Midwifery with Leadership MSci
4 years
Midwifery has to be one of the most rewarding jobs imaginable. But this four-year degree goes one step further. Alongside gaining core midwifery skills and experience, you’ll also discover what it takes to be a clinical and professional leader within the field of maternity and healthcare.
Start date:
Course information
UK fee £9,535
UCAS code B720
International fee £25,900
Institute code L34

Approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

Accredited as a Baby Friendly University by UNICEF UK

Students on this course are eligible for the NHS Learning Support Fund

Ranked in the top 20 in subjects aligned to Midwifery for ‘teaching on my course' and 'academic support’ in the NSS 2024 (according to Times Higher Education NSS 2023 methodology applied to the NSS 2024 data).
Course description
Course description
This course is approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council and fully reflects the NMC (2019) Standards for Pre-registration Midwifery Programmes and Standards of Proficiency for Midwives from September 2020 entry. Details on this page describe the course as studied by all intakes of student midwives from September 2020.
The NHS needs midwives. Midwives work in a range of roles and settings which need effective leadership. We are currently the only university in the UK offering a pre-registration midwifery degree with an integrated leadership component.
This unique School of Healthcare degree draws on the experience and expertise of more than 40 years of health education at the University of Leicester, partnerships with regional NHS trusts, as well as the expertise of our School of Business.
By putting leadership at the heart of the curriculum, we give you all the tools you need to qualify as a registered midwife - and also to progress further in the midwifery profession. Throughout your degree you will be offered mentoring by experienced academics and clinicians with national and international reputations, as well as leaders in the midwifery profession and the wider NHS.
Whilst at Leicester, you will study and work within our superb facilities, which include a state-of-the-art clinical skills unit with high-tech simulated mannequins to enable you to practise procedures in a safe environment. You'll even have lectures in Leicester Medical School's anatomy dissection room and gain experience supporting mothers with feeding their babies in our newly established Infant Feeding Café.
However, practical real-world experience is a vital part of your training. You will spend 50% of your studies on placements, working alongside experienced midwives and the multi-professional team. Through these, you will develop your knowledge, skills and professional values to become a safe, proficient and confident midwife.
Our delivery of exceptional teaching and student support was reflected in our National Student Survey (NSS) 2024 results, where we were ranked in the top 20 in subjects aligned to midwifery for ‘Teaching on my course’ and ‘Academic support’ (according to Times Higher Education NSS 2023 methodology applied to the NSS 2024 data).
The 2024 NSS comprised 27 core questions covering academic experience, teaching and assessments, and well-being services. It is completed by almost 346,000 final year students in the UK and gives feedback on their university experience.
This undergraduate Masters degree lasts four years, at the end of which there will be employment opportunities as a midwife in the local NHS.
Students on this course are eligible for a grant of at least £5,000 a year, which you do not need to pay back.
This course is part of the Higher Education Pathway for Armed Forces project, which recognises the qualifications, skills and experience of ex-armed forces personnel.
Student Learning Contract
As part of the offer for a place on this course all students are required to agree to abide by the conditions of a Student Learning Contract, which you will be asked to sign during the induction week at the beginning of the course. This learning contract will apply to the entire duration of the course and the signed copy will be stored as a PDF on your University electronic record.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements
- A-levels: ABB (should include one science from Biology, Human Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Psychology). General Studies, Critical Thinking and Global Perspectives not accepted.
- GCSE: Maths and English Language at grade 5/C, plus a science subject at grade 5/C. Functional Skills not accepted as an equivalent to GCSE.
- BTEC: DDD in Extended Diploma in Health & Social Care, Health Studies or Applied Science (including Medical or Forensic streams).
- International Baccalaureate: Pass diploma with 30 points including grade 6 in HL Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Psychology. Minimum of 3 in HL Maths, or 4 in SL Maths, or 5 in SL Maths Studies, if not held at GCSE. Minimum of 4 in English A or 5 in English B if English Language not held at GCSE.
