Professor Pablo Cortes
Chair in Civil Justice

I have a chair in Civil Justice at Leicester Law School where I teach and conduct research in the field of dispute resolution, civil procedure and consumer law. I have been invited to speak at international conferences and expert meetings in over 20 different countries, including by the UN Commission for International Trade Law the European Commission and the European Parliament. I act regularly as an independent adjudicator or arbitrator for a variety of civil disputes, but mainly for aviation, water and telecommunications cases. I have also worked as a consultant for a number of private and public organisations in the areas of dispute resolution and consumer law.
I am a fellow of the National Centre for Technology and Dispute Resolutions (University of Massachusetts), a founding member of the International Council for Online Dispute Resolution (ICODR) and in 2012 I was a Gould Research Fellow at Stanford University. I am also the co-editor of the journal of Mediation - Theory and Practice and the external examiner for the Alternative Dispute Resolution modules at University College London.
My research focuses on civil dispute resolution methods and in particular about the use of technology to resolve consumer disputes. I have received funding from various institutions, including the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Nuffield Foundation.
The Law of Consumer Redress in an Evolving Digital Market (Cambridge University Press, 2018) xiii + 328 pp. Foreword by Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales (2013-2017).
(ed) The New Regulatory Framework for Consumer Dispute Resolution (Oxford University Press, 2016) xxviii + 471 pp.
Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union (Routledge, 2010) xxi + 260 pp.
“Embedding Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Civil Justice System: A Taxonomy for ADR Referrals and a Digital Pathway to Increase the Uptake of ADR” (2023) Legal Studies, forthcoming
“The Singapore Convention and the Growth of Online Mediation” (2022) 28(6) Computer and Telecommunications Law Review 142- 149
"Using Technology and ADR Methods to Enhance Access to Justice" (2019) 5(1) International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution 103-121.
"Consumer ADR in Spain and the United Kingdom" (2018) 7(2) Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 82-88.
"Legislating for an Effective and Legitimate System of Online Consumer Arbitration" in M. Piers and C. Aschauer, Arbitration in the Digital Age: The Brave New World of Arbitration (Cambridge University Press, 2018) 207-243 (with T. Cole).
"The Online Court: Filling the Gaps of the Civil Justice System?" (2017) 36(1) Civil Justice Quarterly 54-71.
"The Need for Synergies In Judicial Cooperation and Dispute Resolution: Changes in the European Small Claims Procedure" in B. Hess and X. E. Kramer (eds.), From Common Rules to Best Practices in European Civil Procedure - Studies of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, no. 8 (Hart Publishing, 2017) 379-401.
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Online Dispute Resolution
- Civil Procedure
- Mediation
- Consumer Redress
- Comparative Dispute Resolution
- Digital Justice
- AI and the Law
- Dispute Resolution
- Analysing the English Legal System
- Civil Dispute Resolution Methods
Press and media
- Online Courts
- Online Dispute Resolution
- Consumer Disputes
- Small Claims
- Digital Justice
- Spanish Law
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- “Process Pluralism in the Post-Covid Dispute Resolution Landscape: A Response" EU ADR Conference, Wolfson College, University of Oxford, 9 & 10 November 2022
- "O Surgimento das ODRs e a Experiência na União Européia e no Reino Unido”, MERCOSUR, Workshop on Digital Platforms for the Resolution of Disputes, video-conference, 10 September 2021
- “La Resolución de las Reclamaciones de Consumo En Línea - La Experiencia de la UE y del Reino Unido” SENACON - Secretaría Nacional del Consumidor en Brasil, video-conference, 11 June 2021
- “The EU Consumer ODR Platform: 5 Years On” Annual Conference: Promoting Consumer Protection in the Dispute Resolution and Redress Mechanisms in eCommerce, Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual, 27-29 April 2021
- "The Digitalisation of the English Small Claims Court” Workshop: The Promises and Challenges of ADR” Copenhagen Business School, video-conference, 27 January 2021
- “Digital Justice in England and Wales” International Workshop: Current Challenges in Delivering Consumer Redress Universidad de Granada 18 September 2020
- “El Arbitraje de Consumo en la UE y en el Reino Unido” Congreso Internacional sobre el Arbitraje Online de Consumo Universidad de los Andes Santiago de Chile 13 December 2019
- “The Growth of Online Dispute Resolution and Lessons for the Online Court in the UK” International Conference on Civil Procedure of the Center for Legal Studies of the General Attorney’s Office of Rio de Janeiro State Brazil 16-18 September 2019
- “Challenges for Policy Makers” in International Forum on Online Dispute Resolution HMCTS and Society for Computers and Law London 3-4 December 2018