Professor Nicola Bateman
Professor Operations Management

I work with a wide range sectors studying performance measurement visual management and continuous and quality improvement. I studied manufacturing engineering at Brunel University and after working in the food industry went to lecture and study part time for a PhD at De Montfort University in Systems flexibility. Since then I have worked in industry and for the Department of Trade and Industry as well as academia with Cardiff University’s Lean Enterprise Research Centre (LERC) and Loughborough University’s School of Business and Economics. In 2017 I moved to the University of Leicester as an Associate Professor in Operations Management where I have continued my research particularly in visual management and teaching in Operations Management.
I lead the School's research group Supply-chain and Operations Management and Strategy (SOMS)
Leite, H., Williams, S., Radnor, Z. and Bateman, N., 2022. Emergent barriers to the lean healthcare journey: baronies, tribalism and scepticism. Production Planning & Control, pp.1-18.
Leite H, Bateman N, Radnor Z. Meaningful inhibitors of the Lean journey: A Systematic Review and categorisation of over 20 years of literature Production Planning & Control 33(5):403-426 21 Mar 2022
Travers, C, Maher, K, Kinman, G and Bateman, N (2020) We are not working at home, but are at home, during a pandemic, attempting to work: Exploring experiences of homeworking and work-life balance during the Covid-19 crisis. BPS Work-Life Balance Bulletin Volume 4, No. 1 Summer 2020
Cluley, V., Bateman, N. and Radnor, Z., 2020. The use of visual images to convey complex messages in health settings: Stakeholder perspectives. International Journal of Healthcare Management, pp.1-9.
Higor Leite, Nicola Bateman & Zoe Radnor (2020) Beyond the ostensible: an exploration of barriers to lean implementation and sustainability in healthcare, Production Planning & Control, 31:1, 1-18,
Karen Maher, Nicola Bateman & Raymond Randall (2019) Fire and rescue operational effectiveness: the effect of alternative crewing patterns, Production Planning & Control,
Leite, H; Bateman, N; Radnor, Zoe (2019) Beyond the ostensible: an exploration of barriers to lean implementation and sustainability in healthcare Journal Production Planning and Control June 2019
Bateman, N., Radnor, Z. and Glennon, R., 2018. The Landscape of Lean across public services) Public Money and Management
Bateman, NA, Lethbridge, S, Esain, A (2018) Pillar or Platform - A Taxonomy for Process Improvement Activities in Public Services, Public Money and Management,
Glennon, R, Hodgkinson, IR, Knowles, J, Radnor, Z, Bateman, N (2018) Public Sector 'Modernisation': Examining the Impact of a Change Agenda on Local Government Employees in England, Australian Journal of Public Administration, 77(2), pp.203-221.,
Bateman, NA, Philp, L, Warrender, H (2016) Visual management and shop floor teams - development, implementation and use, International Journal of Production Research,54(24), pp.7345-7358,
Bateman, NA, Hines, P, Davidson, P (2014) Wider applications for Lean: An examination of the fundamental principles within public sector organisations, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 63(5), pp.560-.568
Bateman, NA (2005) Sustainability the Elusive Element of Process Improvement, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 25(3), pp.261-276,
Bateman, NA and Rich, N (2003) Companies' Perceptions of Inhibitors and Enablers for Process Improvement Activities, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 23(2), pp.185-199,.
Radnor, Z, Bateman, N, Esain, A, Kumar, M, Williams, S (2015) Public Service Operations Management A Research Handbook, Routledge,
Rich, N, Bateman, NA, Esain, A, Massey, L, Samuel, D (2006) Lean Evolution: Lessons from the Workplace, Cambridge University Press.
Bateman, NA and Industry Forum, SMMT (2001) Sustainability: A Guide to Process Improvement, LERC
Bateman, NA and Hines, P (2016) Lean Armed Forces. In Netland, T and Powell, D (ed) The Routledge Companion to Lean Management, Routledge, pp.339-348,
Bateman, NA and Lethbridge, S (2013) Managing operations and teams visually. In Bell, E, Schroeder, J, Warren, S (ed) The Routledge Companion to Visual Organization, pp.289-305,.
Bateman (2020) A Comparison of Digital and Analogue Visual Management Communication Boards British Academy of Management, 2020 2-4 September
Gardner and Bateman (2020)
Gardner, Peter; Bateman, Nicola (2020): Visual management and communications boards, empirically testing design principles. 27th EurOMA Conference 29-30 June