Professor Adam Cygan
Professor of EU Law

Cygan A. (2020) (with Lynch, P. and Whitaker, R.,) 'Parliamentary Scrutiny of the EU Political and Legal Space after Brexit' (58) 5 Journal of Common Market Studies, 616-635.
Cygan A. (Russell, M.) co-editor of Report 'Parliament and Brexit' (3/2020) available at
Cygan, A., (2020) De-Europeanisation of UK regulatory governance and the future UK-EU trade relationship 20 ERA Forum, 509-529.
Cygan, A (2020) (with Zelazna, E) 'Parliamentary involvement in the negotiations on the EU-UK trade agreement' in Wessels and Polak (eds) The Routledge Handbook on the International Dimension of Brexit 45-57.
Cygan, A (with Lynch, P. and Whitaker, R.) (2019) 'Brexit and the UK Parliament: Challenges and Opportunities' in Christiansen and Fromage (eds) Brexit and Democracy: The Role of Parliaments in the UK and the European Union, 51-79.
Cygan, A. (2019) 'From Deparliamentarisation to a Parliamentary Renaissance? National Parliaments in the EU Polity' in Govare and Gaben (eds) The Future of Constitutional Democracy in Europe - A Legal Assessment (Oxford: Hart Publishing) 267-293.
Cygan, A., 'Legal Implications of Economic Governance for National Parliaments' (2017) Parliamentary Affairs 1-18.