Dr Ewa Zelazna

In my PhD, I evaluated the EU’s International Investment Policy. I was a visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER) at the T.M.C Asser Institute in the Hague and at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg. I completed traineeship at the Chambers of Judge Christopher Vajda at the Court of Justice of the European Union and participated in the International Academy for Arbitration Law in Paris. I was a Research Assistant at the Investment Treaty Forum of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law.
I am currently the Senior Tutor at the Leicester Law School and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Together with Lauren Shellard, I run the Law Peer Support Network.
I have been a lecturer at the Leicester Law School since September 2017. Prior to my appointment as a lecturer, I worked in the Department as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. I graduated with BA (Hons) in Economics and Law and LLM in International Commercial Law (with Felicidad Martinez Purrinos Memorial Prize), both from the University of Leicester. I completed my PhD in 2018 with no corrections.
My main research interests are in fields of EU external relations law, EU constitutional law, international economic law and international investment law. My current projects concern the interaction between the EU legal order and international investment law, as well as the rule of law crisis in Europe.
‘The EU as a Good Global Actor in International Economic Relations: The Role of Parliaments’ in Elaine Fahey and Isabella Mancini (eds), Understanding the EU as a Good Global Actor: Ambitions, Values and Metrics (Edward Elgar 2022).
'The External Dimension of the Principle of Conferral: Division of Competences in International Trade' in Katja S Ziegler, Päivi J Neuvonen and Violeta Moreno-Lax (eds), Research Handbook on General Principles in EU Law: Constructing Legal Orders in Europe (Edward Elgar 2022).
'Parliamentary Involvement in the Negotiations on the EU–UK Trade Agreement' in Juan Santos Vara and Ramses A Wessel (eds), The Routledge Handbook on the International Dimension of Brexit (Routledge 2022) (with Adam Cygan).
'The EU's Reform of the Investor-State Dispute Resolution System: A Bilateral Path towards a Multilateral Solution' in Lukasz Gruszczynski, Marcin Menkes, Veronika Bilkova, Paolo Farah (eds), The Crisis of Multilateral Legal Order: Causes Dynamics and Implications (Routledge 2022).
'The Relationship between the Court of Justice of the European Union and International Courts after Opinion 1/17' in Andrea Biondi and Giorgia Sangiuolo (eds) The EU and the Rule of Law in International Economic Relations (Edward Elgar 2021).
'Transparency in Investor-State Arbitration: Where Does Asia Stand?' in Mahdev Mohan and Chester Brown (eds), The Asian Turn in Foreign Investment (CUP 2021) (with N. Jansen Calamita).
‘EU Trade Negotiations’ in Adam Cygan and Meg Russell (eds), Parliaments and Brexit (The UK in a Changing Europe, 2020).
‘The Rule of Law Crisis Deepens in Poland after Joined Cases C 585/18, C 624/18 and C 625/1 A.K. v Krajowa Rada Sądownictwa and CP, DO v Sąd Najwyższy [2019]’ (2020) European Papers, European Forum, Insight 1.
‘Protocol (No 7) on the privileges and immunities of the European Union annexed to the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union by the Treaty of Lisbon’ Oxford International Organizations.
‘CEPA Indonesia-Australia and the Missed Opportunity for a Transformative Environmental Change through Trade’ (PPM Blog, May 2019).
‘Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses: The Centrality and Limits of General Principles’ in Attila Tanzi, Andrea Gattini and Filippo Fontanelli (eds), General Principles of Law and International Investment Arbitration (Brill 2018) (with N. Jansen Calamita).
‘Assessment of the Jurisdictional Conflict between the CJEU and Investor-State Tribunals from the Perspective of Neofunctionalism’ in Katia Fach Gomez (ed.), EU Policy on International Investments: Uncertainties, Challenges, Opportunities (JM Bosch Editor 2017).
‘The Changed Landscape of Transparency in Investor-State Arbitration: the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules and the Mauritius Convention’ in Christian Klausegger and others (eds.) Austrian Yearbook of International Arbitration 2016 (C.H. Beck, Stämpfli Verlag, Manz, 2016) (with N. Jansen Calamita).
I accept PhD proposals in the following areas:
- Investment Law,
- EU Law, Trade Law
- EU-UK Relations post-Brexit
- EU External Relations (EU as a Global Actor/ Regulator)
- Integration theories and their application in a global context
- Populism and the Rule of Law Crisis
Projects I currently supervise are:
- 'The Post-Brexit Reform of UK Regulatory Governance and Its Impact on Global Trade Relations' by Laura Delap
- 'From Communism to EU Membership. Legal Transitions and Democratic Backsliding in Poland.' by Ewa Garbarz
- 'The African Single Market: An analysis of Competition Law Regulation in the ECOWAS and its impact on the African Continental Free Trade Area' by Antele Madugu
- 'Multilateral Investment Court: The Panacea to the Legitimacy Crisis or a case of New Wine, Old Skin?' by Sylvia Igwe
- EU Law
- Land Law
- International Investment Law (LLM)
Press and media
BBC East Midlands, Charnwood Council Concerned over Polish Twin Town's LGBT Stance' 8 Sept 2020.