Dr Carla Crifo
Associate Professor

I was born in Belgium brought up and educated in Italy and did my postgraduate taught and research degrees in law at the University of Oxford. In 2003 I settled in Leicester and have been a lecturer first then an associate lecturer in Law at the University.
My research interests centre on civil procedure - the theory of dispute resolution and adjudication and the rules of court and of other types of dispute resolution both internal to England and Wales and cross-border within the EU and in the field of the Conflict of Laws (Private International Law).
Forthcoming monograph: Civil Procedure. Public and Private Functions of English rules of court’ (Hart/Bloomsbury)
“Does Procedural Mean Trans-substantive? A Historical and Normative Analysis of English Civil Procedure” in A. Higgins and R. Assy (eds) Principles Procedure Justice Essays in Honour of Adrian Zuckerman (OUP 2020) [9780198850410] 243-267
“Trusted with a muzzle and enfranchised with a clog”: English reactions to the EOP and the ESCP’ in B. Hess, M. Bergstrom, E. Storskrubb (eds) EU Civil Justice: Current Issues and Future Outlook (Hart 2016) [9781849466820] 81-96
‘Enforcement of Process Requirements: a Search for Solid Grounds’ (2014) 34(2) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 325
With B. Thornburg, E.S. Knutsen, C. Cameron and D. Bamford ‘A Community Of Procedure Scholars: Teaching Procedure And The Legal Academy’ 51 Osgoode Hall L.J. 93 (2013)
‘Europeanisation, Harmonisation and Unspoken Premises: the Case of Service Rules in the Regulation on a European Small Claims Procedure (Reg. No 861/2007)’ (2011) 30 Civil Justice Quarterly 283
Civil Procedure in the European Order: an Overview of the Latest Developments’ in D. Dwyer (ed.) The Civil Procedure Rules. Ten Years On (Oxford University Press 2009 ISBN 978-0-19-957688-3) 359-378
Cross-border Enforcement of Debts in the European Union: Default Judgments, Summary Judgments and Orders for Payment (Kluwer Law International 2009 ISBN 978-90-411-2520-0) x+254pp+appendices
‘First Steps Towards the Harmonisation of Civil Procedure: The Regulation Creating a European Enforcement Order for Uncontested Claims’ (2005) 24 Civil Justice Quarterly 200
I am willing to supervise dissertations in Civil Procedure and ADR methods.
I teach Dispute Resolution Methods (both at undergraduate and LLM level) Land Law and Equity and Trusts.
Press and media
Adjudication issues.