Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

The twelfth Sustainable Development Goal is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
16 modules have intended learning outcomes directly relating to this goal, and 1,808 students have the opportunity to choose these modules.
154 articles relating to this goal were published in Scopus between 2018 and 2022, and 1,695 articles were 'cited by' in Scopus.
What we’re doing (University activity)
The SEED fund, granted by the Sustainability Team, is an opportunity for students to apply for funding for a sustainability project, giving them the chance to make a positive difference at the University and/or within the community. This year, five students pitched for funding for their own creative and impactful projects.
Anna Czyzycka, a postgraduate student within the School of Criminology, decided to tackle the waste produced by e-cigarettes on campus through initiating a recycling scheme with our waste contractor, Enva. Four new bins specifically purposed to recycle e-cigarettes and vapes, have been installed across campus.
The Department of Geology offer a module on Anthropogenic Impact on the Urban Environment (GL4106) where students can conduct a pilot study of anthropogenic littering in the environment and design an infographic suitable to message to the general public on an anthropogenic issue.
Scientists at Space Park Leicester have joined an international programme which recognises sustainable laboratories that have created environments which support research quality.
Courses/modules relating to the goal
Science and Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering BEng
- Aerospace Engineering MEng
- General Engineering BEng
- General Engineering MEng
- Mechanical Engineering BEng
- Mechanical Engineering MEng