Centre for Regional and Local History

Academic year: 2000-2001

Digging a strange pool: Marietta Pallis and the landscape history of the Norfolk Broads

Thursday 22 March 2001
David Matless (University of Nottingham)

Metaphors of death: commemorative practice in Orkney and beyond

Thursday 22 February 2001
Sarah Tatlow (University of Leicester)

Beauty, utility and profit: model farms and agricultural

Thursday 1 February 2001
Susan Wade-Martins (UEA)

Gossips and godmothers: women's networks of spiritual kinship in early Modern England

Thursday 25 January 2001
Will Coster (DMU)

A fishy tale: the depopulation of Bishops Itchington, Warwickshire, in the 16th century

Thursday 30 November 2000
Penny Upton (ELH, University of Leicester)

'Medieval of modern?' The experience of Berkshire community, 1400-1600

Thursday 23 November 2000
Margaret Yates (University of Birmingham)

Castle Rising in Norfolk: a landscape of lordship

Thursday 9 November 2000
Rob Lidyard (Bangor University)

Place-names of Kent

Thursday 19 October 2000
Paul Cullen (University of Sussex)

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