Leicester Law School

Past research topics

See a list of past research titles from our PhD graduates.

Company, Commercial and Financial Law

Name Title Supervisor(s)

Ahmed Hasan
(graduation 2024)

Carrier’s Obligations as to Seaworthiness and Duty of Care in Contracts of Affreightment. University of Leicester 
Ben Adodo
Masood Ahmed 
Niki Petridou (graduation January 2024)
An analytical and comparative study of the mens rea of money laundering offences in British, Greek and Cypriot legal systems
Tracey Elliott
Stephen Riley
Janet Ulph
Tajeldin Mukhtar (graduation January 2024)
The Principle of Autonomy and The Applicable Law on Documentary Credits: A comparative study between Libyan, Egyptian and English laws
Ben Adodo
Horace Yeung
Marcelo Henrique Andrade (graduation January 2024)
The duty to mitigate loss in Brazil
François du Bois
Nicky Jackson
Mutaz Alkhedhairy (graduation January 2023)
Fundamental Principles in Saudi Arabia's Marine Insurance Law with Reference to the Law and Practice in Egypt and the UK: A Comparative Study
Ben Adodo
Patrick Masiyakurima
Onyeka Nwoha (graduation July 2021) A legal research on the effectiveness of the regulation of whistle-blowing in Nigerian companies Ben Adodo
Horace Yeung 
Sheriff Abiodum Adesanya
(graduated July 2020)
Good Regulation and Convergence in the Nigerian Telecommunications Sector 
Cosmo Graham
Maribel Canto-Lopez
Siavash Askarirad  A legal analysis of the move toward economic liberalization and foreign investment in Iran Tony Cole
Masood Ahmed
Tom Egbe  The carrier’s obligation to exercise reasonable diligence in the performance of a contractual voyage - a comparative analysis Ben Adodo
Masood Ahmed 
Laura Rodes Saldana  Suitability of EU capital maintenance rules over creditor protection Cosmo Graham
Horace Yeung 
Julia Jennings  Company vs Consumer – can the needs of each be met? Horace Yeung
Greg Allan 
Lisa Benjamin  Energy companies and climate change: towards a greener corporate objective?  Horace Yeung 
Bader Almaskari  Towards legal certainty: European cross-border insolvency law and multinational corporate groups
Diana Sancho Villa
Nevi Agapiou  Buyer’s remedies under the CISG and English sales law: a comparative analysis Masood Ahmed 
Fatma Banu Kring  Minority shareholder rights in the context of M and A transactions Cosmo Graham 
Reza Beheshti  The termination of international commercial contracts under CISG, English Law, UNIDROIT and DCFR
François du Bois 
Irem Tore  Recognition of corporate governance principles in Turkish legislation and their impact on the influx of foreign equity capital into Turkey Paolo Vargiu
Sangwani Patrick Ng'ambi  The resource nationalism cycle, stabilization clauses and the need for flexibility in concession agreements Paolo Vargiu
François du Bois 
Nisar Ahmad  The implications of the global compact human rights principles for multinational enterprises in Malaysia
Fatemah Alshuraian  Market manipulation in Kuwait stock exchange: an analysis of the regulation of market manipulation prior and under law no. 7 of 2010 Cosmo Graham 
Omar Daoud  A model for the role and effectiveness of the non-executive directors
Zaid Mahayni  An analysis of capital market regulation in Saudi Arabia Janet Ulph 
Wasim Al-Jerafi  Yemen’s ratification of the New York convention: an analysis of compatibility and the uniform interpretation of articles V(1)(a) and V(2)(b) Paolo Vargiu 
Jacqueline Walsh  The future of the small software firm: a case for the proper balance of laws protecting software and competition Adam Cygan 
Zhenyun (George) Chen  The corporate governance reform of state-owned commercial banks in China
Yeside Oyetayo  Insurance regulation in the general agreement on trade in services: a model for liberalisation and development in Nigeria  

