Botanic Garden and Attenborough Arboretum

Plants Wow!

An introduction to the exciting world of plants for KS1 and Year 3. 

We start in the classroom with an introduction, which includes looking at different plants. We talk with the children about how, where these plants live, is different. The children can see an example of the world’s biggest seeds.

Children visit different areas of the Botanic Garden in groups and complete a simple booklet about what they see and do. Teacher and children by cacti in the desert house at the university of Leicester Botanic Garden

  • In the classroom area the children plant seeds in individual pots to take back to school
  • Herbs- they match products to the herbs used to make them
  • Desert House - drawing different cacti on paper and in sand
  • Rainforest- matching products to plants
  • Woodland - bark and leaf rubbings
  • Parts of Plants- children collect materials to make a natural sculpture of a tree which they label. For year 3 this includes functions of the parts 

Groups usually complete three activity topics in the morning and two in the afternoon.

In addition there will have been suggested other special things to look out for and everyone has the opportunity to punch the soft Redwood bark!

The day finishes with a plenary to discuss everything that has been seen and learnt. 

  • Numbers: We can take up to two classes at a time (70 maximum)
  • Timing: A 20-30 minute taught introduction followed by 30 minutes in each of up to five habitats
  • Organisation: The children need to be organised in up to five small groups each to be accompanied by an adult
  • Cost: Please visit our programme costs page
  • Lunch: Lunch can be eaten outside or in a classroom

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