Tony Cole
Reader in Arbitration and Investment Law

Tony researches both all forms of arbitration with a particular focus on the operation of arbitration as a field of professional practice and how this affects the outcomes in arbitrations.
In 2015 he delivered a report to the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee on arbitration across the European Union and Switzerland funded by the European Parliament with €278191.00:
He subsequently led a large-scale survey of arbitration across the Americas supported by the Arbitration Court of the International Chamber of Commerce and the Organisation of American States:
He is currently leading a 6-year project on The Social and Psychological Underpinnings of Commercial Arbitration in Europe funded by the U.K.'s Economic and Social Research Council with £990560:
"Strange Bedfellows; Remarks on the Compatibility of Commercial Arbitration Principles with Maritime Arbitration" (with Aonghus Cheevers and Paolo Vargiu), Transnational Dispute Management (2021)
"Arbitration in Its Psychological Context: A Contextual Behavioural Account of Arbitral Decision-Making", in The Oxford Handbook of International Arbitration (Thomas Schultz & Federico Ortino eds.) (Oxford University Press 2020) (with Pietro Ortolani and Sean Wright) (lead author)
Understanding International Arbitration (with Pietro Ortolani) (Routledge 2019)
"Arbitration in the Americas" (2018) (with Pietro Ortolani, Pinar Karacan and Stephanie Trindade Cardoso)The Roles of Psychology in International Arbitration (editor) (Series: International Arbitration Library) (Kluwer 2017)
"Arbitration in Southern Europe: Insights from a Large-Scale Empirical Study", 26 American Review of International Arbitration 187 (2015) (with Pietro Ortolani and Barbara Warwas) (lead author)
"Legal Instruments and Practice of Arbitration in the EU" (2015) (with Ilias Bantekas, Christine Riefa, Federico Ferretti, Barbara Warwas and Pietro Ortolani):
The Structure of Investment Arbitration (Routledge 2013)
"The Boundaries of Most Favored Nation Treatment in International Investment Law", 33 Michigan Journal of International Law 537 (2012)
"Justice in the Diffusion of Innovation" (with Allen Buchanan & Robert Keohane), 19(3) Journal of Political Philosophy 306 (2011)
"Authority and Contemporary International Arbitration", 70 Louisiana Law Review 801 (2010)
"Commercial Arbitration in Japan: Contributions to the Debate on Japanese ‘Non-Litigiousness’”, 40 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 29 (2007)
The Practice of International Commercial Arbitration
Contract Law
Press and media
I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a former Branch Chair.
I am on the list or panel of a range of leading arbitral institutions worldwide including the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC) the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC) the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC) the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA) and the British Virgin Islands International Arbitration Centre (BVI IAC).
Talk: “The New Localism of International Commercial Arbitration” The Honourable Society of Gray's Inn (2021)
Conference: Business and Arbitration in an Era of Globalization (member of panel on “Achieving Efficiency in Arbitration Proceedings”) Economic Chamber of North Macedonia (2021)
Keynote: “Arbitration and the European Rule of Law” (keynote on “The Changing Role of Arbitrators in the EU”) The Hague University of Applied Sciences (2021)
Keynote: 2021 Florida Bar ILS Richard DeWitt Memorial Vis Pre-Moot (keynote on “The New Localism of International Commercial Arbitration”) (2021)
Conference: “Dublin International Arbitration Day” (member of panel on arbitration and psychology) Arbitration Ireland Dublin Ireland (2018)
Conference: “V International Arbitration Readings” (member of panel on arbitrability) Kiev Ukraine (2018) “Modern Times in arbitration: Initiatives and Perspectives” (member of panel on arbitrability) Skopje Macedonia (2018)
Conference: “Second Annual Meridian-180 Global Summit: Responding to the Rise of Inward-Looking Societies: New Models of Cooperation” Brussels Belgium (2017)"