Obes Metab. 2023;
Reed R, Nevitt SJ, Kemp GJ, Cuthbertson DJ, Whyte MB, Goff LM. Cardiometabolic disease in black African and Caribbean populations: an ethnic divergence in pathophysiology? Proc Nut Soc. 2023; 1: 1-11. doi: 10.1017/S0029665123004895
Katsarova SS, Redman E, Arsenyadis F, Brady EM, Rowlands A, Edwardson CL, Goff LM, Khunti K, Yates T, Hall AP, Davies MJ, Henson J. Differences in dietary intake, eating occasion timings and eating windows between chronotypes in adults living with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nutrients. 2023; 15(18): 3868.
Morris A., Bright C., Cocks M., Gibson N., Goff L., et al. The role of physical activity in people living with diabetes: Recommendations from Diabetes UK’s 2022 diabetes and physical activity workshop. Diabetic Medicine. 2023; 40(9): e15169.
Cechin L., Campbell L., Oliveira A., Goff L.M., Post F.A. HbA1c screening for diabetes mellitus and to evaluated diabetic control in people of African ancestry with HIV in South London. Int J STD & AIDS. 2023; 34(7): 484–487.
Goff L.M., Davies K., Zelek W., Kodosaki E., Hakim O., Lockhart S., O'Rahilly S., Morgan B. Ethnic differences in complement system biomarkers and their association with metabolic health in Black African and White European men. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 2023; 212, 52–60.
Lowry S., Goff L.M., Irwin S., Brady O., Curran N., Lelliott, Z., Sevdalis N., Walker A. A mixed methods implementation study of a virtual culturally tailored diabetes self-management programme for African and Caribbean communities (HEAL-D) in south London and its scaling up across NHS regions in England: study protocol. BMJ Open. 2022;
Brown E., Williams A., Hakim O., Wilton M.M., Harrold J.A., Hughes D., Kemp G.J., Wilding J.P.H., Goff L.M., Cuthbertson, D.J. Single‐slice or multiple‐slice magnetic resonance imaging thigh measurements accurately predict whole‐body skeletal muscle mass in patients with Type 2 diabetes: A comparison with dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry. JCSM Rapid Communications. 2022.
Moore AP, Rivas CA, Harding S, Goff LM. Misalignment: Understanding the challenge of self-management for people living with diabetes in UK Black African and Caribbean communities. Health Education Journal. 2022; 81(6): 679-692.
Rivas C, Anand K, Wu F-W, Goff L, Dobson R, Eccles J, Ball E, Kumar S, Camaradou J, Redclift V, Nasim B, Aksoy O. Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic to improve the health and social care and wellbeing of minoritised ethnic groups with chronic conditions or impairments: protocol for the mixed methods intersectional asset-based study CICADA. JMIR Research Protocols. 2022;