Leicester Law School

PhD students

Find a list of Leicester Law School's current research students and their topics.

Company, Commercial and Financial Law

Name Title/topic Supervisor(s)
John Adamah The contribution of weak bank regulatory frameworks to the failure of Banks in Ghana
Horace Yeung
Ebenezer Adodo
Roza Agababyan
Investigating the influence of ESG practices on the corporate governance and financial market regulations in a cross-country analysis (2009-2023) and lessons for Uzbekistan
Navajyoti Samanta
Horace Yeung
Raghd Alkhaldi The doctrine of good faith in marine insurance contracts under Saudi and English law
Ebenezer Adodo
Essa Ahmad The Standard of Arbitrators’ impartiality and Independence in the UAE; a study within a comparative context. Masood Ahmed
Tony Cole
Buthaina Al Sawaii The protection of creditors against the abuse practiced by a sole shareholder in one-person company Horace Yeung
Peter Jaffey
Duaa Baakdhah
The effects of adopting the shareholder primacy corporate governance principle on the financial market development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) (1995-2023)
Navajyoti Samanta
Horace Yeung
Margaret Davies
Legal Aspect of Women's Participation in Corporate Boards in the Financial Sector: A Comparative Study of the Position in Commonwealth West Africa and the United Kingdom
Ebenezer Adodo
Konstantina Sampani
Shenali Dias Evolution or Extinction: Assessing the Impact of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce on Trade Mark Law Alison Slade
Peter Jaffey
Wolemi Esan
Rethinking Insolvency Transaction Avoidance Under Nigerian Law
Horace Yeung
Rafaella Ethelonti
Exceptions to the payment obligations of banks in relation to trade and construction finance transactions governed by common law jurisdictions
Ebenezer Adodo
Horace Yeung
Xinyuan Gao
A comparative analysis of mobile payment platforms regulations in the UK and China - What can the West learn from China? Navajyoti Samanta
Horace Yeung
Ruijue Gu Comparison research on the defects of Letter of Credit system, especially in soft clauses risk in the ‘data silos’ era in UK and China.
Ebenezer Adodo
Tamaraudoubra Egbe
Fernando Ferro Gumaraes
The (in)effectiveness of Compliance Programs in Preventing Corruption and How to Improve them to Enhance Social Outcomes
Navajyoti Samanta
Konstantina Sampani
Juldeh Jalloh Getting corporate rights right: A critical analysis of legal protections of corporations within the Human Rights jurisdiction of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice

Horace Yeung
Ben Adodo

Amit Jamsandekar
The Indian Trade Marks Act – A Comparative Analysis
Alison Slade
Barbara Bogusz
Chengeo Kazangarare To what extent do existing soft and hard law rules on corporate governance redress the problems of director accountability. A comparative study of multinational corporations headquartered in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Navajyoti Samanta
Horace Yeung
Antele Madugu
The African Single Market: An analysis of Competition Law Regulation in the ECOWAS and its impact on the African Continental Free Trade Area
Ewa Zelazna
Arinze Okiche
Iain Potter  The Bwllfa principle and the extent to which risk and uncertainty should be reflected in the quantum of pre-trial and post-trial damages Ben Adodo 
Adaeze Aniodoh
Mandeep Singh The impact of changes in corporate governance regulations on the growth of financial markets and sustainability practices in the central, eastern, and south-eastern European countries: an empirical analysis (2004-2020) Navajyoti Samanta
Horace Yeung
Abzal Temirbayev The impact of adopting shareholder primacy corporate governance on the growth of the financial market in The Commonwealth of Independent States (1995-2020)
Navajyoti Samanta
Horace Yeung
Nazan Begum Ugurluoglu Protection of Minority Shareholder Rights in Turkey: Lessons to be learned from the UK Corporate Governance Practices Peter Jaffey
Horace Yeung 
Xin Wang (Elizabeth) Bank Insolvency in China: Lessons from the Anglo-American Jurisdictions

Horace Yeung
Peter Jaffey 

Craig Wright
Bitcoin: The international commercial and Tax implications of Bitcoin as money. An international law comparative analysis.
Ben Adodo>
Peter Jaffey
Ying Zheng The promotion of corporate governance of SOEs in China through internal governance system and external enforcement institutions' Company law and corporate Governance Horace Yeung 
Navajyoti Samanta

