University of Leicester A-Zs
Complete A-Z of University of Leicester
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Separate indexes are available for academic departments, administrative services, and research groups.
- AccessAbility Centre (support for disabled/dyslexic students)
- Accommodation for Prospective Students
- Accommodation Office (log in required)
- Admissions Office
- Advanced Imaging Facility (AIF)
- Almanac
- Alumni
- American Studies
- Archaeology and Ancient History
- Arts Centre (Attenborough Arts Centre)
- Arts, Media, and Communication, School of
- Assetbank (image library)
- Astronomical, Earth and Planetary Science (research theme)
- Athena SWAN at the University of Leicester
- Atmospheric Chemistry Group
- Attenborough Arts Centre
- Audio visual equipment (log in required)
- Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Analysis Support Hub (BBASH)
- Biological Sciences, School of
- Biomedical Research Centre
- Biomedical Services, Division of
- Biostatistics Research Group
- Birth Cohort (1958) Access
- Blackboard (staff and students only)
- Botanic Garden
- Bristol Leicester Oxford Colloquium (BLOC)
- Business, School of
- Campus Services
- Cancer Research Centre
- Cardiovascular Sciences, Department of
- Careers and Employability Service
- Catering (external site)
- Centre for International Training and Education (CITE)
- Centre for New Writing
- Centre for Systems Neuroscience
- Chaplaincy
- Charity status information
- Chemical Biology Research Group
- Chemistry, School of
- Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group
- Clearing, adjustment and confirmation
- Clinical Trials Unit
- College Court
- College of Life Sciences
- College of Science and Engineering
- College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities
- Committees
- Communications and Engagement
- Computational Engineering and Control Research Group
- Computing
- Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (log in required)
- Conference Centre (College Court)
- Conference Services
- Consumers and Essential Services, Centre for
- Copyright (Staff and Students)
- Core Biotechnology Services
- Corporate Events Team
- Council
- Counselling (Staff)
- Counselling (Students)
- Court
- Criminology, Sociology and Social Policy, School of
- Dalian Leicester Institute (Leicester International Institute, Dalian University of Technology)
- Data Protection
- Design and Visual Identity (log in required)
- Disabled/dyslexic student support (AccessAbility Centre)
- Distance and online learning
- DNA Sanger Sequencing facility
- Doctor (NHS)
- Doctoral College
- Donations
- Earth Observation Science Group
- East Midlands and South Yorkshire Congenital Anomalies Register (EMSYCAR)
- East Midlands Forensic Pathology Unit
- East Midlands Oral History Archive
- Education Hub (staff only)
- Education, School of
- Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Variant Database
- Electrical and Electronic Signals and Systems Research Group
- Electron Microscopy Facility
- Emergency Medicine Academic Group (EMAG)
- Engineering, School of
- English Association
- English at Leicester
- English Language Teaching Unit
- Environment, Energy and Climate Change (research theme)
- E-payment
- EPICure 2
- Equipment Database
- Equity, diversity and inclusion
- Erasmus
- Ernest and Helen Scott Haematological Research Institute, The
- Estates
- Ethics
- European Law and Internationalisation, Centre of (CELI)
- European Working Group on Labour Law (EWL)
- Exams and Assessment
- External Relations
- Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits, Centre for (GACT)
- Genetic Fingerprinting and Sir Alec Jeffreys
- Genetics and Genome Sciences, Leicester Institute of
- Genetics, Genomics and Cancer Sciences, Department of
- GENIE (Genetics Education Networking for Innovation & Excellence)
- Genomics Core Facility
- Geography at Leicester
- Geography, Geology and the Environment, School of
- Geology at Leicester
- Geophysics and Borehole Research Group
- Giorgini Research Group
- Giving
- Global Ethics and Political Theory Research Cluster
- Governance
- Graduation
- Grassroutes: Contemporary Leicestershire Writing
- Great War (microsite)
- Haematological Research Institute
- Hate Studies, Leicester Centre for
- Health and Wellbeing (staff)
- Health and Wellbeing (students)
- Health Centre (external site)
- Healthcare, School of
- Here for U (external site)
- Historical Archaeology, Centre for
- History
- History of Art and Film
- History, Politics and International Relations, School of
- Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Stanley Burton Centre for
- Honorary Graduates
- Human Resources, Division of (log in required)
- IDeoGRAMS Research Group
- Image library (Assetbank)
- Impact of Diasporas on the Making of Britain
- Inaugural Lectures
- Information Assurance Services
- Information Governance (Research)
- Information Hub
- Institute for Advanced Studies
- Institute for Digital Culture
- Institute for Environmental Futures
- Institute for Lung Health
- Institute for Precision Health (IPH)
- Institute for Space
- Institute for Structural and Chemical Biology
- Insular Manuscripts AD 650-850: Networks of Knowledge
- Insurance
- Intelligence, Security and Strategic Studies Research Group
- Interdisciplinary Science, Centre for
- International Astronomical Union Working Group on Astronomy and World Heritage
- International Professional Development Unit
