Distance and online learning
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
MOOCs are short courses that are delivered online for free enabling everyone, everywhere to enjoy learning throughout their lives. The courses are self-directed, meaning you follow the course materials, complete the readings and assessments, and get help from a large community of fellow learners through online forums.
Although our MOOCs do not have formal university credits assigned to them, they meet the same academic standards that we apply to our on-campus and distance learning courses and are led and developed by world-class academics at the University of Leicester.

Start Your Career as a Healthcare Professional: Online Work Related Learning
Next start date: open now
This course will help you discover the skills needed to work in various healthcare roles. You’ll learn more about the industry, hear from various professionals, and discover the skills and attributes needed to thrive in a healthcare setting.
Find out more about our Healthcare work related learning MOOC
Country Houses and the British Empire: How Imperialism Transformed Britain’s Colonial Countryside
Next start date: open now
This course takes a new look at the roots and reach of the British Empire focusing on the typical country house and the objects it contains. Examining these objects will give you a unique understanding of the connections that recent historical research has found between Britain’s empire and its colonial homes.
Find out more about our Country Houses and British Empire MOOC
Reversing Diabetes: Fact or Fiction?
Next start date: open now
On this course, you will explore the physiological effects of weight gain and weight loss. You will consider what is meant by type 2 diabetes prevention, remission, reversal and cure.
Find out more about our Diabetes MOOC
Discovering Your PhD Potential: Writing a Research Proposal
Next start date: open now
Learn how to write an excellent research proposal for a postgraduate application.
Find out more about our Discovering Your PhD Potential MOOC
People Studying People: Research Ethics in Society
Next start date: open now
Explore what ethics is and why it is important to research, as well as reflecting on the value of ethical thinking for research.
Find out more about our Research Ethics in Society MOOC
An introduction to Applied Linguistics
Next start date: open now
You will be introduced to applied linguistics and how linguistics is applied in a range of fields - from language teaching to law.
Find out more about our Applied Linguistics MOOC
English Football: a Social History
Next start date: open now
You will explore the origins of football, from early clubs to professional leagues and European competition; the role of the media and formation of the Premier League; and how LCFC rose from 5,000-1 outsiders to Premier League Champions.
Find out more about our English Football MOOC

Concepts in Sustainable Development
Next start date: open now
In this course you will study the conceptual foundations of sustainable development, and discuss the issues around sustainability as a complex problem.