Criminal Law, Criminal Justice and Criminology

Name Title Supervisor(s)
Clive Akpotaire
(Graduated 2024)
The socio-legal policy considerations on international modern slavery and organised crime: Nigeria as a case study View online Onder Bakircioglu 
Eki Omorogbe
Megan Philips Criminalising association after Jogee Sally Kyd
Dan Bansal
Jennifer Armstrong
The issue of prior record as a consideration in sentencing in Canada
Sally Kyd
Melissa Bone
Roxanna Dehaghani  Vulnerability in Police Custody: Definition, Identification and Implementation in the Context of the Appropriate Adult Safeguard Steven Cammiss
Mandy Burton 
Brian Manarin Discriminatory and Unfair Practices Against the Indigenous Peoples of Canada in the Selection of Criminal Juries Sally Kyd
Mandy Burton 
Olson Alleyne  Criminalising identity theft: a comparative study of Barbados, England and Australia Sally Kyd
Chris Clarkson 
Shawna Coxon  Criminal fantasies: risk of harm in Canadian child pornography law Sally Kyd
Kevin Crosby  Jury independence and the general verdict: a genealogy Steven Cammiss 
Robert Barron  How scientific evidence has caused injustices in the English criminal legal system John Hartshorne 
Abidah Abdul Ghafar  Legal protection for vulnerable and intimidated witnesses: a critical analysis on the UK and Malaysian law from the perspective of human rights Mandy Burton
Steven Cammiss 
James Roffee  The law on incest: a new legal realist approach to understanding the English and Welsh prohibitions Sally Kyd

Dispute Resolution

Name Title Supervisor(s)
Cemre Kadioglu kumtepe
Decentralization of Justice by Use of Blockchain and Smart Contracts in Online Dispute Resolution
Pablo Cortés
Rossana Deplano
Valentina Dimitriou
(Graduated 2024)
The Impact of Repeatedly Appointed Arbitrators In The Development Of Investment Law: A De Facto Bench? An Empirical Perspective. View online Pablo Cortés 
Tony Cole
Chudi Nelson Ojukwu
An analysis of redress of options for Nigerian consumers in the electricity market 
Pablo Cortés
Maribel Canto-Lopez
Harry Meliniotis
(Graduated January 2024)
Statutory payment provisions, adjudication process and enforcement proceedings in the construction industry of the United Kingdom and New South Wales: a comparative legal analysis from the perspective of mitigating the injustice caused by adjudication’s pseudo-temporary nature.
Tony Cole
Pablo Cortés
Anna Kyprianou Spiliakou (Graduated January 2023)
The Autonomous Theory Of International Commercial Arbitration: An Autopoietic Perspective
Tony Cole
Paolo Vargiu
Md Maher Abbasy
(Graduated July 2022)
An Analysis of English Law in Referring Disputants to Consensual ADR Methods.
Masood Ahmed
Pablo Cortés
Marie-Odile Sander  Modern European forms of non-voluntary mediation: The case of England in comparative perspective Pablo Cortés
Masood Ahmed 
Dean Lewis  Testing the harmonisation and uniformity of the UNCITRAL model law on international commercial arbitration  Masood Ahmed
François du Bois 
Levi Ode  Party autonomy and enforceability of arbitration agreements and awards as the basis of arbitration Masood Ahmed
François du Bois 
Iris Truman  A proposal for International Court of State and Corporate Disputes - the ICSCD Malcolm Shaw
Katja Ziegler 

