School of Business

Consumption, Markets and Society

Lead: Dr Winfred Onyas

With an interdisciplinary marketing research focus, the group broadly draws on concepts from anthropology, cultural studies, gender studies, geographic area concentrations, history, media studies, philosophy, politics, political economy, psychoanalysis, rhetoric, sociology in addition to the business, organisational and consumer research literature. The group sees engagement with social and critical perspectives as producing original and valuable knowledge for businesses and society.


Selected publications

Dr Alex Lascaux

  • Lascaux, Alexander (2023). On the adapting function of social institutions. Journal of Institutional Economics, 19(2), 192-209 (ABS 3*).
  • Lascaux, Alexander, Kolesnikova, Irina (2021). The emergence and evolution of cognition- and affect-based trust in Russian entrepreneurial ventures. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 15(4), 685-715 (ABS 4*, a FT 50 list).
  • Lascaux, Alexander, Kolesnikova, Irina and Kotsoyeva, Veronika (2021). Double jeopardy: Striving for dual legitimacy in Russian family firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 13(1), 88-111.
  • Graebner, Claudius, Elsner, Wolfram and Lascaux, Alex (2021). Trust and social control: Sources of cooperation, performance, and stability in informal value transfer systems. Computational Economics, 58(4), 1077-1102.
  • Lascaux, Alexander (2020). Of kids and unicorns: How rational is children’s trust in testimonial knowledge? Cognitive Science, 44(3), e12819 (ABS 3*).
  • Lascaux, Alexander (2020). Coopetition and trust: What we know, where to go next. Industrial Marketing Management, 84, 2-18 (ABS 3*).
  • Hoang, Q., Cronin, J., & Skandalis, A. (2022). High-fidelity consumption and the claustropolitan structure of feeling. Marketing Theory, 22(1), 85-104. Link:
  • Hoang, Q., Cronin, J., & Skandalis, A. (2023). Futureless vicissitudes: Gestural anti-consumption and the reflexively impotent (anti-) consumer. Marketing Theory, 14705931231153193.Link:
  • Erz, A., Marder, B. and Osadchaya, E., 2018. Hashtags: Motivational drivers, their use, and differences between influencers and followers. Computers in Human Behavior, 89, pp.48-60.


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