Professor Sally Kyd

School/Department: Leicester Law School
Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2372
I previously published under the names of Sally Cunningham and Sally Kyd Cunningham.
S Kyd, T Elliott & MA Walters, Clarkson and Keating: Criminal Law 10th ed., Sweet & Maxwell 2020 ISBN 978-0-414-07555-9
S Kyd & S Cammiss 'Driving offences: promoting consistency for victims in "victimless" crimes of endangerment' [2020] Criminal Law Review 3: 220-240
G Turton & S Kyd 'Causing Controversy: interpreting the requirements of causation in criminal law and tort law' [2020] N.I.L.Q. 70(4): 425-444
A Carline, E Palmer, S Kyd, M Burton, P Jooman and S Poppleton, Assessing the impact and implementation of the Sentencing Council's Robbery Definitive Guideline, Sentencing Council (2019)
S Kyd 'Done to Death? Reform of Homicide Law' in Child and Duff (eds.) Criminal Law Reform Now, Hart 2018, pp.101-123, ISBN 978-1-509-91678-8
S Cunningham 'Has law reform policy been driven in the right direction? How the new causing death by driving offences are operating in practice' [2013] Criminal Law Review 711-728
S Cunningham 'Recklessness: Being Reckless and Acting Recklessly' (2010) 21(3) King's Law Journal 445-467
S Cunningham, Driving Offences: Law, Policy and Practice , Ashgate, 2008, ISBN 0 7546 4905 9
CMV Clarkson & S Cunningham (eds) Criminal Liability for Non-Aggressive Death, Ashgate, 2008, ISBN 0 7546 7334 0
S Cunningham 'Punishing Drivers who Kill: Putting Road Safety First?' (2007) 27 Legal Studies 288-311
I am also a contributor to Blackstone's Criminal Practice, Part C, since 2020