Dr Inga Thiemann
Associate Professor
School/Department: Leicester Law School
Inga's doctoral thesis critically examined criminal law responses to human trafficking and proposed an alternative paradigm rooted in labour law. Inga received the prestigious Modern Law Review Scholarship for her doctoral research.
I have published in various leading journals, including the Industrial Law Journal, the International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations and the Anti-Trafficking Review. I am the current lead for the socio-legal research development cluster.
My research interests are at the intersections of employment law, criminal law, migration law, discrimination law and feminist theory. I am particularly interested in marginalised workers, feminised sectors of work and in issues of gender and migration.
Human Trafficking and Labour Exploitation, as well as their intersections with Gender & Law, Human Rights Law and Public International Law.
Postgraduate distance learning
- LW7513 Individual Employment Relations
- LW7522 International Labour Law, Human Rights and Trade Union Law