SOP reference number |
SOP and appendix title |
N/A |
HTA Policy on Compliance (PDF, 191KB) |
HTA-A1000 |
Document control (PDF, 173KB)
Appendix 1 Read Log (Word, 35KB)
HTA-A1001 |
Transferring to the HTA research licence 12384 (PDF, 587kb)
Appendix 1 Flow Chart - Relevant and non relevant material approvals (PDF, 171KB)
Appendix 2 End of study samples application form (Word, 450KB)
Appendix 3 Flow Chart - Sample Retention (PDF, 82KB)
HTA-A1002 |
Applying for a HTA NHS REC-Approved Tissue Banks (PDF, 221KB)
Appendix 1 Research tissue bank application (Word, 42KB)
Appendix 2 Guidance for Business Cases for CBG approval (Word, 26KB)
HTA-A1003 |
Storage of HTA material beyond NHS REC approval (PDF, 201KB) |
HTA-A1004 |
Disposal of HTA Material (PDF, 419KB)
Appendix 1 Flow diagram of disposal process (Word, 158KB)
Appendix 2 Disposal request form (Word, 38KB)
Appendix 3 Awaiting disposal record form (Word, 37KB)
Appendix 4 OBSOLETE
HTA-A1005 |
Import and export of HTA material (PDF, 218KB)
Appendix 1 Sample application form for imported samples (Word, 49KB)
HTA-A1006 |
University of Leicester Ethics Projects (UEIC) HTA Samples (PDF, 213KB)
Appendix 1 OBSOLETE
HTA-A1007 |
Procurement of relevant material (PDF, 206KB)
Appendix 1 Sample application form for procured material (Word, 47KB)
HTA-A1008 |
Contracts Transfer of HTA Relevant Material (PDF, 188KB) |
HTA-A1009 |
Management of Fridges, Freezers and Liquid Nitrogen (PDF, 202KB)
Appendix 1 Template notice (Word, 38KB)
Appendix 2 Cleaning log (Word, 38KB)
Appendix 3 Defrosting log (Word, 37KB)
Appendix 4 Temperature trend (Word, 40KB)
Appendix 5 Freezer alarm challenging report (Word, 37KB)
HTA-A1010 |
Room Temperature Monitoring HTA Rooms (PDF, 190KB)
Appendix 1 Room temperature monitoring form (Word, 36KB)
HTA-A1011 |
Equipment Management and Maintenance (PDF, 204KB) |
HTA-A1012 |
Transfer of Human Biological Samples (PDF, 198KB)
Appendix 1 Transfer of archival tissue (Word, 40KB)
Appendix 2 Transfer of internal samples (Word, 40KB)
HTA-A1013 |
Coding and Tracking of HTA Specimens (PDF, 195KB)
Appendix 1 Sample Tracking Log (Word, 38KB)
HTA-A1015 |
HTA Existing Tissue Holdings (Pre-2006) (PDF, 204KB) |
HTA-A1016A |
Responses to Alerts on Haier Monitoring System (PDF, 192KB) |
HTA-A1016b |
Haier Temperature Monitoring Testing (PDF, 156KB) |
HTA-A1017 |
DNA analysis (PDF, 205KB) |
HTA-A1018 |
PD Master files (PDF, 155KB)
Please email for a copy of the latest PD Masterfile documents
HTA-A1019 |
Auditing HTA Licenced Areas (PDF, 242KB)
Appendix 1 AUDIT REPORT - Type A (Word, 37KB)
Appendix 2 AUDIT REPORT - TYPE B (Word, 41KB)
Appendix 3 AUDIT REPORT - TYPE C (Word, 40KB)
Appendix 4 AUDIT REPORT - TYPE D (Word, 40KB)
Appendix 5 AUDIT REPORT - TYPE E (Word, 40KB)
Appendix 6 AUDIT REPORT - TYPE F (Word, 36KB)
Appendix 7 AUDIT REPORT - TYPE G (Word, 40KB)
Appendix 8 OBSOLETE
Appendix 9 OBSOLETE
Appendix 10 Internal Audit checklist response document (Word, 59KB)
Appendix 11 PD Mini Audit Pairings (PDF, 75KB)
Appendix 12 PD Mini Audit Template (Word, 69KB)
HTA-A1020 |
Management of HTA Records (PDF, 43KB)
Appendix 1 OBSOLETE
Appendix 2 OBSOLETE
Appendix 3 Human Tissue training checklist (Word, 43KB)
Appendix 4 OBSOLETE
HTA-A1021 |
HTA Risk Identification Analysis (PDF, 184KB)
Appendix 1 Risk Assessment Form (Word, 164KB)
Appendix 2 Risk Register log (Word, 35KB)
Appendix 3 Risk Assessment Flow Chart (PDF,124KB)
HTA-A1022 |
HTA Adverse Events (PDF, 175KB)
Appendix 1 Incidents & AE Report Form (Word, 39KB)
Appendix 2 Matrix for Grading Incidents (Word, 40KB)
Appendix 3 Adverse Events Flow Chart (PDF, 81KB)
HTA-A1023 |
Emergency Planning (PDF, 145KB)
Appendix 1OBSOLETE
HTA-A1024 |
HTA Procedure in event of non-compliance(PDF, 275KB) |
HTA-A1025 |
Retaining Samples and Data (PDF, 176KB)
HTA-A1026 |
Pending |
HTA-A1027 |
Persons Designated Roles and Responsibilities (PDF, 171KB)
Appendix 1 HTA PD Role Description UoL (Word, 32KB)