- Irish Leaving Certificate: Grades H2, H2, H2, H2, H3, which must include a science (from Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Psychology). Minimum of O3/H3 in English Language and Maths.
- Access to HE: Healthcare or Science based Diploma at Level 3: 60 credits overall, including 15 credits in topics relating to Human Biology/Anatomy and Physiology. Of the Level 3 credits, at least 30 at distinction and 15 at merit.
- Graduate entry: Honours degree in a relevant subject at 2:1 (or international equivalent)
- Armed Forces into Allied Health: Please contact our Admissions Tutors for an advisory consultation. More information about the AFIAH project.
- T Levels: Distinction in Health (with an Occupational Specialism in Supporting the Midwifery team). Other healthcare-related Occupational Specialisms can be considered.
NB. You must be at least 18 years old at the start of your first clinical placement. If you will not be 18 at that point, but meet all other entry requirements, you can still apply. If we make you an offer, it will be for deferred entry one year later.
Other official national and international qualifications considered from across the world. You can review some of the qualifications we accept on our countries page and English Language equivalencies.
If your qualification or country is not listed, please contact us for more information, including the name and result of the qualification you have studied.
Contextual offers
The University of Leicester is committed to providing equitable opportunities for all applicants from all backgrounds. We make contextual offers to support students who may be impacted by the area they live in, their personal circumstances or who have completed one of our progression programmes. These offers are usually one or two grades lower than the standard entry requirements. To qualify for a contextual offer, you must apply for an eligible course and meet specific criteria – check if you’re eligible.
Selection procedure
When considering your application, we will look for evidence that you will be able to fulfil the objectives of the course and achieve the standards required. We will take into account a range of factors including academic achievement. Suitable applicants will be invited for a values based Multiple Mini Interview (MMI). Your capability for digital and technological literacy is tested through submitting your application via UCAS and a further opportunity during the MMIs.
Occupation Health and Criminal Records Check
Home Students
An offer to study this course at the University of Leicester is subject to satisfactory Occupational Health clearance, which will include current vaccination and testing requirements as stated by our placement providers. Alongside our NHS colleagues and the NMC we consider vaccination to be a professional responsibility and the best way to protect students, NHS colleagues and their patients. If you receive an offer, you will be required to complete and submit an Occupational Health Questionnaire Form.
Offers are also subject to a satisfactory enhanced check with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
Overseas Students
An offer to study this course at the University of Leicester is subject to satisfactory Occupational Health clearance, which will include current vaccination and testing requirements as stated by our placement providers. Alongside our NHS colleagues and the NMC, and the GMC we consider vaccination to be a professional responsibility and the best way to protect students, NHS colleagues and their patients. If you receive an offer, you will be required to complete and submit an Occupational Health Questionnaire Form.
Offers are also subject to you providing a Certificate of Good Standing or Good Conduct Letter from your embassy or local police force, which should be no more than 6 months old prior to starting the course. This must specifically include confirmation that there is no known reason that you cannot work with vulnerable adults and children.
If you have studied in the UK for a minimum of 12 months prior to starting the course we will not require the Good Conduct Letter but will require a satisfactory ‘Disclosure and Barring Service’ (DBS) check (as required for Home students) upon arrival.
English Language Requirements
IELTS 7.0 (a minimum score of at least 6.5 in writing and at least 7 in all other components): as required by the NMC regulatory body. We recommend that you complete your IELTS test before you apply.
International Qualifications
Find your country in this list to check equivalent qualifications, scholarships and additional requirements.
Countries listFees and funding
Fees and funding
UK Students
Starting in 2025
The tuition fees that will be payable by you to the University for the 2025/26 academic year will be £9,535
- £9,535 in your first year. Tuition fees may increase in subsequent years in line with inflation, subject to government regulations. The inflation rate used will be the Retail Price Index excluding mortgage payments (RPIX)
You may be eligible for support from the Learning Support Fund, administered by the NHS Business Authority. From September 2020, the LSF has been extended to include a non-repayable £5,000 per year bursary for new and existing students.
