Dr Oxana Golynker
Associate Professor

School/Department: Leicester Law School
My PhD thesis Ubiquitous Citizens of Europe: the paradigm of partial migration was published as a monograph in 2006. In 2010 I was a visiting Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Center of Advanced Studies, European University, Florence funded by the British Academy. My academic articles were published in Common Market Law Review, the European Law Review, King’s College Law Journal, European Journal of Social Security, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law and by the Conversation. My work was cited by in CJEU cases Vatsouras & Koupatantze and Dano in Opinions by Advocate General Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer and Advocate General Wathelet. In 2020 I was a guest editor of the Special Issue of European Journal of Social Security on the Future of Coordination of Social Security in the European Union.
I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, interested in developing innovative methods of teaching law. I am currently Director of LLM/PGDip Employment Law Distance Learning Programme.
My research interests lie in the European Union law, in particular, EU citizenship, social solidarity, free movement of persons, and coordination of social security schemes in the European Union. Another area of my research is employment law, in particular, family-friendly policy in the UK.
- Golynker, ‘Art. 34 – Social Security and Social Assistance’ in S Peers, T Hervey , J Kenner and A Ward, The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, 2nd edn., (Hart Publishing, 2021), 985 - 1006.
- Golynker, ‘EU Coordination of Social Security from the Point of view of EU Integration Theory’ European Journal of Social Security (2020) 2 110-137.
- Golynker and Lorber, ‘Directive 2019/1158 on Work-Life Balance for Parents and Carers in the UK: the Brexit effect.’ Revue de Droit Comparé du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale (2020) 3, 118.
- Golynker, ‘Patient Mobility and Healthcare in the EU’ in Pennings and Vonk, Research Handbook on European Social Security Law (Edward Elgar, 2015), 490-514.
- Golynker ‘Family-Friendly Reform of Employment Law in the UK: an overstretched flexibility.’ (2015) 3 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 378-397.
- Golynker, ‘European Union as a Single Working-Living Space: EU Law and New Forms of Intra-Community Migration’ in A. Halpin and V. Röben (eds.) Theorising the Global Legal Order, Hart Publishing, 2009, 145-166.
- Golynker, Case C-158/07, Förster, (2009) 6 Common Market Law Review, 2021-2039.
- Golynker, ‘Co-ordination of Social Security Schemes in the European Union: The Rashomon effect in Bosmann’ (2009) 2 Journal of Social Security Law, 61-75.
- Golynker, Ubiquitous Citizens of Europe: The Paradigm of Partial Migration (Intersentia, 2006).
- Golynker, ‘Student Loans: the European concept of social justice, according to Bidar’ (2006) 3 European Law Review, 390-401.
- Golynker, “Jobseekers’ Rights in the European Union: challenges of changing the paradigm of social solidarity” (2005) 1 European Law Review, 111-122.
- Golynker, ‘Partial Migration in the EU after the Baumbast Case: bringing social and legal perspectives together’ (2004) 2 King’s College Law Journal, 367-397.
I'm happy to supervise doctoral theses in European Union Law (in particular I am interested in the research projects on EU integration, EU citizenship, free movement of persons, coordination of social security schemes) and Employment Law (I welcome projects in all areas of Employment Law, both UK and comparative).
- Employment Law
- European Union Law
- LLM/PGDip Distance Learning Employment Law