Dr Kayleigh Warrington

School/Department: Psychology and Vision Sciences, School of
I joined the School of Psychology and Vision Sciences as a Lecturer in 2023.
Before this, I completed my BSc, PhD and a post-doctoral research position at the University of Leicester. From 2020-2023, I was a lecturer at Nottingham Trent University.
My primary research explores the cognitive processes that enable people read and understand text. I study this topic in different populations including older adults and struggling readers, and across different writing systems including Chinese, Arabic, English and Mongolian.
More recently, I have also developed research around Open Science practices, disability, inclusion and structural injustice.
I am a member of the Vision Sciences research group.
I am a member of the Experimental Psychology Society, member of the Society for Research in Higher Education, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Zhang, L., Kang, L., Chen, W., Xie, F., & Warrington, K. L. (2024). Parafoveal Processing of Orthography, Phonology, and Semantics during Chinese Reading: Effects of Foveal Load. Brain Sciences. 14(5), 512.
Li, L., Bao, L., Li, Z., Li, S., Liu, J., Wang, P., Warrington, K. L., Gunn, S., & Paterson, K. B. (2024). Efficient word segmentation is preserved in older adult readers: Evidence from eye movements during Chinese reading. Psychology and Aging, 39(3), 215–230.
Yeung, S., Warrington, K.L., Ramji, A. V., Elsherif, M. M., Kapp, S., Azevedo, F., . . . Shaw, J. J. (2023). Bridging Open Scholarship with Higher Education and Postgraduate Training in Autism: A Primer and Guide. 10.31234/
Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A.,....Warrington, K.L., & Elsherif. M. M. (2023). Opening up Understanding of Neurodiversity: A Call for Applying Participatory and Open Scholarship Practices. BPS Bulletin. 10.53841/bpscog.2023.1.8.23
White, S. J., Wu, S. H. ., Qahtani, F. S., Warrington, K. L., Balcombe, F. O. & Paterson, K. B.(2022) Effects of reading strategies on reading behaviour and comprehension: implications for teaching study skills, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 25. 10.47408/jldhe.vi25.970
Heise, V., ..., Warrington, K.L., ..., & Weissgerber, T. (2022). Ten simple rules for implementing open and reproducible research practices after attending a training course.PLoS Computational Biology
Zhang, J., Warrington, K.L.*, Li, L., Paterson, K.B., Pagan, A., White, S. & McGowan, V.A. (2022). Are older adults more risky readers? Evidence from meta-analysis. Psychology and Aging, 37, 2. *joint first author
He, L., Ma, W., Shen., F. Wang, Y., Wu, J., Warrington, K.L., Liversedge, S.P., & Paterson, K.B. (2022). Adult age differences in parafoveal preview effects during reading: Evidence from Chinese. Psychology and Aging, 36, 7.
AlJassmi, M.A. Warrington, K.L., McGowan, V.A., White, S.J., & Paterson, K.B. (2021). Effects of Word Predictability on Eye Movements during Arabic Reading. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84, 1.
Xie, F., Wang, J., Hao, L., Zhang, X., & Warrington, K.L. (2020). Perceptual span is independent of font size for older and young readers: Evidence from Chinese. Psychology and Aging, 35, 7.
Li, H., Warrington, K.L., Pagan, A., Paterson, K.B., & Wang, X. (2021). Independent effects of collocation strength and contextual predictability on eye movements in reading. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 36, 8.
AlJassmi, M.A. Warrington, K.L., McGowan, V.A., White, S.J., & Paterson, K.B. (2021). Effects of Word Predictability on Eye Movements during Arabic Reading. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84, 1.
Xie, F., Wang, J., Hao, L., Zhang, X., & Warrington, K.L. (2020). Perceptual span is independent of font size for older and young readers: Evidence from Chinese. Psychology and Aging, 35, 7.
Paterson, K.B., McGowan, V.A., Warrington, K.L., Li, L., Li S., Xie, F., Chang, M., Zhao, S., Pagan, A., White, S.J., & Wang, J. (2020). Effects of normative aging on eye Movements during reading. Vision, 4, 7.
Chang, M., Zhang, K., Hao, L., Zhao, S., McGowan, V.A., Warrington, K.L., Paterson, K.B., Wang, J., & Gunn, S.C. (2020). Word predictability depends on parafoveal preview validity in Chinese reading. Visual Cognition, 28, 33-40.
Xie, F., McGowan, V.A., Chang, M., Li, L., White, S.J., Paterson, K.B., Wang, J., & Warrington, K.L. (2020). Revealing similarities in the perceptual span of young and older Chinese readers. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 8.
Su, J., Yin, G., Bai, X., Yan, G., Kurtev, S., Warrington, K.L., McGowan, V.A., Liversedge, S.P., & Paterson, K.B. (2020). Flexibility in the perceptual span during reading: Evidence from Mongolian. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 1566-1572.
Warrington, K.L., Xie, F., Wang, J., & Paterson, K.B. (2019). Aging effects on the visual span for alphabetic stimuli. Experimental Aging Research, 45, 387-399.
Xie, F., Li, L., Zhao, S., Wang, J., Paterson, K.B., White, S.J, & Warrington, K.L. (2019). Aging and pattern complexity effects on the visual span: Evidence from Chinese character recognition. Vision, 3, 11.
Warrington, K.L., McGowan, V.A., Paterson, K.B., & White, S.J. (2019). Effects of adult aging on letter position coding in reading: Evidence from eye movements. Psychology and Aging, 34, 598-612.
Li, S., Oliver-Mighten, L., Li, L., White, S.J., Paterson, K.B., Wang, J., Warrington, K.L., & McGowan, V.A. (2019). Adult Age Differences in Effects of Text Spacing on Eye Movements during Reading. Frontiers in Psychology.
Warrington, K.L., McGowan, V.A., Paterson, K.B., & White, S.J. (2018). Effects of Aging, Word Frequency and Text Stimulus Quality on Reading across the Adult Lifespan: Evidence from eye movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44, 1714-1729.
Warrington, K.L., White, S.J., & Paterson, K.B. (2018). Ageing and the misperception of words: Evidence from eye movements during reading. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Special Issue in Honour of Keith Rayner. 71, 75-80.
White, S.J., Warrington, K.L., McGowan, V.A., & Paterson, K.B. (2015). Eye movements during reading and topic scanning: Effects of word frequency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 233-248
I am open to supervising students on a range of topics relating to vision and cognition or disability and social justice.