Criminal Law, Criminal Justice and Criminology

Name Title/topic Supervisor(s)
Megan Beckett Fair Labelling Secondary Offenders
Sally Kyd 
Daniel Bansal
Paul Willey An Honest Thief? Proposed Reform to the Theft Act 1968 and The Defence of Hunger
Paul Almond
Tracey Elliott

Dispute Resolution

Name Title/topic Supervisor(s)
Essa Ahmad The Standard of Arbitrators’ impartiality and Independence in the UAE; a study within a comparative context. Masood Ahmed
Tony Cole
Fatma Nursima Arslan  The many faces of mediation and its place in modern civil procedure: A comparative analysis of the concept, its practice and policy considerations in Turkey, UK and Ontario Masood Ahmed
Pablo Cortés 
Geoffrey Bezzina
Feeding outcomes of consumer dispute mechanisms in financial services A comparative analysis of Malta, UK and Italy
Pablo Cortés 
Tony Cole
Mahmoud Khaled Mahmoud El-Khamry
The Enforceability of arbitral awards against State Properties: Legal Aspect, Practical Challenges and A Way Forward Dispute Tony Cole
Konstantina Sampani 
Sylvia Chidinma Igwe
Multilateral Investment Court, Panacea to the Legitimacy Crisis or case of old wine, new skin Tony Cole
Ewa Zelazna
Amit Jamsandekar
The Indian Trade Marks Act – A Comparative Analysis
Alison Slade
Barbara Bogusz
Esra Unal
The Protection of Vulnerable Consumers in the UK ADR Procedures: The Case of Package Travel Sector
Pablo Cortés 
Masood Ahmed 
Adaeze Aniodoh

Employment Law

Name Title/topic Supervisor(s)
Romaana Dookhun-Sun
To what extent can the UK workplace create space for employees who manifest gender-critical beliefs in the public sphere? 
Eugenia Caracciolo di Torella
Pascale Lorber
Sari Brice To what extent does UK labour law prevent and tackle mental health in the teaching profession? Pascale Lorber 
Lisa Rodgers
Tessa Briony Johnston Stress and the Employment Contract Lisa Rodgers 
Inga Thiemann

European Law and Policy

Name Title/topic Supervisor(s)
Ewa Garbarz Transitional Justice and Post-Communist Populism: A Case Study of Poland
Ewa Zelazna
Adam Cygan
Amit Jamsandekar
The Indian Trade Marks Act – A Comparative Analysis
Alison Slade
Barbara Bogusz

Human Rights

Name Title/topic Supervisor(s)
Safia Bagha
Defining a Canadian Human Right to Onehealth Joe Wills
Mark Searl
Romaana Dookhun-Sun
To what extent can the UK workplace create space for employees who manifest gender-critical beliefs in the public sphere? 
Eugenia Caracciolo di Torella
Pascale Lorber
Jasmine Blow Must the relatives be told? Legal and ethical issues in relation to the non-disclosure of genetic information by healthcare professionals to relatives. Tracey Elliott 
Liz Wicks
Amelie Courtine Conversion Therapy: an International Human Rights Framework Analysis
Ed Bates
Danielle Watson
Solomon Faakye Equal Access to Higher Education through Affirmative Action: Obstacles and Opportunities
Kimberley Brayson
Loveday Hodson
Kseniya Kirichenko Because We Do Not Live Single-Issue Lives’: Gender, Disability and Race in the United Nations Developments on LGBTI Human Rights Loveday Hodson
Paolo Vargiu
Lydia Kitchen Human Rights Law and the Provision of Health Care: Rationing Decisions During a Pandemic
Liz Wicks
Nataly Papadopoulou
Kyla Brenna Lanford Mandatory Vaccination Reconsidered: The Autonomous Mandate Model Nataly Papadopoulou
Stephen Riley
Char-Lee Lewis A Critical study on the rights afforded to female victims of intimate partner violence in Jamaica from the Victim’s perspectives Loveday Hodson
Troy Lavers
Carley Lightfoot
Animals, Sentience and Justice: An Analysis of the Legal Status of Animals in UK Law, and the Application of Justice to Animals
Joe Wills
Liz Wicks
Kulsum Patel The End of Life, Islam and the Law Liz Wicks
Peter Cumper

