Professor Tim Yeoman
Professor of Magnetospheric Physics
School/Department: Physics & Astronomy, School of
Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 3564
My research centres on the analysis and interpretation of data from spacecraft particle and field instruments and ground-based magnetometer and ionospheric radar data.
Current research activities include:
ULF waves: Ultra low frequency (ULF) waves are an important coupling mechanism between the magnetosphere and the ionosphere since they transfer both energy and momentum. The waves also act as an important diagnostic of magnetospheric morphology and dynamics. High-frequency radio experiments such as SuperDARN and spacecraft such as the van Allen probes and Arase are providing exciting new information on ULF waves and we also explore the ULF wave populations of other solar system bodies such as Mercury.
Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling: The large-scale transport of mass momentum and energy into the Earth's magnetosphere-ionosphere system from the solar wind is mainly controlled by processes at the dayside magnetopause in the cusp region. These processes cause transient flows in the high latitude ionosphere which can be studied with the SuperDARN radars and auroral emissions which may be imaged from the ground or by space-borne auroral imagers.
Selected recent publications:
M. K. James, T. K. Yeoman, P. Jones, J. K. Sandhu, and J. Goldstein (2021) The Scalable Plasma Ion Composition and Electron Density (SPICED) model for Earth's inner magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research:Space Physics.
A. S. Kalishin, N. F. Blagoveshchenskaya, T. D. Borisova, and T. K. Yeoman (2021). Ion Gyro-Harmonic Structures in Stimulated Emission Excited by X-Mode High Power HF Radio Waves at EISCAT. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126.8.
C. Moser, J. LaBelle, S. Hatch, J. I. Moen, A. Spicher, T. Takahashi, C. A. Kletzing, S. Bounds, K. Oksavik, F. Sigernes, and T. K. Yeoman (2021). The Cusp as a VLF Saucer Source: First Rocket Observations of Long-Duration VLF Saucers on the Dayside. Geophysical Research Letters 48.2.
A. R. Fogg, M. Lester, T. K. Yeoman, A. G. Burrell, S. M. Imber, S. E. Milan, E. G. Thomas, H. Sangha, and B. J. Anderson (2020). An Improved Estimation of SuperDARN Heppner-Maynard Boundaries Using AMPERE Data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125.5,
C. M. Michael, T. K. Yeoman, D. M. Wright, S. E. Milan, and M. K. James (2020). A ray tracing simulation of HF ionospheric radar performance at African equatorial latitudes. Radio Science 55.2, e2019RS006936.
S. J. Wharton, I. J. Rae, J. K. Sandhu, M.-T. Walach, D. M. Wright, and T. K. Yeoman (2020). The Changing Eigenfrequency Continuum During Geomagnetic Storms: Implications for Plasma Mass Dynamics and ULF Wave Coupling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125.6,
M. K. James, S. M. Imber, T. K. Yeoman, and E. J. Bunce (2019). Field Line Resonance in the Hermean Magnetosphere: Structure and Implications for Plasma Distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124.1, pp. 211-228.
S. J. Wharton, D. M. Wright, T. K. Yeoman, M. K. James, and J. K. Sandhu (2019). The Variation of Resonating Magnetospheric Field Lines With Changing Geomagnetic and Solar Wind Conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124.7, pp. 5353-5375.
J. K. Sandhu, T. K. Yeoman, R. C. Fear, and I. Dandouras (2016a). A statistical study of magnetospheric electron density using the Cluster spacecraft. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics 121.11, 11042-11062.
M. K. James, T. K. Yeoman, P. N. Mager, and D. Y. Klimushkin (2013). The spatio-temporal characteristics of ULF waves driven by substorm injected particles. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics 118.4, pp. 1737-1749.
ULF wave process in the magnetospheres of the Earth Mercury Jupiter and Saturn.
Solar wind ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling at the Earth
High frequency radar operations and their uses in providing diagnostics of ionospheric processes
Magnetospheric substorms and their interaction with energetic particles in the Earths radiation belts