Centre for Regional and Local History

Academic year: 2013-2014

Religious diversity in the local community, 1500-1700

Thursday 13 March 2014
Bill Sheils (University of York)

Books and reading in Coventry's Lollard community, 1381-1522

Thursday 27 February 2014
Maureen Jurkowski (UCL)

Death and memory in the early modern landscape

Thursday 13 February 2014
Nicola Whyte (University of Exeter)

Material life in the workhouse before the New Poor Law: a Dorset case study

Thursday 30 January 2014
Joseph Harley (University of Leicester)

Hoskins’ legacy – why landscape matters today

Thursday 16 January 2014
Dame Fiona Reynolds (Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge; formerly Director of the National Trust; Director of the Women’s Unit in the Cabinet Office; Director of the Council for the Protection of Rural England)

The Wellcome Library: research sources for English Local History and Medical Humanities

Thursday 5 December 2013
Ross Macfarlane (Wellcome Trust, London)

The four journeys of Joseph Stanley, a Manchester man

Thursday 21 November 2013
Mark Smith (University of Oxford)

'Kindly entertained by Dear friends in Newcastle': the benefits and limitations of regional approaches to Anglo-Norwegian religious history

Thursday 24 October 2013
Erin Bell (University of Lincoln)

'I'm Manchester; no I'm Manchester': Contesting place in popular politics in the industrial north of England, 1789-1848

Thursday 10 October 2013
Katrina Navickas (University of Hertfordshire)

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