Find out more about scholarships and funding.
International Students
Starting in 2025
- £25,900 per year
If you are resident outside the UK and the Republic of Ireland, you will need to pay a deposit of £3,000 to secure your place. This will be subtracted from your total tuition fee.
If you are an EU national with settled or pre-settled status under the EU settlement scheme, you may qualify for the UK fee (subject to criteria).
Find out more about scholarships and funding.
This programme has been approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). At the end of the course you will be eligible to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a midwife. The programme has also been mapped against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Midwifery Education Standards. In 2023, the University was awarded Baby Friendly accreditation by UNICEF UK.
On completion of your studies, you will graduate from a Stage 2 accredited university, having fulfilled the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Standards that enable you to effectively support mothers and families with optimal infant feeding choices.
Careers and employability
Careers and employability
This course will develop key employability skills that are important to leadership positions in healthcare, including:
- Leadership and management
- Advanced interpersonal and communication skills
- Entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity
- Evidence based decision making
- Change management
- Team working
At the point of registration, it is expected that you will have the ability to practise autonomously and will be able to progress to specialist midwifery roles such as in public health, perinatal mental health as well as become consultant midwives.
You’ll also graduate with a clear plan to accelerate your career. You will start employment within the NHS at Band 5 and it is anticipated that, with support from your educators in practice, you will be able to use your leadership education and skills to fast-track into key NHS leadership roles.
If you aspire towards a career in academia or research, secondments to the university setting to engage with the education of students or assist with project work is also a possible career option.
Careers and Employability Service
Get career-ready at Leicester with guidance from our award-winning Careers and Employability Service. We're here to give you a lifetime offer of support, even after graduation. Our team of specialist careers advisers and mentors will help you every step of the way. From supporting you with CVs and interviews, to volunteering opportunities and placements, we're here to help you reach your professional goals.
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Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
We are committed to providing skills and knowledge to help prepare you tackle global challenges. We have mapped our undergraduate degrees for learning which aligns to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
This degree includes learning which relates to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
- Goal 1: No poverty
- Goal 2: Zero hunger
- Goal 3: Health and well-being
- Goal 4: Quality education
- Goal 5: Gender equality
- Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
- Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
- Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
- Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
- Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
- Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
- Goal 13: Climate action
- Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong institutions
- Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
As a student midwife at the University of Leicester, hands-on experience is integral to your education programme; you will spend 50% of your studies working on placements, which equates to 2,400 hours, over the four years of study. Your placement specification adheres to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Standards for pre-registration midwifery programmes. The NMC is the recognised Professional Statutory Regulatory Body for nurses and midwives across the UK.
During your placement
Whilst on placement, you will develop all the practical skills necessary to gain entry to the professional register and become a practising midwife. With a variety of day and night shift rotations throughout the placement, you will work alongside sector-leading professionals, gaining vital on-the-job experience. You will be supervised by midwives and other registered health care professionals who will support your ongoing development and progression on the course.
You will translate theoretical knowledge into real-life understanding in caring for childbearing women/people, neonates, and their families. As well as putting theory into practice, you will develop your interpersonal skills and professional values alongside leadership skills to become a safe, proficient and confident midwife.
Additional financial support whilst on placement
For placements outside Leicester, UK students are entitled to reimbursement from the NHS Learning Support Fund for some of the additional costs of attending, including travel expenses and accommodation. Please note this is not available for international students.
Year one
You will experience placements in a hospital from the very beginning of your course, based within maternity services, which includes the following areas:
- Community; GP surgeries, health centres, local children’s centres, stand-alone birth centres and within the home setting
- Antenatal and postnatal wards
- Birthing units
Year two
In your second year, you will gain the opportunity to attend a variety of placements across healthcare services, in areas such as maternity (antenatal, postnatal and community), neonatal, gynaecology, homebirth, and perinatal mental health and health visiting.
