Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 3: Health and Wellbeing

The third Sustainable Development Goal is to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages.
Though more people today are living healthier lives than ever before, many are still suffering needlessly from preventable diseases and premature death. Through working together, we can make the world a healthier place.
46 modules have intended learning outcomes directly relating to this goal, and 4,312 students have the opportunity to choose these modules.
125 articles relating to this goal were published in Scopus between 2018 and 2022, and 1,940 articles were 'cited by' in Scopus.
We maintain 6 public access defibrillators on campus.
The staff health and wellbeing team offer free flu vaccinations for University of Leicester staff each autumn.
Students in Nursing and Midwifery can take the Psycho-social concepts of public health, health promotion and health protection module to study how the health needs of individuals, families, populations and intervention strategies are determined whilst looking at the complexity of public health practice in a multi-cultural society and considering the effects of health inequalities on individuals and in the community.
The Infant Mortality and Morbidity Studies (TIMMS) Research Group has played a major role in reducing stillbirth and neonatal deaths through national surveillance, cohort studies and confidential enquiries into the quality of maternity and child health care in the UK for more than 20 years.
Read more about their research.
Courses/modules relating to the goal
Life Sciences
Biological Sciences
- Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) BSc
- Biological Sciences (Genetics) BSc
- Medical Biochemistry BSc
- Medical Genetics BSc
- Medical Microbiology BSc
- Biological Sciences MBiolSci
- Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) MBiolSci
- Biological Sciences (Genetics) MBiolSci
- Biological Sciences (Microbiology) MBiolSci
- Biological Sciences (Neuroscience) MBiolSci
- Biological Sciences (Physiology with Pharmacology) MBiolSci
- Medical Biochemistry MBiolSci
- Medical Genetics MBiolSci
- Medical Microbiology MBiolSci
- Medical Physiology MBiolSci
Science and Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering BEng
- Aerospace Engineering MEng
- General Engineering BEng
- General Engineering MEng
- Mechanical Engineering BEng
- Mechanical Engineering MEng
Physics and Astronomy
Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities
Archaeology and Ancient History
Business - Economics
History, Politics and International Relations
- Law LLB
- English and French Law LLB, Maîtrise
- Law with Criminology LLB
- Law with a Modern Language LLB
- Law with Politics LLB