Dickson Tarnongo Disability rights and citizenship in Nigeria: to what extent will the enactment of the Nigerian disability act, 2018 and the accession of the Nigerian government to the united nation convention on the rights of persons with disabilities 2006, affect the current and future implementation of citizens rights in Nigeria? Paolo Vargiu
Loveday Hodson
Fatima Tayub Reforming the law and procedures in relation to the Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) system Tracey Elliott
Liz Wicks
Mary-Justine Todd Women’s Rights, Animal Ethics and Ecofeminism: An intersectional examination of Arab power structures from Pre-Islamic tribal practices, to modern Bahraini law Joe Wills
Kimberley  Brayson
Onder Bakircioglu
Nicoletta Thoma  The perception of children from minorities of their rights: A case study of their education rights in Cyprus Eugenia Caracciolo di Torella
Peter Cumper
Dickson Tarnongo Disability rights and citizenship in Nigeria: to what extent will the enactment of the Nigerian disability act, 2018 and the accession of the Nigerian government to the united nation convention on the rights of persons with disabilities 2006, affect the current and future implementation of citizens rights in Nigeria? Paolo Vargiu
Loveday Hodson
Edafe Ugbeta Constitutional Recognition of the Right to a Healthy Environment: Comparative Insight on Global Trends and a Proposal for Political Action in Nigeria

Olalekan Bello
Stephen Crawford

Vazgen Zakharyan
Legal Synthesis of Artificial Intelligence in the prism of Intellectual Property and Human Rights. Critical Analysis of modern AI components in correlation with IP and HR basics
Alison Slade
Stephen Riley

Immigration Law

Name Title/topic Supervisor(s)
Kasandra Silcott What is the impact of the Windrush scandal? A case study reviewing the social inequalities experienced by the Windrush Generation
Kimberley Brayson 
Bernard Ryan
Nourah Jassim Alfarhan The role and responsibility of state authorities in resolving the issue of the statelessness Bernard Ryan
Alan Desmond
Carla Field Disaster, Displacement, and Dynamics: A Study of Nexus Dynamics and a Hybrid Legal Approach to Protection of the Environmentally Displaced. Alan Desmond
Bernard Ryan

Intellectual Property Law

Name Title/topic Supervisor(s)
 Isioma Ewelukwa Pandemic preparedness strategies and the regulation of intellectual property licensing
Alison Slade 
Peter Jaffey
Shenali Dias Evolution or Extinction: Assessing the Impact of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce on Trade Mark Law Alison Slade
Peter Jaffey
Amit Jamsandekar The Indian Trade Marks Act – A Comparative Analysis
Alison Slade
Barbara Bogusz
Vazgen Zakharyan Disaster, Displacement, and Dynamics: A Study of Nexus Dynamics and a Hybrid Legal Approach to Protection of the Environmentally Displaced. Alan Desmond
Bernard Ryan

International Law

Name Title/topic Supervisor(s)
Harry Brown III

Legal Framework for Fully Autonomous Weapons (LFAWS)

Katja Ziegler
Liz Wicks
Maria Kazamia Assessing the international customary law status of the three-step maritime delimitation test and the influence of case-law on customary international law formation Rossana Deplano
Katja Ziegler
Sanghoon Lee Conceptualizing Rule of Law for Aerospace Traffic Governance: Interdisciplinary approach to harmful interference between aerospace flights
Rossana Deplano
Sarah Fox
Char-Lee Lewis A Critical study on the rights afforded to female victims of intimate partner violence in Jamaica from the Victim’s perspectives Loveday Hodson
Troy Lavers
Elizabeth Morrow Towards an International Regulatory Regime for the Commercialization of Space Resources
Rossana Deplano
Richard Ambrosi (Physics and Astronomy)
Mohamed Salim  A comparative analysis of the application of international law to protect internally displaced persons in Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Somalia and South-Sudan by the African Union Eki Omorogbe
Rossana Deplano 
Dickson Tarnongo Disability rights and citizenship in Nigeria: to what extent will the enactment of the Nigerian disability act, 2018 and the accession of the Nigerian government to the united nation convention on the rights of persons with disabilities 2006, affect the current and future implementation of citizens rights in Nigeria? Paolo Vargiu
Loveday Hodson
Joshua Thompson The Socializer of States: A Sociological Analysis of the Regulation of the Use of Force through the UNGA’s Secondary Responsibility Practice
Katja Ziegler
Rossana Deplano
Mary-Justine Todd Women’s Rights, Animal Ethics and Ecofeminism: An intersectional examination of Arab power structures from Pre-Islamic tribal practices, to modern Bahraini law Joe Wills
Kimberley Brayson
Onder Bakircioglu 