Year three
During your third year, you will attend placements within maternity but you will also have the opportunity to attend a leadership elective/internship placement either based in the UK or overseas. These placements are negotiated with the programme team, based on your specific interests and are to enhance your understanding of leadership within a clinical, education, management, or research setting. Planned placements will include experience within antenatal care, working with specialist midwives and in the birthing setting.
Year four
All placements in your fourth year will be in maternity. This will include areas within the community, the antenatal and postnatal ward and in birthing settings.
Placement area
Placement areas are grouped by NHS providers, which are listed below; this means your placements will be across different sites to offer you variety and every opportunity to meet the NMC programme standards and proficiencies. We continue to explore and expand new placement opportunities, so the below list may be subject to change during the course of your studies:*
- University Hospitals of Leicester (includes Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester General Hospital and St Mary’s Birth Centre sites in Melton Mowbray)
- Leicester Partnership Trust
- University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
- Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust (includes Peterborough and Cambridge sites)
- Care Fertility (private fertility clinic across several sites throughout England)
*for more information, please contact midwifery@le.ac.uk.
Destiney reflects on her elective placement in Tanzania
“…this elective placement was important because it taught me about an adaptive leadership style that was required by the midwives practising in a resource-limited setting. I enjoyed learning about the different cultural traditions surrounding childbirth and motherhood. The “mamas” were very welcoming. I enjoyed being an additional support for the “mamas” in labour as birth partners are not common and it is not common culture for the midwives to stay with the women before the imminent time of birth”.
Holly and Georgia discuss their case holding experiences
“Caseholding in the second year was a wonderful experience where I had the opportunity to really develop my skills and even lead most of the appointments! I formed such amazing relationships with the women and their families and got to witness 2 incredible births. The continuity of care I was able to provide meant I could advocate for the women and was overall such a brilliant experience” Holly
“…you feel a lot more involved and gain more responsibilities as you enhance your midwifery and leadership skills. Providing continuity was so valued by the women in my caseloads, and I was also fortunate to facilitate their births, which I’ll never forget!” Georgia
Selena was nominated in the Royal College of Midwives 2023 Annual Awards in the Unsung Hero category for support workers or students from a Black, Asian or ethnic background. Selena also contributed to the RCM’s Decolonising Midwifery Education Toolkit
“I was able to speak about the toolkit at the RCM’s recent Education and Research conference and although it was daunting, it was such an amazing opportunity. It was a lovely surprise to be nominated – I feel incredibly proud. Being there at the start of someone’s life journey is extremely rewarding.”
Sally is in the fourth year of her Midwifery with Leadership degree
Why did you choose Midwifery at Leicester?
"I’m a mature student, I live in north Leicestershire on a farm with my family, so I needed to be able to commute to university. The structure of the course, having set breaks and long summer holidays, was also a massive positive to me to enable the best university/family balance. Attending the open days and seeing the facilities, meeting the lectures and current cohort helped to confirm Leicester was the right fit for me."
What has been the highlight of your Leicester experience so far?
"Being able to experience the many different aspects of midwifery through the many clinical placements we have is the highlight for me. The diverse city of Leicester opens the door to so many distinct cultural aspects and traditions, and being part of the care is an absolute privilege. Having the chance to develop skills in a safe environment at the University skills lab has helped me gain confidence to put my skills into practice."
What’s one thing you wish you had known before starting your course?
"I wish I had researched into academic writing and referencing before I started. Being out of education for many years made studying harder - it took me a while to realise how much support is available and how easy it is to access for everyone. I would advise to always ask for support from the library, academic support and from the lecturers."
What are you most looking forward to as you continue your studies at Leicester?
