Botanic Garden and Attenborough Arboretum

 Programme  Topic  F  KS1  KS2
Archaeology Discover history through archaeological evidence      +
Autumn/Spring Seasons for EYFS/Yr1 + Yr1
Bear Hunt English and Art for Foundation children +    
Elmer Based on David McKee's story 'Elmer and the Lost Teddy'. English, art and science + Yr1
Global Fruit Trail World fruits, science, global trade, sustainability. Make a fruit kebab Yr4/5/6
Habitats and Adaptations Activities on six different habitats Yr2 +
International Sport?  Compare the climates and plant life in competing countries. Plus a simulation exercise about the pros and cons of hosting an international sporting event +
Islamic Art   Plants in Islamic Art. Create own work using stencils      +

Journeys to Christmas

Decorations, Christmas story and gifts  +  +  Yr3/4
Life Cycles A selection of activities on plant and animal life cycles +
Maths Trail Differentiated maths activities in the Botanic Garden + +
People and their Homes  Learn about people and their homes and gardens who lived on a locally significant site +
Plants Wow! An introduction to the exciting world of plants + Yr3
Rainforests See our rainforest glasshouse, compare with other habitats, make a Henri Rousseau picture +
Sculpture Learn more about our permanent sculpture collection, make a clay sculpture and a natural sculpture. + +
Understanding and enjoying the outside  A series of activities to enhance understanding of the British countryside   + Yr3/4
Waste Busters Follow a trail and learn about reusing, recycling and composting + +
Whole World Cake Plants, food and people + Yr3/4
Winter Woodlands Footprints, shelter building, painting cloth with fruit dyes, Tree ID, exploring Yr2 Yr3/4
Woodland Adventures A selection of half-day activities from: Trees, Minibeasts, Animal Homes, Green Man Masks, Parts of Plants, Orienteering, Smartest Giant + + +

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