School of Business

Healthcare Innovation Policy and Management

Leads: Professor Gregory Maniatopoulos and Dr Gemma Hughes

The Healthcare Innovation, Policy and Management (HIPM) research group aims to bring together academics, doctoral researchers, and professionals with an interest in healthcare innovation, public policy and implementation in the context of health and social care, public health and mental health services.  HIPM work in collaboration with colleagues across the University and the region, as well as nationally and internationally.

Members of the group are engaged in ongoing research funded by the National Institute for Health Research on: Digital Care Navigation, Fitness to Practice proceedings, Shared Decision-Making for High-Risk major Surgery, and Clinical AI Implementation; funded by Health Innovation on the Implementation of a Healthcare Passport across primary care, mental health and cancer services, and by the Research Council of Norway on Virtual Presence (telepresence technologies for loneliness and social isolation).

In 2023 the HIPM group was awarded funding by the Samaritans to evaluate their Online Safety Hub.


Research projects

Reimagining workforce planning and staff retention through AI and data analytics-powered OSI model


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