Dr Sylvian Patrick Jesudoss
Lecturer in Marketing

School/Department: Business, School of
Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 5641
Address: Room 1.07, Brookfield House
My Doctoral thesis used Affordance Theory and De Certeau’s Tactics of the weak to examine how consumers use self-quantification to resist neoliberalism.
My research is rooted in Consumer Culture Theory and Critical Marketing. I am interested in human-technology relationships and digital consumption. My doctoral thesis studied the everyday self-quantification and self-tracking practices of consumers. I used the Affordance theory and De Certeau’s Tactics of the weak to theorise how self-quantification has become a habitual resistance against neoliberalism. My publications have focused on a critical reading of Corporate Social Responsibility and digital aspects of marketing. Methodologically, my research is part of Interpretative (Qualitative) Research paradigm.
Journal Articles
- Truong, H.-B., Jesudoss, S. P., &Molesworth, M. (2022). Consumer mischief as playful resistance to marketing in Twitter hashtag hijacking. Journal of Consumer Behaviour,21(4), 828–841. AL.841
- Grigore, G., Molesworth, M., Vontea, A. et al. Corporate Social Responsibility in Liquid Times: The Case of Romania. J Bus Ethics 174, 763–782 (2021).
- Grigore, G., Molesworth, M., Vonțea, A. et al. Drama and Discounting in the Relational Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility. J Bus Ethics 174, 65–88 (2021).
Interested to work in the following areas:
- Critical Marketing
- Consumer culture especially related to digital media and new technologies
- Digital sociology, Digital Privacy and Ethics
- Human-Technology relationships especially self-tracking devices, quantified self and artificial intelligence
I have taught Marketing Communications and Digital Marketing in my previous stint. Currently, I teach the following subjects in University of Leicester. I also supervise dissertations for Undergraduate and Post Graduate students.
Undergraduate Subjects
- MN3115 Business in the Digital Economy
- MN3163 Marketing Theory
- MN3204 Dissertation (Marketing)
Post Graduate Subjects
- MN7012 Research Methods for Marketing
- MN7020 Dissertation (MSc., Marketing)