"As I near the end of my academic studies, I am looking forward to starting my career in midwifery, something I have longed to do since childhood. Being able to support women and their families through the pregnancy is a special job and I cannot wait."
Course structure
Year 1
Year 1
The first year of the course introduces fundamental knowledge required to be a midwife and a leader of the profession. You will gain knowledge and skills that are key to maternal and neonatal care, which will underpin your development in years two, three and four. You will be introduced to both core theoretical and clinical skills. Your knowledge will be complemented by clinical placements, a focus on leadership and inter-professional learning experiences.
- Participating in care: Midwifery practice 1 (double module)
- Anatomy and Physiology for Midwifery Practice (double module)
- Leading the self: Leadership 1
- Professional Development
- Fundamentals of Evidence Based Practice
- Psycho-social Concepts of Public Health, Health Promotion and Health Protection
Modules shown represent choices available to current students. The range of modules available and the content of any individual module may change in future years.
Year 2
Year 2
During the second year you will undertake modules that specifically address the provision of safe and compassionate midwifery and neonatal care and the needs of child-bearing women and babies with complex health and social care needs, including perinatal mental health. The full physical examination of the newborn infant is learned and practised and, through a professional portfolio and clinical assessment, you will acquire sufficient knowledge and clinical experience to be deemed proficient in the examination by the end of the course.
- Contributing to care: Midwifery practice 2 (double module)
- Leading the team: Leadership 2
- Promoting safe and effective midwifery care through continuity of care models
- Mental health relating to childbearing
- Full systematic physical examination of the newborn infant
- Additional care requirements for mothers and newborn infants
- Appraising the Evidence in Healthcare Practice
Modules shown represent choices available to current students. The range of modules available and the content of any individual module may change in future years.
Year 3
Year 3
In year three you will build upon the foundations from the previous two years, and study more complex theory and application to midwifery practice (e.g. pharmacology and medicines management, maternal and neonatal emergencies). You will have the opportunity to undertake a short elective/internship placement that embraces all aspects of midwifery leadership roles; e.g. in clinical practice, education and research departments where you will work alongside effective role models and be nurtured in developing your leadership potential.
- Developing care partnerships: Midwifery practice 3 (double module)
- Developing Evidence Based Practice (double module)
- Pharmacology and medicines prescribing applied to midwifery practice
- Leading in organisations: Leadership 3
- Professional Development: elective/internship in midwifery
- Emergencies in Midwifery
Modules shown represent choices available to current students. The range of modules available and the content of any individual module may change in future years.
Year 4
Year 4
In your final year, you will prepare for clinical practice as a registered midwife, including interview skills. You will explore safe motherhood in a global context that serves in not only addressing the diversity and complexities of maternity care in the United Kingdom, but also the role that midwifery plays in low to medium-income countries in improving maternal and child health. You will also undertake a project working alongside an academic supervisor who will guide you through a topic of your interest.
- Demonstrating proficiency: Midwifery practice 4 (double module)
- Dissertation/report Applied to Professional Practice (double module)
- Leading the management of change: Leadership 4
- Promoting safe motherhood from a global perspective
- Preparation for Professional Practice (double module)
Modules shown represent choices available to current students. The range of modules available and the content of any individual module may change in future years.
Why Leicester?
Get all the practical experience you need. Our course includes maternity case-holding from the very start and placements account for 50% of the course. Develop your knowledge and skills by supporting new parents in the University’s Infant Feeding Cafe, which is open to the public and supports UNICEF-Baby Friendly Initiative standards.
Enhance your skills with superb facilities, including our state-of-the-art Clinical Skills Unit, which offers high tech simulated mannequins to enable you to perfect your procedures. You'll also learn anatomy and physiology and its application to midwifery practice in Leicester Medical School's dissection room.
Study a unique course. We are the only university offering a pre-registration midwifery degree with an integrated leadership component. Develop the skills and knowledge to be a leader in the profession.
