
Dr Clark Hobson

Lecturer in Law

Clark Hobson

School/Department: Leicester Law School

Telephone: +44 (0)116 223 1973



I joined Leicester Law School in 2017, having previously been a Teaching Fellow at the University of Birmingham. I have also been a visiting scholar at McGill University, and the University of Virginia. I was awarded the Head of School's Award for Excellence in Teaching at Birmingham. I have since been awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy at Leicester.


My main research interests lie in the crossover between jurisprudence and ethics. I am particularly interested in analysing judicial decision-making in cases with an inherent ethical content. I am currently looking at whether the concepts of judicial responsibility and legality can detail a better relationship between Parliament and the judiciary in ethically sensitive end-of-life issues


Co-editor: S. Smith, J. Coggon, C. Hobson, R. Huxtable, S. McGuinness, J. Miola, M. Neal (eds), Ethical Judgments: Re-Writing Medical Law (Hart Publishing, Oxford 2017)

Jose Miola & Clark Hobson, 'Should We Criminalise Informed Consent?' (2021) 21 (4) Medical Law International 369 

Nataly Papadopoulou & Clark Hobson, 'The Omid Litigation: Should Courts Hear Oral Evidence When Determining The Proportionality Of Section 2(1) Of The Suicide Act 1961?' (DOI:

Clark Hobson & Nataly Papadopoulou, 'Regulating Risk and Autonomy in Assisted Suicide' (2021) 29 (1) Medical Law Review 128

Clark Hobson, 'Assisted Dying Challenges: Dynamic and Stasis in the UK Courts' 2018 18 (4) Medical Law International 256

Clark Hobson, 'Is it now Institutionally Appropriate for the Courts to Consider whether the Assisted Dying Ban is Human Rights Compatible?' (2018) 26 (3) Medical Law Review 514

Clark Hobson, 'Williams v The Bermuda Hospitals Board: Pro-Patient, but for Ambiguities Which Remain' (2017) 25 (1) Medical Law Review 126

Clark Hobson 'Assisted Suicide: Unpicking the Warp and Woof of Politics, Ethics and the Law in Nicklinson' in Coggon, Hobson, Huxtable, Miola, McGuinness, Neal and Smith (eds) Ethical Judgments: Re-writing Medical Law (Hart Publishing, Oxford 2017) 214-220

Clark Hobson, 'No (,) More Bolam Please' (2016) 79 (3) Modern Law Review 488

Clark Hobson, 'Choosing Wisely? Not as the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges envisages' (2015) 76 (12) British Journal of Hospital Medicine 676


Bioethics (broadly conceived), Jurisprudence (broadly conceived), End-of-Life Decisions, Informed Consent



  • Bioethics
  • Jurisprudence
  • Medical Law


  • Autonomy, Capacity, Consent

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