Law and Theory

Name Title/topic Supervisor(s)
Nourah Jassim Alfarhan The role and responsibility of state authorities in resolving the issue of the statelessness Bernard Ryan
Alan Desmond
Carla Field Disaster, Displacement, and Dynamics: A Study of Nexus Dynamics and a Hybrid Legal Approach to Protection of the Environmentally Displaced. Alan Desmond
Bernard Ryan
Carley Lightfoot
Animals, Sentience and Justice: An Analysis of the Legal Status of Animals in UK Law, and the Application of Justice to Animals Joe Wills
Liz Wicks
Thuy Duong (Alissa) Pham 
Building legal competency: The role of legal culture in developing public legal education Nataly Papadopoulou
Ed Bates
Laura Bee
Ebony Morgan Examining the legal, ethical and social implications of whole genome sequencing at birth. T4/75 - Examining the legal, ethical and social implications of advanced forensic genetic technologies
Carole McCartney
Mark Jobling (Genetics)
Kasandra Silcott What is the impact of the Windrush scandal? A case study reviewing the social inequalities experienced by the Windrush Generation
Kimberley Brayson
Bernard Ryan
Karen Watts The potential  impact of the Eurocentric approach to teaching law – does this remain – what changes have been made to encourage ‘decolonisation’ of the legal curriculum. How has the advent of the SQE addressed this – what early data is there to establish a more inclusive culture in the profession?
Kimberley Brayson
Eki Omorogbe


Name Title/topic Supervisor(s)
Mutiat Afolabi
Examining the legal, ethical and social implications of whole genome sequencing at birth
Tracey Elliott
Nataly Papadopoulou
Jasmine Blow Must the relatives be told? Legal and ethical issues in relation to the non-disclosure of genetic information by healthcare professionals to relatives. Tracey Elliott
Liz Wicks
Carley Lightfoot
Animals, Sentience and Justice: An Analysis of the Legal Status of Animals in UK Law, and the Application of Justice to Animals
Joe Wills
Liz Wicks
Rachel Lim A Regulated Market for Organs?  A Comparative Analysis on Commodification, Risk and the Law in Living Organ Donation & Gestational Surrogacy Tracey Elliott
Jose Miola
Ebony Morgan
Examining the legal, ethical and social implications of whole genome sequencing at birth. T4/75 - Examining the legal, ethical and social implications of advanced forensic genetic technologies Carole McCartney
Mark Jobling (Genetics)
Kulsum Patel The End of Life, Islam and the Law Liz Wicks
Peter Cumper

Gunjan Sharma Mental Health Act 1983: Autonomy vs Welfare. Exploring the implementation of the UN CRPD on UK mental health law Tracey Elliott
Liz Wicks
Kathryn Sandilands Ethical and legal implications of direct-to-consumer genetic testing Medical Law and Ethics Tracey Elliott 
Dr Chris Willmott (Molecular and cell Biology) 

Private Law

Name Title/topic Supervisor(s)
Sari Brice To what extent does UK labour law prevent and tackle mental health in the teaching profession?  
Lisa Rodgers
Shenali Dias Evolution or Extinction: Assessing the Impact of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce on Trade Mark Law Alison Slade
Peter Jaffey
Amit Jamsandekar
The Indian Trade Marks Act – A Comparative Analysis
Alison Slade
Barbara Bogusz
Coleen Lewis  A critical and comparative analysis of the cyber defamation laws in England, USA and Australia, and considering proposals for reform of the Jamaican Defamation Act John Hartshorne
Peter Cumper
Iain Potter  The Bwllfa principle and the extent to which risk and uncertainty should be reflected in the quantum of pre-trial and post-trial damages Ben Adodo
Adaeze Aniodoh
Ayesha Shakil  The introduction of the good faith notion in English law: why and why not? François du Bois
Nicky Jackson 
Craig Wright
Bitcoin: The international commercial and Tax implications of Bitcoin as money. An international law comparative analysis.
Ben Adodo
Peter Jaffey

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