Healthcare education at the University of Leicester has been established for over 40 years. This means you'll learn from a dedicated team of experts with a huge amount of experience in training you to succeed. You'll have the opportunity to study inter-professionally alongside students from other healthcare areas, including nursing, operating department practice, physiotherapy, and medicine.
Teaching and learning
This degree runs for 35 weeks each year over three terms. The academic year normally runs from late September to late June/ early July. You will receive your timetable at the beginning of each academic year.
University teaching balances a mixture of online learning and campus based lectures (flipped classroom), clinical skills teaching and inter-professional group learning opportunities (alongside other healthcare students), therefore building your professional knowledge, skills and attitudes over the four years.
The four leadership modules, which are an integrated component of the programme, will enable you to develop your own leadership knowledge and skills. As part of the leadership modules, you will develop a leadership portfolio that will be part of your long-term career map - underpinning your accelerated career trajectory. You will prepare for professional practice, focussing on the knowledge and skills required for lifelong learning and professional practice, including specific interview preparation, presentation skills and numeric skills.
We have fully embraced the rapidly changing field of digital technology, both in its application to teaching but also to the provision of holistic personalised maternal and neonatal care. In the first year you will be able to access the use of an iPad for the duration of your studies, should you require one. Lecture and group work material is delivered directly to the virtual learning platform, enabling you to download material and annotate during sessions.
Fifty percent of the course will be based in midwifery placements, building your professional knowledge, skills and attitudes over the four years. During these placements, you will develop how to act professionally, exercise personal responsibility and make decisions in complex and unpredictable circumstances. A system of personal development planning and reflective practice will support you in developing these skills.
You will have regular opportunities for formative (informal) assessments throughout the course. These give you an opportunity to test your learning and get feedback. We will also give you feedback on the summative (formal) assessments that you must pass to progress to the next stage.
We use a variety of assessment techniques to test your ability to apply your knowledge and skills to clinical problems and service user care planning, including unseen exams, objective structured clinical examinations, seminars, quality improvement projects and presentations. These constructively align to the learning outcomes for the module and the very practical requirements of a midwife and future leader's role.
In the clinical practice placements you will be supervised by registered health and social care practitioners and assessed at the end of the year by registered midwives and academic assessors. Through these assessments you will develop your knowledge , skills and professional values to become a safe, proficient and confident midwife.
Upon successful completion of the NMC and University requirements, you will not only become a registered midwife, but also an ambassador for midwifery, and the MSci Midwifery with Leadership degree undertaken at the University of Leicester.
As an alumnus, you will be encouraged to contribute to the ongoing work in education and scholarship at the University.
Student support
Midwifery education may sometimes be challenging or emotionally demanding, which is why we have developed strong support networks for all of our students. Peer support is really important, and you will be allocated to a Buddy group, so you are able to gain advice and learn from more senior peers, as well as have the opportunity to join a mentoring programme. You will receive mid-placement visits and personal tutorials from your own personal tutor who will support you through the duration of the 4-year programme.
Mature student, Jess, talks about her reasons for studying at Leicester
“…I made the choice based on the annual leave supporting childcare, as I had an 11-month-old and a 2-year-old at the time and the University was supportive of breastfeeding. I found it helpful that there was a mature student support network and a physical space on campus for mature students which I was keen to access. I was keen to work towards a master’s degree as I had previously undertaken a degree and wanted the challenge”.
Midwifery with Leadership Society (MidSoc)
The University of Leicester Midwifery with Leadership Society (MidSoc) is an organisation that is supported by the Student Union and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). It is run by a group of enthusiastic student midwives who provide a supportive environment, bringing members together across all four years of the programme. They arrange educational conferences, fund raiser for local charities and organise some pretty great social events too, including a summer ball!
Apply now
Course | Qualification | Duration | UCAS Code | Availability |
Course Midwifery with Leadership | Qualification MSci | Duration 4 years | UCAS Code B720 | Availability How to apply |