Botanic Garden and Attenborough Arboretum

Bear Hunt

For Foundation stage children, focusing on literacy and art. Children and school staff walking through a woodland

Bear Hunt is a day of active learning designed for Foundation stage children that looks closely at the Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury story 'We're going on a Bear Hunt'. After an introduction where the children are drawn in to feeling part of a magical story place to learn about stories together they consider the equipment needed to go on a bear hunt. Then together we chant the bear hunt rhyme and go outside to all the places mentioned in the book - through the swishy-swashy grass, the stumble trip forest....

After returning to the classroom for a snack the children set out in up to five small groups each led by at least one adult from school. They all visit each of the different places in the book to complete a different related art or literacy activity. Including mud printing, taking leaf and bark rubbings, making a grass picture, paddling in water and thinking of watery words.

After lunch which can be eaten outside in warm weather or inside each group collates all the work they have done by sticking them on long pieces of paper to show their journey. They start by drawing around their feet and finish by drawing the bear cave.

The day finishes under our special story tree with each group sharing their journey and then all singing and signing ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.

  • Numbers: We have only one indoor classroom, so we can only accommodate one class at a time. Year groups can be accommodated by coming across several days
  • Time: Full day.
  • Location: At the Attenborough Arboretum, Carisbrooke Rd. 
  • Cost: Please visit our programme costs page

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