Botanic Garden and Attenborough Arboretum

Local History - People and their Homes

For KS2 looking at people and their homes and gardens who have lived at the Botanic Garden, a locally significant site. 

The programme is taught inside Beaumont Hall, one of the Edwardian houses at the Botanic Garden where many original features remain. We discuss the lives of the people who lived there, both owners and servants, and set this in the context of the development of the city of Leicester.

The children rotate around five activities.

  1. Explore the Botanic Garden and find one hundred year old garden features to label on a map. 
  2. Inside the building the children see original examples of plaster work and create their own Plaster of Paris tiles
  3. Children visit the tropical glasshouse and learn about the work of some famous Leicestershire plant hunters and the presenter David Attenborough.
  4. Everyone can enjoy a short game of croquet on the lawn, as the owners would have done in the past.
  5. Children follow a trail to learn more about some very old trees and trees that people grow in gardens. 
  • Numbers: One / two classes
  • Organisation: In five small groups for two classes, minimum three groups for one class. 
  • Availability: All year
  • Duration: Full day
  • Cost: Please visit our programme costs page

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