Botanic Garden and Attenborough Arboretum

Winter Woodlands

Learn more about woodlands, the plants that are there and how they can be useful to humans. For years 2/3/4.

After a taught introduction that explores more about woodlands and the plants and animals that live there. Includes revising terms such as deciduous and evergreen and the names of parts of plants.

This is then followed by these activities in small groups.Child painting  a pattern on cloth

  1. Build shelters using natural materials found on the ground for Playmobil figures
  2. Identify six common British trees using the clues we give
  3. Use woodland fruits as dyes to paint on cloth
  4. Study animal footprints and use stencils to form animal pathways
  5. Explore the tropical rainforest and desert glasshouses to see plants that are very different to those in a British woodland and compare the temperatures in each habitat

Please let us know if you would like this programmed tailored to a particular story set in a woodland. 

  • Age: Year 2 / 3 / 4
  • Numbers: One / two classes
  • Timing: Full day
  • Time of year: All year 
  • Lunch: Space will be provided to eat lunch indoors
  • Cost: Please visit our programme costs page

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