Employment Law

Name Title Supervisor(s)
Paul Taylor
(Graduated July 2023)
Pre-employment Background Checks, are they an indelible legal stain causing a barrier to employment? Lisa Rodgers
Pascale Lorber
Naomi Njuguna
(Graduated July 2022)
Using the Capabilities Approach in the Strategic Interpretation of the Right to Health in Kenya: A Case Study of the Psychosocial Working Conditions of Healthcare Workers in the Public Sector
Lisa Rodgers
Joe Wills
Stefano Bertea
Arwen Joyce
(Graduated July 2022)
Prioritising low-wage migrant workers and their migration projects: A comparative analysis of the laws and policies governing temporary labour migration in East and Southeast Asia
Bernard Ryan
Lisa Rodgers 
Ruksar Sattar 
Reconciliation of work and family life in an evolving United Kingdom labour market: A role for grandparents? Eugenia Caracciolo di Torella
Pascale Lorber 
Robert Wilks  Can the official recognition of sign language offer a solution to the apparent conflict between disability law and deaf identity, and if so, how? Lisa Rodgers
Pascale Lorber 
Sara Benedi Lahuerta  Examining the effectiveness of the EU Race Equality Directive (2000/43/EC) in Britain and Spain Oxana Golynker 
Lisa Rodgers Can a legal theory of vulnerability in employment be constructed which represents a valid organising principle for labour law? Mark Bell

European Law and Policy

Name Title Supervisor(s)
Ewa Zelazna  The EU International Investment Policy after the Treaty of Lisbon 2009: An Institutional Perspective Adam Cygan
Paolo Vargiu 
Gautier Busschaert  Participatory democracy in the European Union: a civil perspective Adam Cygan 

Human Rights

Name Title Supervisor(s)
Stephanie Coker
(Graduated January 2024)
Culture and child protection: Clarifying the significant harm threshold
Eugenia Caracciolo di Torella
Katherine Wade
Oluwabusayo Wuraola
(Graduated January 2023)
The Implications of the Grant of Legal Personhood to Natural Entities in New Zealand and The United States of America
Joe Wills
Stephen Riley
Stefano Bertea
Charlotte Mills
(Graduated January 2023)
(Dis)Honoured Bodies: The Impact of the “Ideal” Victim on Redress for South Korea’s Sex Slaves
Loveday Hodson
Troy Lavers 
Arwen Joyce
(Graduated July 2022)
Prioritising low-wage migrant workers and their migration projects: A comparative analysis of the laws and policies governing temporary labour migration in East and Southeast Asia Bernard Ryan
Lisa Rodgers
Shaimaa Ragab Hassan Abdelkarim (Graduated July 2021) Drafting the middle: a revival of contingency of rights on the ground Loveday Hodson
Joe Wills 
Claire Bessant (Graduated July 2021 The changing perceptions of family law Mandy Burton
John Hartshorne 
Cristina Saenz Perez (Graduated July 2021 Security, freedom and justice: The limits of mutual trust in EU Criminal law Adam Cygan
Katja Ziegler 
Daniel Weston 
(Graduated January 2021)
Free Speech, Speech Act Theory and “Speech Brigaded with Action”: When Does Protected Speech Become Regulable Action? Stefano Bertea
Peter Cumper 
Aristi Volou
Interaction of legal orders in the context of socio-economic rights: Moving towards justiciability?  

Katja Ziegler
Bernard Ryan

Jean-Claude Kalume Misenga
Eliminating violence against women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: What role for international law?  Loveday Hodson 
Troy Lavers
Khalida Azhigulova
Asia: efficiency of the regional inter-state cooperation in balancing human rights obligations against national security concerns Bernard Ryan
Onder Bakircioglu
Anna Kweskin The Right To Education As Cultural Imperialism: Through The Lens Of The One Laptop Per Child Project
Loveday Hodson 
Burcu Zeynep Akbaba  The permissibility of pharmacotherapy for paedophilic sex offenders in the light of the rights protected under the European Convention on human rights Sally Kyd
Liz Wicks 
Mohammad Alhaddad  Arrest and provisional detention: the obligations of the UAE under Article 14 of the Arab charter on human rights David Bonner
Robin White
Gift Sotonye-Frank  A critical examination of the suitability of a human rights based approach for implementing girls’ rights to education in Nigeria Eugenia Caracciolo di Torella
Anna Carline 
Gayatri Patel  How ‘universal’ is the United Nations’ universal periodic review process? An examination from a cultural relativist perspective Loveday Hodson
Peter Cumper 
Maribel Canto-Lopez  Jurisdiction and liability under the European convention of contracting parties participating in military operations abroad Robin White 
Tutku Tugyan Extraterritorial jurisdiction on human rights treaties Loveday Hodson
Patricia Streeter  Fair trial in Lithuania: from European convention to realisation Malcolm Shaw

