Department of Cardiovascular Sciences
Department of Cardiovascular Sciences
We have an international reputation for excellence in cardiovascular research, with research spanning the full spectrum from bench to bedside. Our work has had a major impact on the treatment of patients nationally and globally.
We have strong links with the NHS, as illustrated by the award of a National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre with a Cardiovascular Disease theme. We have an excellent record in student training, and we are proud to have been awarded the Athena SWAN Silver Award.
The Department hosts the British Heart Foundation Chair in Cardiac Surgery, Professor Gavin Murphy. Professor Sir Nilesh Samani, who prior to his appointment as Medical Director of the BHF also held a BHF Chair. In addition, Professor Gerry McCann holds an NIHR Research Professorship.
Professor Rob Sayers's chair is funded by a generous philanthopic donation from George Davies.
The Department is led by Professor G. Andre Ng as our Head of Department. Professor Ng is a Cardiac Electrophysiology and Consultant Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, with which the Department has strong links. Senior clinical academics provide leadership in patient care, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate medical teaching and training.
The Department has been awarded a British Heart Foundation Research Accelerator Award as well as a British Heart Foundation 4 year PhD studentship Programme.
The Department has laboratory and clinical research facilities at Glenfield Hospital, the regional cardiac centre, including the £12.5M state-of-the-art University of Leicester British Heart Foundation Cardiovascular Research Centre, as well research facilities at the Preclinical Research Facility, Hodgkin Building and Henry Wellcome Building on the main campus. These provide an environment in which research can be translated ‘from bench to bedside’, and gives opportunities for collaborative working between laboratory, translational and clinical scientists.
Research maps to the following key themes:
- Cardiovascular Precision and Stratified Medicine: Biomarkers, Genomics and Imaging
- Device and Drug Discovery, Intervention and Clinical Trials (D3ICT)
The University’s research is ranked 30 in the UK in the Research Excellence Framework 2021, according to analysis by Times Higher Education.