Botanic Garden and Attenborough Arboretum

Global Fruit Trail

KS2/3 for one / two classes supporting Science, Geography, Citizenship & ESD for pupils year 4 and above. Children inside the tropical house at The university of Leicester Botanic Garden

The introductory talk touches on many aspects of the science curriculum, including seed dispersal, adaptation, diversity and uses of plants. Variation between climatic zones and its effect on plants is also discussed.

The students follow a trail around the Garden, using a map, in search of a variety of fruits grown in different climatic zones. The trail takes them through British woodland, a desert, into Mediterranean and tropical glasshouses. They complete a quiz sheet as the visit each area. When they return, the answers are discussed and they then have the opportunity to sample most of the fruits they have seen by making their own fruit kebab.

The other part of the trip is classroom based and highlights the importance of plants as a global food commodity and starts to explore different global issues linked with food: fair trade, food miles, packaging and recycling, organic produce and our consumer power. The children rotate a round to complete a series of sustainability activities that further explore global issues relating to food.

  • Numbers: One / two classes (70 students)
  • Duration: Full day
  • Cost: Please visit our programme costs page see
  • Allergies: Students do not collect or taste any nuts. All fruits that are tasted are clearly labelled. Children choose which fruits they use to make their kebab. On request a fruit can omitted from the kebabs completely if someone has a severe allergy. 
  • Alternative option: Instead of the classroom sustainability activities you can choose three plant life cycle activities (any from activities 1-5)

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