International Law

Name Title Supervisor(s)
Yavuz Yildiz
The underlying trends influencing the (birth of the?) “Unwilling or Unable” doctrine and its wider implications
Onder Bakircioglu
Katja Ziegler
Valentina Dimitriou The effect of repeatedly appointed arbitrators to the evolution of international investment law Pablo Cortés 
Tony Cole
Ahmed Hasan
(Graduated 2024)
Carrier’s Obligations as to Seaworthiness and Duty of Care in Contracts of Affreightment. University of Leicester. View online  Ben Adodo
Masood Ahmed 
Shirley Llain Arenilla Colombia’s Nationality Law: A Historical Interpretation Bernard Ryan
Alan Desmond 
Andrea Harrison (graduation January 2024)
Legal reviews and judicial oversight in non-international armed conflicts
Katja Ziegler
Onder Bakircioglu
Claiton Fyock (graduation July 2023)
International Investment Law as Development: The Ideological Constraint of the Grand Bargain
Paolo Vargiu
Oluwabusayo Wuraola (Graduated January 2023)
The Implications of the Grant of Legal Personhood to Natural Entities in New Zealand and The United States of America
Joe Wills
Stephen Riley
Stefano Bertea
Stavroula Kalopsidiotou
(graduation 2021)
Regional Organisations and ‘Humanitarian Intervention’: Towards Unilateral Enforcement Rights? Eki Omorogbe
Aristi Volou
Interaction of legal orders in the context of socio-economic rights: Moving towards justiciability?  

Katja Ziegler
Bernard Ryan

Siavash Askarirad  A legal analysis of the move toward economic liberalization and foreign investment in Iran Tony Cole
Masood Ahmed
Ying-Jun Lin  The intersection of treaty interpretation and the boundary of sovereign power in international economic agreements Masood Ahmed
Tony Cole 
Charlotte Wick  Incitement to commit genocide Steven Cammiss
Troy Lavers 
Carlos Canales  Petroleum conservation: do international framework agreements for the development of transboundary hydrocarbon resources effectively apply conservation principles? Malcolm Shaw
Thoko Kaime 
Colin Flynn  Sentencing at the international criminal court: a practice in search of a rationale Troy Lavers
Yassin Brunger 
Samuel Akorimo  An assessment of the suitability of the ICT of Rwanda as a criminal justice response to the genocide of 1994
Eki Omorogbe
Malcolm Shaw 
Catherine Ovo Imoedemhe  National implementation of the complementary regime of the Rome statute: obligations and challenges for domestic legislation with Nigeria as a case study Eki Omorogbe 
Abdelnaser Ali  Smuggling of migrants in contemporary international law Katja Ziegler 
Farhad Mirzayev  UTI Possidetis v self-determination: the lessons of post-Soviet practice Malcolm Shaw
Loveday Hodson 
Eldirdiri (Dirdeiry) Mohamed Ahmed  The African territorial regime: establishing its customary existence and arguing for its augmentation by a tight to egalitarian secession Eki Omorogbe
Katja Ziegler 
Mojeed Alabi  Analysis of the role of the ECOWAS court in regional integration in West Africa Erika Szyszczak 