- International Society for Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture (ISAAC)
- International Society for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ISHLL)
- Inter-Union Commission on the History of Astronomy (C41/IHAC)
- Ion Channel Group (Department of Cardiovascular Sciences)
- Ionic Liquids Group
- IRIS (Integrated Research Information System: CRIS) log-in
- IT Services (log in required)
- Landscape and Climate Research, Centre for
- Landscape and Communities (research theme)
- Languages at Leicester
- Laser Spectroscopy Group
- Late and Moderate preterm Birth Study (LAMBS)
- Learning and Teaching Room Support (staff and students only)
- Learning Innovation Studio
- Leicester Cancer Research Centre
- Leicester Clinical Trials Unit
- Leicester Drug Discovery and Diagnostics
- Leicester Global Study Centre
- Leicester Imaging Technologies (LITE)
- Leicester Institute of Structural and Chemical Biology (LISCB)
- Leicester International Institute, Dalian University of Technology
- Leicester Law School
- Leicester Medical School
- Leicester Microbial Sciences and Infectious Diseases Network (LeMID)
- Leicester Molecular Diagnostics
- Leicester Physics Centre
- Leicester Research Archive
- Leicester Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit
- Leicester Tuberculosis Research Group
- Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society (LAHS)
- Library
- Life Sciences Interface (research theme)
- Life Sciences, College of
- Lung Health, Institute for
- Maps
- Marketing
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
- Materials and Interfaces Research Group
- Materials and Nano-materials (research theme)
- Materials Technology Integration Centre (MaTIC)
- Mathematical Modelling Centre (MMC)
- Mathematical Sciences
- Matheson Neurobiology Group
- Mechanics of Materials Research Group
- Media and Communication at Leicester
- Media, Communication and Sociology, School of
- Medicine, School of (Leicester Medical School)
- Medieval Research Centre
- Mental Wellbeing Service
- Microbial Sciences Group
- Modern Languages
- Molecular and Cell Biology, Department of
- Molecular Cytogenetics Research Group (Heslop-Harrison Group)
- Monks Research Group
- MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
- Museum Studies at Leicester
- Museums and Galleries, Research Centre for (RCMG)
- My Leicestershire History
- Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network (PICANet)
- Paleobiology Research, Centre for
- Parties, Participation and Public Opinion (3PO) Research Cluster
- Payment (electronic)
- Personnel Services (staff)
- PhD studentships
- Philanthropy
- Philosophy and Political Economy, Centre for (CPPE)
- Physics and Astronomy, School of
- Politics and International Relations at Leicester
- Population Health Sciences, Department of
- Postal and Courier Services (staff)
- Postgraduate Prospectus
- Postgraduate Researcher Development
- Postgraduate Scholarships
- Preclinical Research Facility
- Preterm and After (PANDA)
- Prevent
- Print Services
- Procurement Unit (staff)
- Professional Services
- Professorial Inaugural Lectures
- Protein Expression Laboratory (PROTEX)
- Protein Nucleic Acid Chemistry Laboratory
- Proteomics facility
- Psychology and Vision Sciences, School of
- Radio and Space Plasma Physics Group
- Recruiting staff (for managers) (log-in required)
- Reflect (lecture capture)
- Regional and Local History, Centre for
- Registry (Student and Academic Services)
- Regulations
- Research and Enterprise Division (staff)
- Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG)
- Research Code of Conduct (PDF) (staff only)
- Research Design Service for the East Midlands (NIHR RDS for EM)
- Research ethics (log-in required)
- Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021) (staff only)
- Research governance, ethics and integrity (log-in required)
- Research grants and summaries (log-in required)
- Research integrity (external page)
- Research Integrity (log-in required)
- Research portal
- Research studentships
- Research Support Services (log in required)
- Researcher Development (log in required)
- Researching Sensitive, Extreme or Radical Material
- Respiratory Sciences Group
- Respiratory Sciences, Department of
- Richard III
- Rooms (and Room Bookings)
- Safeguarding
- Safety Services
- Sanctuary Seekers' Unit
- SAPPHIRE (Social science APPlied to Healthcare Improvement REsearch)
- Scholarships, Postgraduate
- School and College Services
- Science and Engineering, College of
- Security Office
- Senate
- Services for Business
- Social Epigenetics Lab
- Social Impact Team
- Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, College of
- Sociology
- Space Park Leicester
- Space Research Centre
- Spectroscopy and Dynamics Research Group
- Sponsorship (NHS research)
- Sport and Active Life
- Staff Blogs
- Staff Health and Wellbeing
- Staff Learning and Development
- Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
- Stoneygate Centre for Empathic Healthcare
- Strategic Plan
- Student and Academic Services (log-in required)
- Student Blogs
- Student Counselling Service (login required)
- Student Learning Development
- Student support
- Student wellbeing
- Students’ Union (external site)
- Study Abroad Unit
- Succeed In Your Studies
- Sustainability
- Sustainable Synthesis and Catalysis Research Group
- Swift Gamma Ray Burst Mission - UK Science Data Centre
- Systems Neuroscience, Centre for