Professor Carole McCartney
Professor of Law and Criminal Justice

School/Department: Leicester Law School
Telephone: +44 (0)116 373 6440
Professor McCartney’s research examines the utilisation of science and technology in the justice system, considering the legal, ethical and societal consequences, with a focus upon forensic science and biometrics. Previously at Northumbria University where she established the Science and Justice Research Interest Group, she has written on: miscarriages of justice; DNA and biometrics; (ethical and effective) forensic science, international policing cooperation, and criminal justice more widely. She has been consulted by domestic and international governments on the governance of forensic biometrics, and is a Commissioner on the Westminster Commission on Forensic Science. She is currently a co-lead on the RAI Keystone project ‘Probable Futures’ examining the responsible use of AI in law enforcement.
I research issues around criminal justice and forensic science, and have written on miscarriages of justice, international policing cooperation, DNA and biometrics, and criminal justice more widely. I am currently Commissioner on the Westminster Commission on Forensic Science and co-lead on the RAI Keystone Project: Probable Futures, examining the responsible use of AI in law enforcement.
- McCartney, C. & M. Wienroth, ‘Revising the DNA Profiles Act: Pushing the Envelope?’ Swiss Law Review 3 (2024)
- M. Wienroth, & C. McCartney, ‘Noble Cause Casuistry’ in Forensic Genetics’ WIREs Forensic Sci (19 October 2023)
- McCartney, C & L. Shorter, ‘You Don’t Know What You’ve Got ‘Til It’s Gone: The Police Retention of Investigative Materials’, International Journal of Police Science and Management (2023) DOI: 10.1177/146135572312034
- McCartney, C., S. Pike & C. Allsop. ‘Homicide Investigation and Miscarriages of Justice’ in Pike & Allsop (eds) Routledge Handbook of Homicide Investigation (Routledge, 2023).
- McCartney, C, E. Topfer & R. Granja. ‘Biometric Forensic Identity Databases: Precariously Balanced or Faulty Scales?’ in Roberts & Purshouse (Eds) Privacy, Technology & the Criminal Process (forthcoming, Routledge 2023).
- Amankwaa, A. & C. McCartney ‘Evaluating Forensic DNA Databases’ in Toom, Wienroth & M’Charek (eds) Forensic DNA Profiling Across the Globe: Exploring Technolegal Worlds. (Routledge, 2022)
- M. Wienroth, Amankwaa, A., and C McCartney, ‘Integrity, Trustworthiness and Effectiveness: An Ethos for Forensic Genetics’ Genes (2022)
- Nsiah Amoako, E & C. McCartney, ‘Swapping Carrots for Sticks: Forensic Providers Views of the Forensic Regulator Act 2021’, Science and Justice (August 2022)
- M. Wienroth, R. Granja, V. Lipphardt, E. Nsiah Amoako, and McCartney, C. ‘Ethics as Lived Practice. Anticipatory Capacity and Ethical Decision-Making in Forensic Genetics’ Genes (November 2021)
- Kotsoglou, K & C. McCartney. “To the Exclusion of All Others? DNA Profile and Transfer Mechanics – R v Jones (William Francis) [2020]” International Journal of Evidence and Proof (2021) 25(2) 1-6.
- Nsiah Amoako, E & C. McCartney ‘The UK Forensic Regulator: Fit for Purpose?’ (2021) WIRES For Sci. e1415
- Amankwaa, A. & C. McCartney ‘The effectiveness of the current use of forensic DNA in criminal investigations in England & Wales’, (2021) WIREs Forensic Sci. e1414.
- McCartney, C & L. Shorter. ‘Police Retention and Storage of Evidence in England and Wales’ (2019) International Journal of Police Science and Management 22(2) 123-136.
- McCartney, C. & L. Shorter, ‘Exacerbating Injustice: Post-Conviction Disclosure in England and Wales.’ (2019) International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 59, (100323)
- Amankwaa, A & McCartney, C. ‘The Effectiveness of the UK National DNA Database’, Forensic Science International: Synergy’, (2019) 1, 45-55.
