Botanic Garden and Attenborough Arboretum
Woodland Adventures
Choices for F, KS1 or KS2 at the Attenborough Arboretum
Woodland Adventures offers a selection of half-day activities that can be put together to make a full day. Each session starts with an introduction, includes a series of hands-on activities and finishes with a plenary and a story under our story tree.
- Trees (KS1/2) Parts of tree, their functions, uses and seasonal changes are discussed. Outside, children identify nine trees using simple keys. KS1 and Year 3 choose a tree for particular study and make its 'passport', take measurements and make leaf and bark rubbings. Year 4-6 examine different seed dispersal methods in the introduction and then analyse from examples whether the nine trees are dispersed by wind, animals or humans
- Mini beasts (F, KS1/2) Children explore the many different habitats around the Arboretum to see what they can find. Depending on age they learn about life-cycles, food chains, investigate pond life and practice grouping and classification
- The Green Man (KS1/2) We talk about the many uses of plants and how it is vital we allow plants to grow. We link this to the international tradition of the Green Man and show different examples. Children make exciting 'Green Man' leaf masks
- Parts of Plants Children collect natural materials to make exciting tree sculptures and label the parts of the plant and discuss seasonal changes. Year 3 also look at the functions of parts of the plant.
- Animal Homes (KS1) Children find the homes of different wild animals and birds that live at the Arboretum and each collect footprint stamps to finish a picture. Then they collect natural materials to make nests for some special eggs.
- Orienteering (KS1/2) Follow compass directions to find special minibeast stamps around the Arboretum and draw their habitats. KS2 also measure distance and trace their route on a map. Use compass directions to find places in Leicestershire on a map.
- The Smartest Giant (EYFS) Be led on a trail around the Arboretum and find the places and items. Match socks, put belts in size order, find natural materials bigger than a giants foot, make a simple boat and test to see if it floats and make a special crown for the kind giant.
- Availability: March to November. (Orienteering - all year)
- Numbers: Usually one class (up to 36 children) as we only have one indoor classroom. For bigger groups we can offer activities 1,2,3,4 and 6 at the Botanic Garden, where we have larger classrooms.
- Duration: Half a day. Choose two activities for a full day.
- Cost: Please visit our programme costs page
Please note that the venue is at our satellite facility, the Attenborough Arboretum, and not the Botanic Garden itself.