
Dr Cristina Fona

Teaching Fellow in Marketing

School/Department: Business, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 229 7975



I joined the University of Leicester School of Business in 2017 after working as Marketing Lecturer at Middlesex University in London. I have a PhD in Marketing from Middlesex University and a Master's degree in Media Relations and Corporate Communication from the Catholic University of Milan. Prior to my PhD in Marketing I worked as account and press office assistant in international marketing agencies based in Paris and Milan. I am a member of the International Place Branding Association, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a member of CYGNA-Women in Academia.


My research revolves around place marketing and corporate social responsibility. I am broadly interested in issues concerning sustainability and ethical consumption of products and places.


Fona, C. (2019) Place Branding in Context. Current challenges, Global Changes and Future Trends, In P. Foroudi, C. Mauri, C. Dennis and T.C. Melewar (eds) Place Branding: Connecting Tourist Experiences to Places. London: Routledge.


I would be interesting in supervising PhD projects in the following areas: 

Place/nation marketing and branding; 
Country image/ country of origin; 
Destination marketing/branding;  
Ethical consumption; 
CSR image;
Sustainable tourism


At ULSB I teach on a variety of modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level for both campus based and distance learning programmes:

Strategic Brand Management
Advanced Issues in Marketing
Principles of Marketing
Consumers, Brands and Communications
International Marketing
Marketing Places: tourism and beyond
Strategies for Place Marketing

I am also an experienced dissertation supervisor and personal tutor. 

Press and media

Corporate social responsibility, Sustainability, Place marketing, Sustainable tourism 

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