- Lennon G., C. King & C McCartney (eds). Counter-terrorism, Constitutionalism and Miscarriages of Justice (Hart Publishing, 2019).
- McCartney, C. ‘The Forensic Science Paradox’ in: King, Lennon & McCartney (eds) Counter-terrorism, Constitutionalism and Miscarriages of Justice (Hart Publishing, 2019).
- McCartney, C and Amoako, E. ‘The UK Forensic Science Regulator: A Model for Forensic Science Regulation?’ (2018) 34 (4) Georgia State University Law Review.
- Amankwaa, A & McCartney, C. ‘The UK National DNA Database: Implementation of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012’ (2018) 284, Forensic Science International, 117-128.
- McCartney, C & Wortley, N. ‘Under the Covers: Covert Policing and Intimate Relationships’ (2018) 2 Criminal Law Review, 137–156.
- McCartney, C & Graham, R. ‘All We Need to Know?’ Questioning Transnational Scientific Evidence’, in Roberts & Stockdale (eds) Forensic Science Evidence & Expert Witness Testimony (Edward Elgar, 2018).
- Wortley, N. & C. McCartney, ‘Case comment: R. v Lawrance [2020] EWCA Crim 971, unreported, 23 July 2020, CA’ Criminal Law Weekly, Issue 28, 19 August 2020.
- Amankwaa, A. & C. McCartney ‘Gaughran vs the UK and public acceptability of forensic biometrics retention’, (2020) 60 (3) Science and Justice, 204-205.
- Amankwaa, A. & C. McCartney ‘Drawing a Line on Data.’ (2020) Police Professional, March.
- McCartney, C. & L. Shorter. ‘Storing up confusion’, (2019), Police Professional, July, pp23-26.
- McCartney, C. ‘Streamlined Forensic Reporting: Rhetoric and Reality’, (2019), Forensic Science International: Synergy 1. Pp. 83-85.
- McCartney, C & E. Amoako, ‘Accreditation of Forensic Science Service Providers’ (April 2019) Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 65. Pp.143-145.
- The Effectiveness of the UK National DNA Database, Amankwaa, A., McCartney, C. 2019, In: Forensic Science International: Synergy
- The UK National DNA Database: Implementation of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, Amankwaa, A., McCartney, C. 1 Mar 2018, In: Forensic Science International
- Comment: R. (Monica) v DPP (Boyling, interested party) [2018] EWHC 3508 (Admin), Wortley, N., McCartney, C. 30 Jan 2019, In: Criminal Law Week
- Counter-Terrorism, Constitutionalism and Miscarriages of Justice: A Festschrift for Professor Clive Walker, Lennon, G., King, C., McCartney, C. 1 Nov 2018
- The Forensic Science Paradox, McCartney, C. 1 Nov 2018, Counter-Terrorism, Constitutionalism and Miscarriages of Justice, Hart
- Under the Covers: Covert Policing and Intimate Relationships, McCartney, C., Wortley, N. 1 Feb 2018, In: Criminal Law Review
- ‘All we need to know’? Questioning transnational scientific evidence, McCartney, C., Graham, R. 30 Nov 2018, Forensic Science Evidence and Expert Witness Testimony, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar
- The UK forensic science regulator: A model for forensic science regulation?, McCartney, C., Nsiah Amoako, E. 2018, In: Georgia State University Law Review
- Trust and the International Exchange of Forensic Information, McCartney, C. 26 Jan 2017, Trust in International Police and Justice Cooperation, Hart
I welcome approaches from prospective doctoral candidates in any field of Criminal Law and/or Justice but especially evidence, policing and forensic science and miscarriages of justice. I have previously supervised PGR students researching topics relating to forensic science, youth justice and appeals, expert evidence, and the law and algorithms.
- Evidence
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Justice
Press and media
The operation of the criminal justice system but particularly forensic science, miscarriages of justice, and evidential issues.