
Dr Robin Green

Lecturer in Psychology

Robin Green profile

School/Department: Psychology and Vision Sciences, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 229 7185



I studied by BSc Psychology and MSc Human Neuroscience in Royal Holloway University of London. I studied my PhD in cognitive neuropsychology in the University of Birmingham under the supervision of Dr Carmel Mevorach and the late Professor Glyn Humphreys.  After working as an instructor in Birmingham, I arrived in Leicester in 2014 as a Teaching Assistant, then became Teaching Fellow in 2016 and took up the lectureship in 2018.


My research interests are quite broad and encompass the following which I would be happy to supervise topics on:

  • Cognitive neuropsychology of visual attention and cognitive control (cognitive flexibility and adaptability) and its influences.
  • Neurostimulation of visual cognition using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial electrical stimulation (tES: tDCS, tACS, tRNS).
  • Individual differences in cognitive abilities covering: perception, memory, numerical cognition, attention, and executive control in special populations such as bilinguals, gamers, patients.
  • Cognitive and attentional control, memory and perception of those with subclinical tendencies of dyslexia, Autistic Spectrum and dyscalculia or psychosis/schizotypal in neurotypical populations.
  • Coaching psychology.
  • Pedagogical research in teaching large around assessment and feedback, group work and student belonging and wellbeing.
  • Research methods and open science education


Thibault, R. T., Bailey-Rodriguez, D., Bartlett, J. E., Blazey, P., Green, R. J., Pownall, M., & Munafo, M. R. (2024). A Delphi study to strengthen research methods training in undergraduate psychology programmes. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 7(1). 

Tan, Y-W, Green, R.J., & Goh, S.K.Y. (2022). The relationship between five cultural values and neuropsychological test performances in an ethnically diverse group in the UK. Culture and Brain, 10, 140-154.

Tan, Y.-W., Burgess, G.H., & Green, R.J. (2021). The effects of acculturation on neuropsychological test performance: A systematic literature review. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35, 541-571

Mevorach, C., Shalev, L., Green, R.J., Chechlacz, M., Riddoch, J., & Humphreys, G.W. (2014). Hierarchical processing in Balint's syndrome: A failure of flexible top-down attention. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8

Apps, M.A.J., Green, R. & Ramnani, N. (2013). Reinforcement learning signals in the anterior cingulate cortex code for others' false beliefs. NeuroImage, 64, 1-9. 


I supervise BSc dissertations, MSc and MRes dissertation projects, PhD and DClinPsy thesis projects.

Current and recent PhD and DClinPsy projects supervised/co-supervised

  • The effect of acculturation on neuropsychological test performance (Main supervisor PhD completed)
  • Cognitive components of foraging (Co-supervisor PhD completed)
  • Q methodology exploring attitudes about the use of puberty blockers in adolescents identifying as transgender/gender non-conforming (2nd supervisor DClinPsy project completed)
  • The role of the animal in Animal-Assisted Therapy (Main supervisor DClinPsy - 3rd year)
  • Q methodology study exploring attitudes to Complex PTSD as an alternative to the diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (2nd supervisor DClinPsy - 3rd year)
  • Coaching psychology in undergraduate students (Co-supervisor PhD - 2nd year) 
  • Camouflaging in those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Main supervisor DClinPsy - 2nd year)
  • Qualitative exploration into the feasibility of adopting psychologically-informed care in cardiology wards (2nd supervisor DClinPsy - 2nd year)
  • Belonging in students from minority ethnic backgrounds (Co-supervisor PhD - 1st year)



  • Currently Programme lead for MSc Psychology campus-based programme.
  • Previously programme lead for BSc Psychology/ BSc Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience and BSc Applied Psychology programmes and Intercalated BSc Psychology
  • I teach in all three years of the undergraduate Psychology programme and contribute to MSc Psychology (Conversion) programme
  • I teach topics in history and philosophy of psychology, research methods, studying and transferable employability skills, cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology, atypical development, psychopathology.
  • I also supervise BSc final year and MSc dissertations in a wide variety of cognitive psychological and cognitive neuroscience topics.

Press and media

Attention, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cognitive Control, Neuropsychology, Pedagogy


  • Member of British Psychological Society's Undergraduate Education Committee
  • Deputy Chair of British Psychological Society's Coaching Psychology Training Committee
  • Ordinary Committee member of British Psychological Society's Division of Academics, Teachers and Researchers in Psychology
  • External examiner of BSc and MSc Psychology programmes
  • Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society
  • Chartered Psychologist by British Psychological Society
  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management
  • Panel assessor for University of Leicester PEERS Higher Education Academy Fellowship scheme (AFHEA, FHEA, SFHEA)
  • Qualified coach and part of University of Leicester Coaching and Mentoring Academy
  • Mentor on University of Leicester's Mentor Connect


University Distinguished Teaching Fellow (2022)


BSc Psychology (Royal Holloway University of London)
MSc Human Neuroscience (Royal Holloway University of London)
PhD Psychology (University of Birmingham)
ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring

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