Law and Theory

Name Title Supervisor(s)
Claiton Fyock (graduation July 2023)
International Investment Law as Development: The Ideological Constraint of the Grand Bargain Paolo Vargiu
Oluwabusayo Wuraola (Graduated January 2023) The Implications of the Grant of Legal Personhood to Natural Entities in New Zealand and The United States of America
Joe Wills
Stephen Riley
Stefano Bertea
Maria Paula Barrantes-Reynolds  Legal pluralism in the Constitution of Bolivia of 2009: between multiculturalism and plurinationalism Stefano Bertea
Hilary Sommerlad 
Yavuz Alkan  Facilitative secularism: the place of religious arguments in public political debate Peter Cumper
Stefano Bertea 
Henry Jones  The failures of Liberalism in international law  
Joe Wills  Socioeconomic rights as counter-hegemonic praxis in an era of neo-liberal globalization: a Neo-Gramscian analysis Loveday Hodson 
Charlotte Woodhead  A critical analysis of the legal and quasi-legal recognition of the underlying principles and norms of cultural heritage Dawn Watkins
Janet Ulph 
Stuart Wright  A global governance approach to postmodern self-determination Loveday Hodson 


Name Title Supervisor(s)
Shweta Luthra
(Graduated July 2023)
Socio-Legal Perspectives on the Procedures for Fitness to Plead and Stand Trial under Indian and English Law
Sally Kyd
Tracey Elliott 
Aikaterini Kazou

The implementation of the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in English mental health law  
Liz Wicks 
Tracey Elliott 
Ebikaboere Bolanle Olaosebikan  An Investigation Of Surrogate Decision-Making In Relation To Dementia Patients In Care Homes And The ‘Best Interests’ Test Under The Mental Capacity Act 2005 José Miola
Tracey Elliott 
Nataly Papadopoulou  Assisted dying as the last human right: a critical review of the eligibility criteria for an assisted dying framework in England and Wales Liz Wicks
Tracey Elliott 
Brendan Kelly  Human rights protection for the mentally ill through mental health law in England and Ireland José Miola
Liz Wicks 

Private Law

Name Title Supervisor(s)
Tajeldin Mukhtar (graduation January 2024)
The Principle of Autonomy and The Applicable Law on Documentary Credits: A comparative study between Libyan, Egyptian and English laws
Ben Adodo
Horace Yeung
Marcelo Henrique Andrade (graduation January 2024)
The duty to mitigate loss in Brazil
François du Bois
Nicky Jackson
Oluwabusayo Wuraola (Graduated January 2023) The Implications of the Grant of Legal Personhood to Natural Entities in New Zealand and The United States of America
Joe Wills
Stephen Riley
Stefano Bertea
Coleen Lewis (graduation July 2022)
A critical and comparative analysis of the cyber defamation laws in England, USA and Australia, and considering proposals for reform of the Jamaican Defamation Act
John Hartshorne
Peter Cumper
Victoria Ball (graduation January 2022) Private law protection methods such as the tort of conversion and the protection of digital assets and intangibles Martin George
François du Bois 
Mavis Ku (graduation July 2021) “Core Values” and management of museum collections: An analysis of the legal and ethical guidance provided to English and Taiwanese museums Janet Ulph
Stephen Riley
Ann Marie Mangion
Socio-Legal Study of Divorce in Malta  Mandy Burton 
Dawn Watkins
Serife Esra Kiraz Third Party’s Intellectual Property Rights And The Seller’s Liability Under The United Nations Convention On International Sale Of Goods (CISG) And The Sale Of Goods Act (SGA)
François du Bois
Barbara Bogusz 
Haward Soper  Contract, conflict and co-operation - a critical analysis of the common law approach to the breakdown of mutual or symbiotic contracts François du Bois
Richard Craven 
Rita D'Alton Harrison  Governance of the legal and domiciled parent: international surrogacy, border controls and the ‘disconnected’ family Dawn Watkins 
Michael Filby  Cyber piracy: can file sharing be regulated without impeding the digital revolution? Barbara Bogusz 

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